4 research outputs found

    A philosophical investigaton into African values: towards ameliorating the African predicament

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    To say that Africans have been termed inferior beings by the racist philosophy of some western Europeans is to say a known fact. To say that most Africans have consciously or unconsciously assimilated that inferiority label is equally a cleat fact. To argue that colonization and Christianization of Africans by western Europeans left negative effects on the psyche of Africans is to say nothing but the truth. Due to the combined forces of colonization, Christianization, Islamization and chiefly slave trade, etc., with their attendant ills resulting in the inferiority complex ofthe African, the African seems to have lost confidence and consequently, looked down on her traditional values, hence, devaluing those cherished and veritable autochthonous values that have the power to better her conditions. In this piece, through the method of philosophical investigation, a case is made to the effect that, in the devalued African values, among others, lie solutions to Africa’s predicament

    Higher education and general studies in Nigeria: A philosophical investigation

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    A critical look at Nigeria’s national policy on education on tertiary or higher education reveals a startling chasm of gap between the goals of the policy through General Studies Programme and their expected actualizations. This problem, that is, the chasm of gap, is owned to the maladministration and immoral conducts of the people to whom the students are under their influence directly or indirectly. It is the effects of these chasms of gap that have resulted largely in unemployable youths in Nigeria’s labour market per se, youth’s restiveness and so many other ills that go with it. In this study, through the philosophical method of critical analysis, the researchers are poised to offer competent administration born of patriotism and good moral conducts on the part of higher institutions’ hierarchies as valuable ideas that will bridge the existing gap between the goals of the policy and their expected actualizations, and as such, yield the desired results.Keywords: General Studies, Nigeria, National Policy, Educatio

    Achieving Human Development in Nigeria through Philosophical Instruments

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    The concept of human development conveys the thought of progressive unfolding of the entirety of the human person. It has as its end the attainment of the total well-being of an individual. However, often times, the end of human development appears truncated due to some existential circumstances surrounding the individual. Arguably, with the perceived Nigerian existential circumstances of maladministration that has led to extreme poverty, poor infrastructure, fallen standard of education, negative political proclivity in terms of ethnic chauvinism and religious bigotry, serve as albatross to authentic human development. The intent of this paper, therefore, is to argue the fact that through some core philosophical instruments, an individual in Nigeria can still attain total genuine well-being, human development.Keywords: Development, Nigeria, Instrument, Philosoph

    Igbo ideas of preserving 'nature' and the globalizing world

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    The pervasiveness of awareness campaigns bordering on the environment especially in various mass media all suggests that the world‟s environment is endangered, largely by human activities. The intent of this paper is to x-ray and know if the pristine ways (prior to Western influences) Igbo people used to preserve 'nature' in their traditional setting could still be of any relevance in salvaging the world‟s endangered environment in the face of the towering impact of globalization with its accoutrements of modern science and technology. This intent is midwifed by the philosophical method of hermeneutics. It is important to add that while we recognize the wide ramifications of 'nature' discourses, the concept of 'nature' in this paper is basically reduced to its pedestrian understanding as an environment that retains its pristine attributes prior to human interventions.Keywords: Igbo people, Idea, Nature, Globalization, Preservatio