11 research outputs found

    Use of cracked maize as a carrier for NDV4 vaccine in experimental vaccination of chickens

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    The suitability of V4 vaccine coated on cracked local grain (maize) and its husks and used for oral vaccination of chickens was assessed. Seventy-two (72) birds aged three (3) weeks and above were divided into six groups of twelve (12) birds per group. The birds were bled to determine their prevaccination HI antibody status while five different samples of cracked maize were coated with the V4 vaccine and fed to the chickens orally in each of the groups. All birds in the group including the controls were bled at 7, 14 and 21 days post vaccination to determine the presence and level of antibody response in each of the groups. Results obtained showed that prevaccination haemagglutination inhibition (HI) titre was less than two (log2) in 18% of the birds used in this experiment, however 14% of the birds had an HI titre of ≤ 4. The post vaccination antibody titre showed that birds vaccinated with vaccine coated maize gave a post vaccination HI antibody titre of between Log2(6-8). when the coated maize samples were soaked in water at room temperature and assessed after 24 hours, the treated maize parts gave >6.3 log10 EID50 and above while the untreated parts gave < 3.0 log10 EID50. The experiment showed that whole maize and husks, which were not treated, may contain agents which are virus inhibitory. Form this research the treated maize which was soaked and washed gave a higher geometric mean titre, hence tends to be good carriers of the virus (vaccine). It is therefore concluded from this work that processed cracked maize could be a good carrier of NDV4 vaccine. It is hereby recommended that only treated maize could be used as carrier for the V4 vaccine

    Hepatitis C Virus infection in apparentenly healthy individuals with family history of diabetes in Vom, Plateau State Nigeria

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is an important public health problem worldwide. Its association with, and predisposing nature for diabetes mellitus (DM) has been long established. This research was carried out to determine the prevalence of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) amongst people with possible genetic predisposition to diabetes mellitus living in and around Vom, Plateau State, Nigeria. 188 subjects were screened after they filled a structured questionnaire to determine some of their demographic data, social habits and possible risk factors. 5 ml of blood was collected from each subject and sera separated out. Biotech's third generation ELISA Kit for HCV antibodies was used for the screening. Liver enzyme analysis was carried out on positive samples to determine their disease status. A prevalence of 14.36% was recorded with the highest seropositive group being those in the age bracket of 18 – 37 years. 13(13.40%) of males and 14(15.38%) of females were sero-positive. Liver enzyme analysis of sero-positive subjects showed increased levels which may imply early onset of liver damage. These result showed that these individuals could later suffer diabetes which may be triggered by their HCV infection if not treated. This is not over-looking the economic significance of their ill health, assuming they progress to cirrhotic HCV or develop hepatocelluar carcinoma due to HCV chronicity

    Bioterrorism threat: A review of microbial forensics source-tracing of some bioterrorism agents

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    Global perception and consciousness of the threat of bioterrorism seem to have diminished in recent past following achievements in decades of global fight against deadly infectious diseases such as plague and smallpox. However, with recent advancement in biotechnology and the arrival on the scene of amoral and rogue states as well as terrorist groups, there is a justifiably heightened global apprehension that bacteria, viruses, and toxicogenic fungi can be weaponized and used to cause great harm to humans and agricultural biodiversity. We now have on our hands the dilemma of dual-use of biotechnology. This review brings to the fore an aspect of microbial forensics – bioagent source-tracing (attribution) that is very key in mounting an appropriate response to the evident threat of bioterrorism. This article places a little more emphasis on the bioagent Yersinia pestis, and the technique of whole-genome sequence typing adjudged the most effective technique for building databases for bioterrorism-associated agents and public health important pathogens. The need for international sharing of data and databases of bio-agents is emphasized, as this would enable global applicability of bio-agent source-tracing in cases of bioterrorism

    Studies on Prevalence and Risk Factors for Hepatitis B Surface Antigen among Secondary School Students in North-central, Nigeria

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) Infection is one of the major global public health problems, with its attendant risks especially among the young adults. This study was therefore carried out to assess the sero-prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and associated risk factors among students of a secondary school in Jagindi Tasha, Kaduna State, Nigeria. One hundred and ninety (190) apparently healthy students were screened and sera samples obtained were separated and analysed for HBsAg using a commercially available Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)-based kit (Dialab). Information was obtained for risk factors using structured questionnaire. Out of the 190 samples screened, 35 (18.4%) were sero-positive. Subjects aged 13-15 years recorded 6.8% positivity (2 = 1.084; p>0.05) and male subjects had 25.5% positivity compared to 10.9% positivity for females (2 = 6.768; p<0.05). Risk factors such as blood transfusion was 32.0% among male subjects compared to 30.0% in females (2 =18.07; p-value = 0.113). Furthermore, alcoholic consumption, the predominant lifestyle of the youths in this community was 20.0% among male subjects as compared to none in females. Unfortunately, the prevalence of HBV appears high among the studied population. This suggests that public awareness on the virus be accorded urgent attention, while vaccination programme should be improved in the community

    Studies on the serological markers for hepatitis B virus infection among type 2 diabetic patients

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    Background: Hepatitis B infection is a public health concern globally. HBV can be as- sociated with type II diabetes mellitus, as HBV outbreaks have been observed among diabetics in healthcare facilities. This study evaluates the prevalence of HBV infec- tion among patients with type II diabetes mellitus. Method: A total of one hundred and eighty (180) diabetic patients and one-hundred non-diabetics (Controls) were recruited forthis study. Structured questionnaires were administered to the consented participants to obtain relevant data. Sera samples ob- tained were screened using the HBsAg ELISA kit; CTK Biotech, Inc, while the 5 panel kit—rapid diagnostic test, was used to assay for serological markers. Questionnaires were used to obtain relevant information and demographic data. Result: Overall prevalence of HBV infection among diabetes patients was 13.3%. Breakdown showed 9 (5.0%) seropositivity was obtained among male subjects com- pared to 15(8.3%) recorded among the females, P = .834; P < .05. Subjects aged 41-50 years recorded, 7(3.9%) positivity P = .774; P > .05. Educational status of par- ticipants showed 22 (12.2%) positivity among subjects with tertiary level of educa- tion P = .032; P < .05). Risk factors considered showed that 5(2.8%).seropositive subjects were alcoholic consumers (P value = .9711; P > .05). Result among non-di- abetics (Control) subjects showed (4%) seropositivity among the male subjects com- pared to (5.0%) seropositivity recorded among the female subjects (P = .739; P > .05). Conclusion: There is an indication of higher risk of HBV infection among type 2 dia- betic patients when compared to non-diabetics. There is the need for more research on this area of study, to further validate the association between HBV infection and Diabetes Mellitus

    Sero-survey of Hepatitis B surface antigen amongst pregnant women attending Infectious Disease Hospital Bayara, Bauchi State, Nigeria

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) continues to cause serious health problems in developing countries. Neonatal infection with HBV, which is often acquired during delivery, carries a high risk resulting in persistent infection. This research aims to detect the prevalence of Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg) among pregnant women in our location of study. One hundred and eighty (180) sera samples were screened among pregnant women aged 13-49, using standard enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. Structured questionnaire were administered to the subjects to obtain demographic and other relevant data. Overall result showed that 31 (17.2%) were found to be positive for HBsAg among the total subjects screened. The highest prevalence was found among those aged 20-29 with 11 (6.1%) seropositivity (x2=7.902; P=0.048). Considering occupational distribution of volunteer subjects, a high prevalence of 12 (6.7%); P&lt;0.05 was recorded among house wives, which shows a measure of significance compared to other women screened. Furthermore, based on various risk factors subjects with history of surgery and use of unsterilized sharp instruments recorded 15 (8.3%) prevalence (P=0.233; P&gt;0.05). How ever, women in their second trimester of pregnancy recorded a higher prevalence of 23 (12.8%):(P=0.080; P&lt;0.05). This study therefore emphasizes the public health importance of HBV among pregnant women and equally suggests that children born to women with Hepatitis B Virus, be closely monitored for infection beyond the one and the half years of age, this also calls for a proper enlightenment on the dangers posed by the virus, while a well designed vaccination schedule is advocated among the general population

    Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) among Children of Primary School Age in a Community, North-Central, Nigeria

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    Globally, Hepatitis B Virus has been identified as one of the most common infectious diseases and a major public health problem.This study was therefore carried out to assess the prevalence of Hepatitis B virus infection among primary school children attending LGE primary school, Sabon Pegi, Kuru, Nigeria. Three hundred and sixty (360) blood samples were collected from the pupils and sera separated and analyzed for HBsAg using one step Hepatitis B surface antigen test strip. Of the 360 samples screened, 35 (9.7%) were sero-positive. Pupils within the age 7-9 years had the highest prevalence of 3.9%. Male subjects recorded a prevalence of 6.1% compared to 3.6% for females. Risk factors such as blood transfusion recorded 1.6%. Furthermore, family history of HBV infection accounted for 3.6%, while male subjects that had traditional method of circumcision recorded a high prevalence of 3.3%. Unfortunately, the prevalence of this ravaging infectious agent appears to be high amongst the subjects studied. It is strongly suggested that public awareness be accorded urgent attention while socioeconomic development in these areas be given priority as a measure to preventing further spread of this virus amongst children, particularly the school age group