3 research outputs found

    Alterations in preconception, antenatal, and postnatal maternal gut microbiota influence offspring intestinal microbiota and immunity

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    Maternal microbiota during pregnancy, as well as maternal disease state, may impact offspring gut bacterial colonisation. Here, we explore the impact of maternal antibiotics during gestation and/or nursing on offspring gut microbiota. Further, we investigate the effect of preconception helminth infections on maternal and infant gut microbiota. For maternal antibiotic experiments, dams were fed vancomycin, polymyxin B, or both, in drinking water during gestation, nursing or gestation plus nursing, and their offspring microbiota analysed at 14 days of life, alongside immunity in the spleens. Offspring born to vancomycin treated mothers had significantly higher relative abundance of Proteobacteria and Tenericutes while maternal oral polymyxin B led to significantly lower abundance of Proteobacteria and Deferribacteres in infants. Maternal oral vancomycin led to significant reduction in proportions of infant central memory CD4+ T cells (CD4+CD44hiCD62Lhi) regardless of antibiotic timing. Effector memory CD4+ T cells were significantly lower in pups born to dams treated with polymyxin B while nursing while proportions of central memory CD4 T cells were significantly increased in gestation only or gestation plus nursing pups. In addition, oral vancomycin in dams during nursing resulted in significantly reduced proportions of both total and follicular B cells in offspring born to antibiotic treated dams. Pups born to Vancomycin treated mothers had a significant delay in growth when infected with Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). On the other hand, pups born to mothers treated with Polymyxin B during gestation or gestation plus nursing were susceptible to Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (Nb) infection. In the second study, we infected female BALB/c mice with 500Nb L3 three weeks prior to mating and examined the effect of preconception helminth infection on offspring microbiota and immunity. Preconception Nb infections led to alterations of maternal gut microbiota during pregnancy. In addition, we observed dramatic differences in offspring microbiota in pups born to previously helminth infected dams. Coriobacteriaceae were predominant in pups born to previously Nb infected dams when compared to uninfected dams. Overall, manipulation of maternal microbiota during gestation or lactation profoundly impacts offspring growth, intestinal microbiota and immunity to RSV and helminths

    Comparison of non-magnetic and magnetic beads multiplex assay for assessment of Plasmodium falciparum antibodies

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    Background New reagents have emerged allowing researchers to assess a growing number of vaccine-associated immune parameters. Multiplex immunoassay(s) are emerging as efficient high-throughput assays in malaria serology. Currently, commercial vendors market several bead reagents for cytometric bead assays (CBA) but relative performances are not well published. We have compared two types of bead-based multiplex assays to measure relative antibody levels to malarial antigens. Methods Assays for the measurement of antibodies to five Plasmodium falciparum vaccine candidates using non-magnetic and magnetic fluorescent microspheres were compared for their performances with a Bio-Plex200 instrument. Mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) was determined from individuals from western Kenya and compared to known positive and negative control plasma samples. Results P. falciparum recombinant antigens were successfully coupled to both non-magnetic and magnetic beads in multiplex assays. MFIs between the two bead types were comparable for all antigens tested. Bead recovery was superior with magnetic beads for all antigens. MFI values of stored non-magnetic coupled beads did not differ from freshly coupled beads, though they showed higher levels of bead aggregation. Discussion Magnetic and non-magnetic beads performed similarly in P. falciparum antibody assays. Magnetic beads were more expensive, but had higher bead recovery, were more convenient to use, and provided rapid and easy protocol manipulation. Magnetic beads are a suitable alternative to non-magnetic beads in malarial antibody serology

    Preconception helminth infection alters offspring microbiota and immune subsets in a mouse model

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    AIMS: Both maternal microbiota and helminth infection may alter offspring immunity but the relationship between these is underexplored. We hypothesized that maternal helminth exposure prior to pregnancy has lasting consequences on offspring intestinal microbiota and consequent immunity. METHODS: Female BALB/c adult mice were infected with 500L3 Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (N.b). Infection was cleared by Ivermectin treatment and mice mated three weeks post infection (NbM). Control mice were not infected but were exposed to Ivermectin (NvM). We analyzed maternal gut microbiota during pregnancy, breastmilk microbiota as well as offspring fecal microbiota and immunity two weeks after delivery. RESULTS: During pregnancy, NbM displayed significantly altered stool bacterial communities (R2=0.242; p=0.001), with increased abundance of Enterococcaceae versus NvM. Similarly, we observed a profound impact on breastmilk microbiota in NbM vs NvM. Moreover, NbM pups showed significantly altered gut microbial communities at 14 days of age versus those born to NvM with increased relative abundance of Coriobacteriaceae and Micrococcaceae. These changes were associated with alterations in pup immunity including increased frequencies and numbers of activated CD4 T cells (CD4+CD44hi) in NbM offspring spleens. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, we show that preconception helminth infections impact offspring immunity possibly through alteration of maternal and offspring microbiota