210 research outputs found

    How to establish a perennial legume-grass sward?

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    In 2002, a field experiment with split-plot design was established in Juva in order to compare the use of nurse crop to establish perennial legume grass sward in organic farming

    Preliminary evaluation of perennial forage legumes for organic farming in Finland

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    In 1998-2001 fourteen forage legume species were evaluated for their productivity in mixed organic swards. The aim was to find new alternatives for red clover. Medicago falcata produced the highest dry matter yield (about 11 000 kg/ha/year). Dry matter production of Trifolium pratense, Trifolium hybridum and Medicago sativa varied from 2 200 to 10 600 kg/ha/year

    Preliminary evaluation of annually cultivated forage legumes for organic farming in Finland

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    In 1998-2001 nineteen forage legume species (Lupinus, Medicago, Melilotus, Pisum, Trifolium and Vicia species) were evaluated at two sites of Eastern Finland (Mikkeli and Juva). Species were studied for their annual productivity in pure stands and in mixtures with cereals (barley and oats) and Italian ryegrass. Swards were cut either twice or once (whole grain silage stage of barley)

    Management of red clover content of organic grassland

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    The clover content is an important factor in organic grassland management to optimize yield, feeding value and pre-crop effect of the ley. The variation of red clover (Trifolium pratense) content in swards of different age is often rather high in Finland. In the ongoing field experiment (1999-2002) staggered sowing of red clover seed was tested to regulate the clover content of the mixed sward. Sowing strategy did not have clear effect on the clover content or the yield of the sward. However the seeding rate affected the clover density of the field (plants/m²) in the first year. After two years the differences were equated. The best strategy to control the clover amount in the mixed swards seems sowing of 2 or 3 kg/ha (100 or 150 seeds/m²) clover seeds in establishment and then oversow on a first second ley year 1 or 2 kg/ha (50 or 100 seeds/m²)

    Annual pastures, seed mixtures and supplementary feeding in organic milk production

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    The current study was aiming to evaluate annual legume-grass-cereal mixture as a basal feed for dairy cows under organic or other low fertiliser input systems in Nordic conditions. In additional aim was to evaluate the effect of concentrate feeding regimen in order to simplify grazing management


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    In Finland, as well as in many other countries, on-farm research is becoming more and more common. The reasons are many-fold. Agricultural research stations are closed down due to economical constraints and researchers want to have ‘real data’ from the farms. Advisors see on-farm research as a new and efficient tool to show farmers good practices in their production. In addition, for farmers it is an attractive way of testing suitable farming practices in the environment of their own farm

    Uusia palkokasveja tarjolla rehunurmille

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    Puna-apila on Suomen oloissa edelleen satovarmin monivuotinen nurmipalkokasvi. Apilan viljelyä kannattaa kuitenkin katkaista tautipaineen pienentämiseksi muilla palkokasveilla. Hyviä vaihtoehtoja puna-apilalle ovat sirppimailanen, vuohenherne, alsike- ja valkoapila sekä keltamaite.vokPA

    Yksivuotiset nurmipalkokasvit laidunseoksissa

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    Yksivuotisia palkokasveja on maassamme tutkittu pääasiassa viherlannoituskasveina ja jonkin verran säilörehukasveina, mutta niistä puuttuu tutkimustietoa erityisesti laitumena. Joensuun yliopiston Siikasalmen tutkimustilalla Liperissä verrattiin kasvukaudella 1999 kompostilannoituksen ja palkokasvilajin vaikutusta yksivuotisten laidunseosten satoisuuteen, laatuun ja kasvikoostumukseen.VOKPA

    Kokemuksia yksivuotisista laidunnurmista luonnonmukaisessa maidontuotannossa

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    Laiduntaminen kuuluu keskeisenä osana luonnonmukaiseen kotieläintuotantoon. Yksivuotiset laitumet voivat pidentää lyhyttä laidunkautta syksystä. Kesällä 1999 verrattiin kahta yksivuotista palkokasviseosta maidontuotannossa Joensuun yliopiston Siikasalmen tutkimustilalla.vokPA

    Ruokonadasta ja koiranheinästä kasvaa pitkäkestoinen nurmi

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    Ruokonata ja koiranheinä olivat selkeästi timoteita satoisampia kolme- ja neljä kertaa kasvukaudessa niitetyissä, pitkäikäisissä nurmissa. Tämä havaittiin MTT:n kokeissa, jotka tehtiin Mikkelissä ja Jokioisilla. Kahdesti niitettäessä lajien väliset satoisuuserot olivat pienet.vokKV