131 research outputs found

    Effects of Phoenix dactylifera Tree Fruit Extract on Cadmium Induced Renal Damage in Adult Wistar Rats

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    The objective of the study is to investigate the ameliorative potential of date palm tree (Phoenix dactylifera) fruit on cadmium induced kidneydamage in adult Wistar Rat using standard technique. Thirty (30) adult Wistar rats were divided into six groups of five rats per group.  Group A (control); Group B (0.1ml/kg body weight of cadmium); Group C (200mg/kg body weight of Phoenix dactylifera); Group D (600mg/kg body weight of Phaoenix dactylifera); Group E (0.1ml/kg body weight of cadmium and 200mg/kg body weight of Phoenix dactylifera); Group F (0.1ml/kg body weight of cadmium and 600mg/kg body weight of Phoenix dactylifera). Treatments were administered once daily for 30 days. After day 30, biochemical and histopathological studies were conducted to appraise oxidative stress and renal toxicity. Serum levels of creatinine, urea, catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were quantified. Animals treated alone with cadmium (Group B), showed significant (P < 0.05) increase in serum urea, serum creatinine and CAT, SOD levels statistically. Treatment of rats with Phoenix dactyliferaalongside cadmium (Group E and F) showed significant (P < 0.05) improvement in renal function and restoration of biochemical parameters mentioned earlier. Histopathological findings confirm these conservations. Therefore, the administration of aqueous extract of Phoenix dactylifera has protective effect on cadmium-induced renal toxicity and oxidative stress in wistar rats which can be attributed to Phoenix dactylifera antioxidant activity

    Mosquito Control Strategies In Ishiagu Rural Communities: Implications To Public Health

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    Mosquito control strategies adopted by the residents of two Ishiagu Communities (Okue and Ihie)were investgated. 53 households in Okue and 54 in Ihie were sampled. Simple structured questionnaires were prepared and administered. Percentages and chi square (X2) test of significance was employed in analysing the data. The result revealed that 429 % of the residents of the two communities used insecticides, 25.2% used mosquito coils, 6.5% used smoke of local herbs and 5.6% were insensitive to mosquito nuisance and careless about mosquito control. Choice of control measures by residents of the two communities were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). Occupational related preferences revealed that farmers ranked highest in the use of insecticides and coils (21.5%) each. 131% of teachers use insecticides and 37% use nettings. Statistical analysis of the occupational related choice patterns was significant (P < 005). Keywords: Mosquito, Rural Communities, Control, Implications, Public Health.Animal Research International Vol. 3 (1) 2006 pp. 431-43

    Seasonal Variation in Rates of Dust Fall at Motor Parks of University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria

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    The enormous vehicular activities on the commercial motor parks of University of Ilorin, Nigeria called for concern as a result of noticeable level of particulate matter in the atmosphere of the area. &nbsp;This study was carried out to indicate the seasonal variation in the rate of dust fall at three motor parks in the permanent site of the University campus by using the single bucket sampling method. The study was carried out for five months each of wet and dry season periods. The sampling sites were First Motor Park (PK1), New Motor Park (PK2) and Clinic Area (Cl). Gravimetric method was used to quantify the soluble, insoluble, volatile matter and ash content of the dust. Volatile matter and ash were the component of insoluble dust and the highest rate of insoluble dust deposition was observed in January (2043.12 ± 41.4 and 284.1 ± 35.5 mg/m2/day) for PK2 and Cl and in November (1282.7 ± 64.9 mg/m2/day) for PK1 when their respective traffic density (1509.5 ±72.1, 29.8 ± 1.2 and 1000.8 ± 48.3 vehicles per hour) was highest. The highest (32713.0 ± 1290.1 mg/m2/day) and lowest (70.6 ± 6.9 mg/m2/day) rate of soluble dust deposition in the study were observed at PK1 for September and February respectively which was suspected to be due to increase and decrease in the amount of rain fall. The Pearson Correlation showed that increases in traffic density were correlated with increases in the rate of insoluble dust fall at various sites and the relationship was in the stronger order of PK2 &gt; PK1 &gt; Cl. The motor parks ambient air was highly contaminated with soluble dust in the wet season and insoluble dust in the dry season their being values are more than the recommended 133 mg/m2/day

    Kinetics and thermodynamics of bleaching process in aqueous solution using sodium hypochlorite

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    The kinetics of bleaching process of oxidation of typical dye with a bleaching agent - sodium hypochlorite in aqueous medium was studied. The kinetic runs were executed using spectrophotometer to changes in concentration under pseudo first order whereby concentration of NaOCl was in large excess compared with the concentration of dye. The factors affecting the reaction rate that were studied include the concentration of dye and oxidant, temperature, ionic strength and pH of the bleaching reaction medium and the presence of a variable valence metal ion The result shows that the rate of oxidation increases with increasing in temperature, ionic strength and pH. Increasing in substrate and oxidant concentrations also increase the rate of oxidation. Higher observed rate constant k1 was obtained in the presence of Fe(III)ion. The Arrhenius activation energy for the oxidation in the absence and presence of Fe(III)ion are 56.21 kJmol-1 and 51.21 kJmol-1 respectively. The result of thermodynamic parameters such as the lowering of activation energy (Ea) and the higher value of second rate constants k2 in the presence of Fe (III) ion provide further support for Fe (III) ion enhancement of rate of oxidation

    A Comparative Analysis of Malaria Incidence In Rural And Urban Areas Of Anambra State: A Manova Approach

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    Malaria being a life threatening disease in African and the entire globe as a large demands a thorough investigation for effective prevention. In this study, we carried out a comparative analysis of malaria incidence in rural and urban areas of Anambra State using Beacon and Madonna Hospitals Awka, Awka South L.G.A and Nnamdi Azikiwe and St. Joseph’s Hospitals Neni Anaocha L.G.A. in Anambra State as a case study. Multivariate Discriminant Analysis was used to determine the difference in the incidence of malaria between the rural and urban health centers of Anambra State and also access the difference between classified gender groups.  From the analysis of the data collected, we discovered that there is a significant difference in the incidence of malaria between rural and urban areas of Anambra State which is as a result of the availability of efficient health facilities in the urban area than rural areas. Also, there exists a clear difference in the rate of malaria incidence among the gender group living in Anambra State

    Comparative evaluation of the physicochemical composition and microbial quality of seven different water sources used in processing root and tuber crops in Umudike, Nigeria

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    The physicochemical composition and microbial quality of 7 different water sources (Umudike ukwu bore hole (B5), Umuariaga borehole (B3), Nidoro spring water (S2), Umudike bore hole (B4), Umudike school borehole A (B7), Umudike school bore hole B (B6) and Ahiaeke bore hole (B9) used for root and tuber crop processing in Umudike, Nigeria were investigated using standard techniques. The chloride, sulphate, phosphate, dissolved substances, hardness of water, ammonium nitrate and conductivity in all the water samples, fell within the range recommended by the Nigerian Industrial Standard (NIS) or the World Health Organization (WHO) while the values obtained for pH and nitrites were lower than the range given by WHO and NIS. Most of the samples had higher organic carbon contents than permitted. In terms of dissolved oxygen (D) and total hydrogen (TH), S2 had the highest, B5 and B6 had the least for DO (P &gt; 0.05) while B6 had the least in addition for TH. The biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of B3 was the highest among the water samples analyzed (P &lt; 0.05) while that of B5 and B6 were the least (P &gt; 0.05). Sensory evaluation of the samples showed that they were clear, tasteless and odorless. Microbial analysis carried out indicated the presence of coliforms in the water samples although this does not give any cause for concern as they fell within the standards for coliform in water. The total plate count of the samples ranged from 8.00 to 19.09cfu/100ml with B9 having the highest while B7 had the least. Some of the microorganisms isolated include: E.coli, salmonella, shigella, fungi and staphylococcus, indicating microbial contamination of these water samples and thus highlights the need for their urgent sterilization. The absence of Vibrio cholerea in all the water samples indicate the non-prevalence of cholera in the study area. Finally, most of the water sources used by these communities in processing their root and tuber crops did not meet the recommended standards for nitrites, biochemical oxygen demand, organic carbon and nitrites in water, underscoring the need for regular checks and on these water sources.Key words: Water, microbial, coliform, physicochemical, root crops, tuber crops

    Funding Arrangements for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria: An Assessment

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    Small and Medium Scale Enterprises have been fully recognized by governments and development experts as the main engine of economic growth and a major factor in promoting development. They not only contribute significantly to improved living standards, employment generation and poverty reduction but also bring about substantial domestic or local capital formation and achievement of high levels of productivity and capability. A major gap in Nigeria’s industrial development process in the past years has been the absence of a strong and virile SME sub-sector. This study seeks to generally appraise and analyze the operating environment and circumstances of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Nigeria with a view to actually identifying why SMEs are not playing major roles in the Nigerian economy as in other economies. The random sampling method was employed and responses to the questionnaire were complemented with personal interviews of key operators. Analysis was undertaken using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Findings revealed that SMEs have performed below expectation in the development of Nigeria economy due to a combination of factors. Thus, the paper recommends that the realization of these require a paradigm shift from paying lip service to a practical radical forward approach to issues and focus on this all-important sector of the economy and realistically addressing the identified problems by the key operators

    Effects of Englerina drummondii Balle ex Polhill and Wiens leaves extract on selected female rat organs’ weights

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    Background: Herbal medicine are patronized by several people across the globe This herbal medicine is routinely use and are more accessible and available. This study aimed to investigate the effects of Englerina drummondii Balle ex Polhill and Wiens leaves on rat organs (thyroid gland, kidneys, ovary and fallopian tubes) weights in female rats. Methods: 20 female rats were selected randomly into 4 groups with 5 rats per group. Group 1 received 5 ml/kg of water, group 2 received extract 100 mg/kg, group 3 received extract 200 mg/kg, and group 4 received extract 400 mg/kg. Administration of extract was done for 28 days. Results: The study revealed significance decreased in the weight of the left ovary organ when extract of medium dose (200 mg/kg) and high dose (400 mg/kg) was administered, as compared to control. The result also shows decrease in the organs weight of the thyroid gland, left kidney, right and left fallopian tubes extract of low, medium and high dose were administered. The right kidney shows increase when low dose extract was given but decrease when both low and medium dose of extract was given. However, this decrease is not significance and could be due to dose or time dependent. Statistical analysis was done using statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) version 23 and p&lt;0.05 was significant. Conclusions: There was significance decreased in the weight of the left ovary organ when extract of medium dose (200 mg/kg) and high dose (400 mg/kg) was administered. Also, there is decrease in other organs weight when low, medium and high dose was given but not significance

    Socioeconomic dynamism and the growth of baby factories in Nigeria

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    Abstract: Illegally breeding babies for marketing purposes otherwise known as “infant commodification” is increasing in Nigeria. This menace is a vice that threatens the lives and wellbeing of babies, young girls, and women. This article investigates through an in-depth review of scholarly publication and media coverages the factors that have contributed to the emergence and growth of the illicit industry in Nigeria. It examines the role of cultural beliefs, social attitudes, and norms as well as the harsh economic conditions of the nation as factors playing pivotal roles in the continual growth of baby farming in Nigeria. Some of these sociocultural factors are social stigmatization of pregnancy outside wedlock, stigmatization of adopted children, and the importance attached to fertility and the demonization of childlessness. The article draws on Emile Durkheim anomie theory and Chambers dimensions of poverty to explain how breakdown within the nation’s socioeconomic structure has a concomitant impact in breading social vices. It concludes by recommending that there is a need to jettison stigmatizing sociocultural beliefs within the nation’s social fabrics. Responsive attitude toward family reproductive issues should be encouraged and finally the activities of health care providers, operators of nongovernmental organizations taking custody of babies and young girls be properly monitored. As well, stringent punishment be meted out to apprehended operators of these baby farms to serve as deterrent to others
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