22 research outputs found

    Manure Utilization from Cows, Goats, and Chickens as Compost, Biochar, and Poschar in Increasing the Red Chili Yield

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    This study aimed to determine the characteristics of biochar, compost, and poschar from livestock manure waste and its effect on the yield of red chili plants. Randomized Block Design (RBD) with nested patterns was used in this study. The treatment composition consisted of 9 types of fertilizer (cow compost, goat compost, chicken compost, beef biochar, goat biochar, chicken biochar, beef poschar, goat poschar, and chicken poschar), and 3 levels of fertilizer doses (5, 10, and 15-ton ha-1) and one control treatment. The results showed that the type of fertilizer treatment did not significantly influence all observed variables, except the maximum plant height and fresh weight of shoot had a very significant effect. While the dose of fertilizer did not have a significant effect on most of the variables observed except for the height of the chili plant, the weight of the fresh stem and leaves, and the weight of the fresh chili harvested. In various types of fertilizer treatments, the maximum plant height obtained in chicken biochar (111.53 cm), which shows a slight difference when it was compared with the lowest plant height of 99.58 cm in biochar goat. The treatment of compost, biochar, and poschar sourced from 15 tons ha-1 chicken manure achieved the highest yields of fresh weight of chili harvested respectively 266.06 g, 270.95 g, and 280.05 g which were significantly increased 39.16%, 41.72%, and 46.48% compared with control (without treatments)

    Analysis of Feed for Digestibility Bali Cow in Group "Simantri" Program in Bali on Different Topographic

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    This study aims to determine the availability of feed ingredients, types and diversity as well as the proportion, relation to digestibility, VFA production and N-NH3 for Bali cow holding in the group "Simantri" program  in Bali on the different topography. Retrieving data using the method of observation at 27 group "Simantri", at 3 altitude / topography (lowland, medium and high). Variables measured: feed amount given, type and diversity of feed ingredients and proportions, sampling of feed materials, and take the liquid contents rumen. Sampling feed material to determine the nutrient content and digestibility of the ration, while knowing VFA rumen fluid contents (total and partial) and N-NH3.  The results showed the higher the percentage of a natural grass in the lower ration. This condition causes the higher topography and diversity of the types of feed materials more and more.  The proportion of shrub legume Gliricidia leaves of trees, especially in the diet is relatively small (6.6%), while the potential of Gliricidia leaves pretty much at all altitude. Judging from the fulfillment of nutrients, Bali cow rations at all topographic meet the needs/head/day in the range of 6.10 to 8.14 kgDM, protein (CP) ± of 750,2g  and energy ± 12 526 kcal ME.  In the test VFA rumen fluid obtained from 71.68 to 85.07 mMol in the category enough, while N-NH3: 5,21-6,11mMol still relatively low .  From this study we can conclude supply of feed for Bali cow in the group "Simantri" program in Bali nutrient content rations have to meet the needs.  The higher the proportion of legume shrub tree (Gliricidia leaves) the digestibility, VFA production and N-NH3 getting better

    Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Limbah Kulit Kopi untuk Pakan Ternak di Desa Catur, Kecamatan Kintamani-Bangli

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    Kulit kopi merupakan salah satu jenis limbah pertanian dari industri pengolahan kopi, yang ketersediaannya sangat banyak di Indonesia. Terdapat 2 jenis kopi yaitu kopi arabica dan kopi robusta, masing-masing dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat sesuai dengan kondisi geografis wilayah. Di Bali kopi robusta banyak dibudidayakan didaerah Tabanan, sedangkan kopi arabica banyak dibudidayakan di daerah Bangli khususnya di Kintamani yang telah memiliki sertifikat Spesifikasi Indikasi Geografis (SIG) karena cita rasanya yang sangat baik dan telah terkenal di manca negara. Salah satu masalah yang dihadapi masyarakat dan pengolah kopi adalah limbah kulit kopi belum dimanfaatkan dan cendrung mengganggu lingkungan. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberikan alih tehnologi pengolahan limbah kulit kopi menjadi pakan ternak, sehingga dapat bermanfaat sekaligus dapat meningkatkan produktivitas ternak. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan masyarakat ini adalah penyuluhan, diskusi dan tanya jawab, dan praktik pembuatan. Dalam penyuluhan diberikan teori dan penggunaan beberapa jenis probiotik yaitu : EM-4, Bio Bali Tani, MOL kopi, dan Aspergilus niger. Dalam praktik pembuatan dimulai dari pembuatan larutan fermentor untuk 1 ton bahan kulit kopi dengan perbandingan 10 lt air + 1lt probiotik + 1 lt molase, kemudian dicampurkan dalam bahan pakan secara merata. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa proses fermentasi dapat berjalan dengan baik, serta dapat direkomendasikan kepada kelompok bahwa penggunaan probiotik mikro organisme local (MOL) dari kulit kopi dapat diterapkan dan hasilnya paling baik. Dilakukan proses fermentasi selama 2 minggu, kemudian dikering anginkan untuk bisa diberikan pada ternak. Untuk meyakinkan anggota kelompok, maka akhir dari kegiatan dilakukan uji coba pada ternak, untuk mengetahui tingkat konsumsinya

    Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Limbah Kulit Kopi untuk Pakan Ternak di Desa Catur, Kecamatan Kintamani-Bangli

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    Kulit kopi merupakan salah satu jenis limbah pertanian dari industri pengolahan kopi, yang ketersediaannya sangat banyak di Indonesia. Terdapat 2 jenis kopi yaitu kopi arabica dan kopi robusta, masing-masing dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat sesuai dengan kondisi geografis wilayah. Di Bali kopi robusta banyak dibudidayakan didaerah Tabanan, sedangkan kopi arabica banyak dibudidayakan di daerah Bangli khususnya di Kintamani yang telah memiliki sertifikat Spesifikasi Indikasi Geografis (SIG) karena cita rasanya yang sangat baik dan telah terkenal di manca negara. Salah satu masalah yang dihadapi masyarakat dan pengolah kopi adalah limbah kulit kopi belum dimanfaatkan dan cendrung mengganggu lingkungan. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberikan alih tehnologi pengolahan limbah kulit kopi menjadi pakan ternak, sehingga dapat bermanfaat sekaligus dapat meningkatkan produktivitas ternak. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan masyarakat ini adalah penyuluhan, diskusi dan tanya jawab, dan praktik pembuatan. Dalam penyuluhan diberikan teori dan penggunaan beberapa jenis probiotik yaitu : EM-4, Bio Bali Tani, MOL kopi, dan Aspergilus niger. Dalam praktik pembuatan dimulai dari pembuatan larutan fermentor untuk 1 ton bahan kulit kopi dengan perbandingan 10 lt air + 1lt probiotik + 1 lt molase, kemudian dicampurkan dalam bahan pakan secara merata. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa proses fermentasi dapat berjalan dengan baik, serta dapat direkomendasikan kepada kelompok bahwa penggunaan probiotik mikro organisme local (MOL) dari kulit kopi dapat diterapkan dan hasilnya paling baik. Dilakukan proses fermentasi selama 2 minggu, kemudian dikering anginkan untuk bisa diberikan pada ternak. Untuk meyakinkan anggota kelompok, maka akhir dari kegiatan dilakukan uji coba pada ternak, untuk mengetahui tingkat konsumsinya


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    Cita rasa kopi Kintamani yang khas telah terkenal sampai dengan ke mancanegara. Budidaya kopi di Kecamatan Kintamani umumnya diintegrasikan dengan sapi Bali. Pengolahan buah kopi menghasilkan sekitar 65 % biji kopi dan 35 % limbah kulit kopi. Untuk mendukung penerapan integrasi tanaman-ternak dengan konsep tanpa limbah, maka limbah kulit kopi ini dapat diolah lagi menjadi produk pangan maupun produk pakan ternak. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap petani kopi arabika anggota Subak Abian Wanasari Kenjung Desa Catur, Kecamatan Kintamani, Kabupaten Bangli, Provinsi Bali sebanyak 20 orang terhadap integrasi tanaman kopi dengan sapi Bali dengan konsep tanpa limbah. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dimulai dari pendampingan kepada petani untuk berkumpul di UPP Catur Paramitha, pemberian kuesioner pretest, pemaparan materi mempergunakan powerpoint tentang pentingnya integrasi tanaman-ternak, dampak pengolahan limbah kulit kopi pada lingkungan dan peningkatan pendapatan petani, diakhiri dengan sesi tanya jawab, posttest, dan menunjukkan produk-produk pangan dan pakan yang berasal dari pengolahan limbah kulit kopi. Hasil yang diharapkan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah petani konsisten menerapkan integrasi tanaman-ternak serta diolahnya limbah kulit kopi sebagai produk pangan dan pakan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan. Kata kunci: Integrasi tanaman-ternak, pengolahan kulit kopi, tanpa limbah ABSTRACT The distinctive taste of Kintamani coffee has been known to foreign countries. Coffee cultivation in Kintamani District is generally integrated with Bali cattle. Processing of coffee cherries produces about 65% of coffee beans and 35% of coffee husk waste. To support the application of plant-livestock integration with the concept of zero waste, this coffee husk waste can be reprocessed into food and feed products. The purpose of this service activity is to increase the knowledge and attitudes of Arabica coffee farmers, members of Subak Abian Wanasari Kenjung, Catur Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, Bali Province, which amounted to 38 people towards the integration of coffee plants with Bali cattle with zero waste concept. The method of implementing this community service activity begins from mentoring farmers to gather at the UPP Catur Paramitha, giving pretest questionnaires, presenting material using powerpoints about the importance of plant-livestock integration, the impact of processing coffee husk waste on the environment and increasing farmers' income, ending with a question and answer session, posttest, and show food and feed products that come from coffee husk waste processing. The expected result of this community service activity is that farmers consistently apply plant-livestock integration and the processing of coffee husk waste as food and feed products to increase income. Keywords: Plant-livestock integration, coffee husk processing, zero wast

    Effect of Male Mating Time on Landrace Pig Reproduction

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    Pig livestock is one of the livestock developed in Indonesia because it can adapt to environmental conditions, has good production and reproduction properties including fast growth so that the body matures and quickly, the number of liters of labor size is large, birth weight and weaning weight are high, meat production is high and can also meet human needs. To meet human needs for protein and the economy, it is necessary to increase the production and productivity of pig livestock by paying attention to reproductive aspects, and nutrition. This study aims to determine the influence of the time interval of male mating in nature which affects the conception rate, liter size, and mortality. This research was carried out in Catur Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency from April to August 2022. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method by mating males at time intervals and observing the results directly. The number of livestock used in this study was 6 landrace sows consisting of 1 sow mated with males at intervals of once a week, 2 heads mated at intervals twice a week, and 3 heads mated at intervals of three times a week. The variables observed in this study were conception rate, liter size, and mortality. The results showed that the interval of mating time influenced the conception rate value and the number of liters of size. The best interval from the results of this study is one mating in a week, namely a conception rate of 100%, the number of liters size 9 heads. And the time interval of mating has no effect on the mortality of the child at birth

    PKM Pengolahan Limbah Ternak Menjadi Biochar

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    Biochar merupakan material yang kaya akan karbon dengan ciri fisik morfologi biochar berpori. Biochar memiliki kemampuan untuk menahan unsur hara dan air, meningkatkan kehidupan mikroba di dalam tanah dan secara keseluruhan meningkatkan kesuburan tanah. Kotoran hewan yang sering mencemari lingkungan dapat diubah menjadi biochar melalui pembakaran tidak sempurna untuk menghasilkan arang biochar yang dapat digunakan untuk memperbaiki tanah pertanian yang miskin unsur hara. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di kelompok tani ternak Satwa Winangun Desa Tangkas Kabupaten Klungkung yang berlangsung dari bulan Mei sampai Juli 2021. Kegiatan PKM ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan mitra untuk berinovasi dalam mengolah limbah ternak menjadi biochar. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut adalah melalui pelatihan, pendampingan, dan alih teknologi dengan praktik langsung di lapangan. Alih teknologi pembuatan biochar dari kotoran hewan mendapat respon yang baik dari para peserta pelatihan, terutama karena mereka belum pernah membuat biochar. Melalui penguatan kelompok dan alih teknologi dengan program PKM, para peserta pelatihan telah dapat mempraktekkan secara langsung proses pembuatan biochar dan menghasilkan produk pupuk biochar yang siap diaplikasikan pada lahan pertanian.Biochar is a material rich in carbon with the physical characteristics of porous biochar morphology. Biochar has the ability to retain nutrients and water, increase microbial life in the soil and overall increase soil fertility. Animal waste that often pollutes the environment can be converted into biochar through incomplete combustion to produce biochar charcoal which can be used to improve nutrient-poor agricultural soils. This service is carried out at the Satwa Winangun livestock farmer group, Tangkas Village, Klungkung Regency which takes place from May to July 2021. This PKM activity aims to increase the understanding and skills of partners to innovate in processing livestock waste into biochar. The method used to achieve this goal is through training, mentoring, and technology transfer with direct practice in the field. The transfer of technology for making biochar from animal waste received a good response from the trainees, especially because they had never made biochar. Through group strengthening and technology transfer with the PKM program, the trainees have been able to practice directly the process of making biochar and producing biochar fertilizer products that are ready to be applied to agricultural land

    Effect of Planting Distance and Dosage of Chicken Manure on Production and Botanical Composition of Taiwan Elephant Grass (Pennisetum purpureum cv. Taiwan) at Different Cutting Phases

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    Availability of forage fodder both in quality and quantity is an important factor in determining the success of the ruminant livestock business. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of plant spacing and fertilizer dosage on the production of Taiwan Elephant Grass (Pennisetum purpureum cv. Taiwan) at different cuts. The field research was conducted using a Randomized Block Design (RAK) with a 3 x 4 factorial pattern, where three treatments were plant spacing (Factor A), and four treatments were dosed with fertilizer (Factor B). Each treatment combination was repeated three times so that there were 36 plots of treatment combinations. (Factor A) which consists of 3 types of spacing, namely (J1 ) 30 x 50 cm, (J2 ) 40 x 50 cm, (J3 ) 50 x 50 cm and 4 doses of fertilizer treatment (Factor B) which consists of 4 doses of fertilizer namely without fertilizer (D0), 10 tons//ha (D1), 20 tons/ha (D2), 30 tons/ha (D3). The variables measured were total plant production, botanical composition, and air dry weight (DW). Based on the study results, the spacing treatment had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the total production of Taiwan Elephant Grass stems at the first cutting. In contrast, the total plant weight, % stem, % leaf, air-dry weight (DW) had no significant effect (P> 0.05) on all observed variables. All the variables observed at the second and third cuts were not significantly different (P>0.05), but the total crop production at the third cut was higher than the second cut. The type of fertilizer had no significant effect (P>0.05) on all observed variables such as total plant weight, % stem, % leaf, total stem weight, total leaf weight