47 research outputs found
Communicating Uncertainty During Public Health Emergency Events:A Systematic Review
To answer the question, "What are the best ways to communicate uncertainties to public audiences, at-risk communities, and stakeholders during public health emergency events?" we conducted a systematic review of published studies, grey literature, and media reports in English and other United Nations (UN) languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish. Almost 11,500 titles and abstracts were scanned of which 46 data-based primary studies were selected, which were classified into four methodological streams: Quantitative-comparison groups; Quantitative-descriptive survey; Qualitative; and Mixed-method and case-study. Study characteristics (study method, country, emergency type, emergency phase, at-risk population) and study findings (in narrative form) were extracted from individual studies. The findings were synthesized within methodological streams and evaluated for certainty and confidence. These within-method findings were next synthesized across methodological streams to develop an overarching synthesis of findings. The findings showed that country coverage focused on high and middle-income countries in Asia, Europe, North America, and Oceania, and the event most covered was infectious disease followed by flood and earthquake. The findings also showed that uncertainty during public health emergency events is a multi-faceted concept with multiple components (e.g., event occurrence, personal and family safety, recovery efforts). There is universal agreement, with some exceptions, that communication to the public should include explicit information about event uncertainties, and this information must be consistent and presented in an easy to understand format. Additionally, uncertainty related to events requires a distinction between uncertainty information and uncertainty experience. At-risk populations experience event uncertainty in the context of many other uncertainties they are already experiencing in their lives due to poverty. Experts, policymakers, healthcare workers, and other stakeholders experience event uncertainty and misunderstand some uncertainty information (e.g., event probabilities) similar to the public. Media professionals provide event coverage under conditions of contradictory and inconsistent event information that can heighten uncertainty experience for all
Ot臋pienie czo艂owo-skroniowe : uj臋cie interdyscyplinarne
Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationZe wst臋pu:
Oddajemy do r膮k Czytelnik贸w monografi臋 Ot臋pienie czo艂owo-skroniowe: uj臋cie interdyscyplinarne,
kt贸ra stanowi oryginalny zbi贸r odpowiednio dobranych rozdzia艂贸w,
opracowanych przez autor贸w z r贸偶nych specjalno艣ci medycznych i paramedycznych
zajmuj膮cych si臋 diagnoz膮 i rehabilitacj膮 os贸b z ot臋pieniem.
Ot臋pienie czo艂owo-skroniowe stanowi nadzwyczaj wa偶ki i trudny temat dla
wsp贸艂czesnej neuronauki. Temat jest wa偶ki przede wszystkim dlatego, 偶e problemy
zwi膮zane z ot臋pieniem w starszych latach dotycz膮 wci膮偶 wzrastaj膮cej liczby os贸b, co
stanowi nieunikniony, cho膰 do艣膰 paradoksalny skutek przed艂u偶enia si臋 偶ycia przeci臋tnego
cz艂owieka, bez proporcjonalnej poprawy jego kondycji fizycznej i psychicznej.
Oznacza to m.in., 偶e najprawdopodobniej ma艂o kto z nas (tj. sami autorzy wraz
z Czytelnikami) uniknie tego problemu w przysz艂o艣ci, a ten do艣膰 przykry fakt czasami
utrudnia proces utrzymywania nale偶ytego dystansu naukowego do tematu.
Wiele rozdzia艂贸w publikowanych w tej ksi膮偶ce jest owocem 13. Mi臋dzynarodowego
Kongresu Polskiego Towarzystwa Neuropsychologicznego, zorganizowanego
przez Krakowsk膮 Akademi臋 im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego w dniach 22 do
24 lutego 2010 roku. Uczestnicy kongresu podj臋li panelow膮 dyskusj臋, maj膮c膮 na
celu syntez臋 przyczyn i objaw贸w ot臋pienia czo艂owo-skroniowego. G艂贸wne tezy z tej
dyskusji wykorzystano r贸wnie偶 w przygotowywaniu rozdzia艂贸w tej monografii