5 research outputs found

    Determination of Physio-Chemical Properties of Oleander Seed Oil for Biodiesel Production

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    The need for alternative feedstock for biodiesel production due to the competition in vegetable oil production for human consumption and biodiesel production necessitated a study in the physiochemical properties of Nerium Oleander seed, a non-edible ornamental plant. The objectives were to determine the physical, chemical properties of the Nerium Oleander seed suitable for biodiesel production. The mean major, minor and intermediate diameters of twenty Nerium Oleander seeds were 3.53 cm, 1.85 cm and 1.98 cm respectively. The volume, density and sphericity of the seeds were reported to as 7.70 cm3,0.49 g/cm3 and 0.69 respectively. The seed oil exhibited good chemical properties for biodiesel production with a viscosity of 46.58mpa/s at 30oC, Free Fatty Acid (FFA) of 3.92%, cloud point of 2oC and a flash point above 200oC. The ash content, moisture content, melting point, density at 15oC, Cetane number and the heat of combustion were reported as 1.44%, 0.33%, 8oC, 0.898 g/cm3, 63.55 and 125.37 KJ/L, respectively. The cetane index of Nerium Oleander seed oil had high cetane index when compared to the ASTM standard for diesel fuels. It was concluded that the Oleander seed is an alternative feedstock for biodiesel production

    Technical Note: Development of a Photobioreactor for Microalgae Culture

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    In view of the technical and biological limitations of open pond systems, a study was conducted to develop a cost-effective experimental photobioreactor that would permit efficient cultivation of microalgae for biodiesel production. The photobioreactor was developed using low cost materi- als, cylindrical translucent tubes and plexiglass. The photobioreactor prototype was equipped with alternative arrangement for light source: solar and fluorescent bulb light. It provides uniform illumination by sunlight and a centrally located fluorescent light powered by electricity and rechargeable dry cells. The 12-chamber photobioreactor each measuring 122cm tall and 36cm in diameter approximately 12 liters; in all, occupies a minimal demand on land area. The 12-chamber photo-bioreactor produced approximately 430gram/day with the application of 2.4 litres of liquid poultry droppings.Keywords: photobioreactor, microalgae, culture, translucent tubes, plexiglas

    Design, Construction, and Performance Analysis of a Maize Thresher for Rural Dweller

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    The processing of agricultural product into quality forms not only prolongs the useful life of these products but also increases the net profit farmers make from such products. In this work, emphasis was place on demand led design which involved understanding the need of the farmer and designing an appropriate system that meets that need. The objectives of the work were to design, construct, and evaluate a low cost maize sheller for rural farmers in Nigeria. The methods used involved the collection of farmers opinion on their sheller needs, selecting appropriate materials, and utilization of theories of failure that enable the determination of allowable shear stress on the bearing supports. The communication methods used were an interactive sessions with farmers especially the women and children, in other to determine their shelling problems. Comparison was made between the human performance index for shelling and the machine performance index. The human mechanical efficiency, through-put capacity and  grain handing capacity are 45%, 26.67kg/hr and 21.1kg/hr at a biomaterial test weight of 20kg with actual shelled weight of 15.8kg at a shelling time 45 minutes. For machine indices, through-put capacity and the grain handing capacity of the sheller are 86%, 119.76kg/hr and 109.99kg/hr respectively. The price difference shows a drastic reduction in the purchase price of maize thresher by N 32,500.00 ($216.67), which represent 56.52% price reduction. Market days were also used as an opportunity to show the farmers and agro-processors the advantage of using the maize sheller


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    The benefits and impacts of enhanced cellulosic ethanol (CE) production, the major features of existing production processes, and some current research challenges of major pretreatment processes are presented. The prospects of enhanced CE production, especially in developing economies like Nigeria are highlighted. We conclude that in order to reap the promising prospects and conquer the challenges and negative impacts of enhanced CE production, current researches for production of cellulosic ethanol must be focused on the development of processes that are capable of liberating and fermenting lignocellulose into bioethanol at faster rates, higher yields, and overall technical and economic efficiency. These researches should concentrate on the development of cheaper enzymes, genetically engineered microorganisms, and cost-effective thermochemical processes in order to accomplish the much-needed breakthrough in cellulosic biofuel production. Properly targeted innovative researches on cellulosic ethanol production processes are the sure route to effective reduction of global dependence on nonrenewable fossil fuels. The needed research breakthroughs will obviously be based on innovative integration of processes rather than on the improvement of the well-known individual processes of bioethanol production. http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/njt.v36i1.3