61 research outputs found

    Procalcitonin beyond the acute phase: Novel biomediator properties?

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    Since inflammation has been linked to carcinogenic events, discovery of relevant biomarkers may have important preventative implications. Procalcitonin (ProCT) has been shown to be an important prognostic biomarker in severe inflammatory conditions, but there is no data regarding its biomarker role, if any, beyond the acute phase. In a recent study published in BMC Medicine, Cotoi et al. analyzed whether serum ProCT levels in healthy individuals are associated with mortality outcomes. The results are affirmative in that baseline ProCT was shown to be strongly and independently associated with all-cause and cancer mortality and with the incidence of colon cancer in men. By contrast, the study indicated that high sensitivity C-reactive protein was independently associated with cardiovascular mortality but not with cancer mortality in men. Thus, baseline levels of ProCT appear to have prognostic biomarker implications potentially related to its emerging biomediator action(s)

    Lithium as an Alternative Option in Graves Thyrotoxicosis

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    A 67-year-old woman was admitted with signs and symptoms of Graves thyrotoxicosis. Biochemistry results were as follows: TSH was undetectable; FT4 was \u3e6.99 ng/dL (0.7–1.8); FT3 was 18 pg/mL (3–5); TSI was 658% (0–139). Thyroid uptake and scan showed diffusely increased tracer uptake in the thyroid gland. The patient was started on methimazole 40 mg BID, but her LFTs elevated precipitously with features of fulminant hepatitis. Methimazole was determined to be the cause and was stopped. After weighing pros and cons, lithium was initiated to treat her persistent thyrotoxicosis. Lithium 300 mg was given daily with a goal to maintain between 0.4 and 0.6. High dose Hydrocortisone and propranolol were also administered concomitantly. Free thyroid hormone levels decreased and the patient reached a biochemical and clinical euthyroid state in about 8 days. Though definitive RAI was planned, the patient has been maintained on lithium for more than a month to control her hyperthyroidism. Trial removal of lithium results in reemergence of thyrotoxicosis within 24 hours. Patient was maintained on low dose lithium treatment with lithium level just below therapeutic range which was sufficient to maintain euthyroid state for more than a month. There were no signs of lithium toxicity within this time period. Conclusion. Lithium has a unique physiologic profile and can be used to treat thyrotoxicosis when thionamides cannot be used while awaiting elective radioablation. Lithium levels need to be monitored; however, levels even at subtherapeutic range may be sufficient to treat thyrotoxicosis

    The Role of Physical Activity on Insulin Resistance-Associated Endothelial Dysfunction

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    Enhanced physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness significantly impact morbidity and mortality across the spectrum of noncommunicative chronic illnesses experienced by modern lifestyles. Physical activity itself prompts an intricate interplay of physiological responses across vital organ systems including microvascular adaptations to optimize nutrient, oxygen, and hormone delivery, some of which involves insulin-mediated regulation. Insulin has been known to act on the vasculature in multiple ways by its effects on endothelium and skeletal muscle blood flow. This is important to understand as it has implications for conditions associated with insulin resistance (IR) such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, prediabetes, diabetes, and polycystic ovarian syndrome among others. These conditions are associated with increased morbidity and mortality contributed by endothelial dysfunction via increased atherosclerosis, hypertension, and increased free fatty acid levels. In this chapter, we will discuss the effects of insulin on the vasculature, IR on the endothelium, and lastly, what impact physical activity may have on such processes

    Enhanced fitness and renal function in Type 2 diabetes.

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    Aims To investigate the renal effects of fitness in people with diabetes with mild renal dysfunction. Methods The effect of a 12-week exercise programme on estimated GFR in 128 people with diabetes was evaluated. Results All cardiometabolic variables improved after 12 weeks of supervised exercise. Although there was a modest 3.9% increase in estimated GFR from baseline in the 128 people who completed the study, those with baseline chronic kidney disease stages 2 and 3 were found to have significant (6 and 12%, respectively; p \u3c 0.01) improvements in post-exercise estimated GFR. Moreover, 42% of the people with chronic kidney disease stage 3 improved to chronic kidney disease stage 2 after the intervention. Conclusion Short-term exercise improves renal function in those with more moderate baseline chronic kidney disease. Thus, renal function appears to be responsive to enhanced physical fitness. Being a strong and modifiable risk factor, enhanced fitness should be considered a non-pharmacological adjunct in the management of diabetic kidney disease

    Elevated calcitonin precursor levels are related to mortality in an animal model of sepsis

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    BACKGROUND: Increased serum levels of procalcitonin (ProCT) and its component peptides have been reported in humans with sepsis. Using a hamster model of bacterial peritonitis, we investigated whether serum ProCT levels are elevated and correlate with mortality and hypocalcemia. RESULTS: Incremental increases in doses of bacteria resulted in proportional increases in 72h mortality rates (0, 20, 70, and 100%) as well as increases in serum total immunoreactive calcitonin (iCT) levels at 12 h (250, 380, 1960, and 4020 pg/ml, respectively, vs control levels of 21 pg/ml). Gel filtration studies revealed that ProCT was the predominant (> 90%) molecular form of serum iCT secreted. In the metabolic experiments, total iCT peaked at 12 h concurrent with the maximal decrease in serum calcium. CONCLUSIONS: In this animal model, hyper-procalcitoninemia was an early systemic marker of sepsis which correlated closely with mortality and had an inverse correlation with serum calcium levels

    Utility of serum procalcitonin values in patients with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a cautionary note

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    Background: Serum procalcitonin levels have been used as a biomarker of invasive bacterial infection and recently have been advocated to guide antibiotic therapy in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, rigorous studies correlating procalcitonin levels with microbiologic data are lacking. Acute exacerbations of COPD (AECOPD) have been linked to viral and bacterial infection as well as noninfectious causes. Therefore, we evaluated procalcitonin as a predictor of viral versus bacterial infection in patients hospitalized with AECOPD with and without evidence of pneumonia. Methods: Adults hospitalized during the winter with symptoms consistent with AECOPD underwent extensive testing for viral, bacterial, and atypical pathogens. Serum procalcitonin levels were measured on day 1 (admission), day 2, and at one month. Clinical and laboratory features of subjects with viral and bacterial diagnoses were compared.Results: In total, 224 subjects with COPD were admitted for 240 respiratory illnesses. Of these, 56 had pneumonia and 184 had AECOPD alone. A microbiologic diagnosis was made in 76 (56%) of 134 illnesses with reliable bacteriology (26 viral infection, 29 bacterial infection, and 21 mixed viral bacterial infection). Mean procalcitonin levels were significantly higher in patients with pneumonia compared with AECOPD. However, discrimination between viral and bacterial infection using a 0.25 ng/mL threshold for bacterial infection in patients with AECOPD was poor. Conclusion: Procalcitonin is useful in COPD patients for alerting clinicians to invasive bacterial infections such as pneumonia but it does not distinguish bacterial from viral and noninfectious causes of AECOPD

    Chronic hyperoxia and hamster pulmonary neuroendocrine cell bombesin and calcitonin

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    Hamsters were exposed to 60% hyperoxia for 1 week, 3 weeks, or 3 months. The exposed animals gradually failed to gain body weight as controls. The pulmonary neuroendocrine (PNE) cell peptides, mammalian bombesin (MB) and immunoreactive calcitonin (iCT), were determined in the lung and the serum. At 1 week and 3 weeks, lung MB was unchanged while the iCT levels were markedly depleted. In contrast, the lung levels of both MB and iCT were significantly elevated at 3 months. Serum levels of MB showed an initial decline at 1 week, which was followed by augmented levels at 3 weeks and at 3 months. In contrast, serum iCT showed considerable depletion at 1 week, and also at 3 weeks, followed by increased levels at 3 months. Thus, chronic exposure to hyperoxia causes profound perturbation of PNE cell peptides. In particular, the early depletion of lung and serum iCT appears to be a unique feature of the response to hyperoxia. The principal difference between the MB and the iCT responses was the lack of an initial depletion of lung MB, and the earlier rise of serum MB to supranormal levels. It seems likely that the early peptide effects of hyperoxia are related to oxygen toxicity upon the PNE cells, while the changes noted at 3 months reflect a hyperplastic accommodation of PNE cells to the prolonged oxygen exposure with resultant increases in MB and iCT. This response is distinctly different from that we have seen previously in hamsters exposed to hyperoxia combined with a nitrosamine, or a nitrosamine alone. © 1993 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. Copyright © 1993 Wiley‐Liss, Inc

    Endocrine Changes in Critical Illness

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