11 research outputs found
On the Convergence of WKB Approximations of the Damped Mathieu Equation
Consider the differential equation , . The form of the fundamental set of
solutions are determined by Floquet theory. In the limit as we can
apply WKB theory to get first order approximations of this fundamental set. WKB
theory states that this approximation gets better as in the sense
that the difference in sup norm is bounded as function of for a given .
However, convergence of the periodic parts and exponential parts are not
addressed. We show that there is convergence to these components. The
asymptotic error for the characteristic exponents are and for
the periodic parts.Comment: 10 pages. version
Convergence Rates for Multi-classs Logistic Regression Near Minimum
In the current paper we provide constructive estimation of the convergence
rate for training a known class of neural networks: the multi-class logistic
regression. Despite several decades of successful use, our rigorous results
appear new, reflective of the gap between practice and theory of machine
learning. Training a neural network is typically done via variations of the
gradient descent method. If a minimum of the loss function exists and gradient
descent is used as the training method, we provide an expression that relates
learning rate to the rate of convergence to the minimum. The method involves an
estimate of the condition number of the Hessian of the loss function. We also
discuss the existence of a minimum, as it is not automatic that a minimum
exists. One method of ensuring convergence is by assigning positive probabiity
to every class in the training dataset.Comment: minor changes in notation, theorem 7.1 fixe
Overdamped dynamics of a Brownian particle levitated in a Paul trap
We study the dynamics of the center of mass of a Brownian particle levitated
in a Paul trap. We focus on the overdamped regime in the context of
levitodynamics, comparing theory with our numerical simulations and
experimental data from a nanoparticle in a Paul trap. We provide an exact
analytical solution to the stochastic equation of motion, expressions for the
standard deviation of the motion, and thermalization times by using the WKB
method under two different limits. Finally, we prove the power spectral density
of the motion can be approximated by that of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and
use the found expression to calibrate the motion of a trapped particle
Graph-based methods coupled with specific distributional distances for adversarial attack detection
Artificial neural networks are prone to being fooled by carefully perturbed
inputs which cause an egregious misclassification. These \textit{adversarial}
attacks have been the focus of extensive research. Likewise, there has been an
abundance of research in ways to detect and defend against them. We introduce a
novel approach of detection and interpretation of adversarial attacks from a
graph perspective. For an image, benign or adversarial, we study how a neural
network's architecture can induce an associated graph. We study this graph and
introduce specific measures used to predict and interpret adversarial attacks.
We show that graphs-based approaches help to investigate the inner workings of
adversarial attacks
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Neural Networks and Optical Character Recognition
The theme of this work is artificial neural networks. We discuss the mathematics of multi-class logistic regression, and secondly, we study the
utility and limitations of a pure attention-based approach to optical
character recognition (OCR). For multi-class logistic regression, we prove
the existence of the minimum of the loss function when applied to gradient
descent if the label matrix is fully smoothed. We also find bounds on the
smallest and largest eigenvalues of the Hessian and compute its condition
number. From the theory of numerical analysis, the condition number gives
the maximum contraction rate possible using a learning rate parameter.
For attention and OCR, we do experiments
on isolated word recognition using a cursive font. These experiments show
that attention relies excessively on memorization/correlation of letters,
which is a limitation. It has serious trouble recognizing text when the
training samples are significantly different from the test samples. This
includes the case when the training data set consists of: bigrams;
trigrams; random
Graph-based methods coupled with specific distributional distances for adversarial attack detection
International audienceArtificial neural networks are prone to being fooled by carefully perturbed inputs which cause an egregious misclassification. These adversarial attacks have been the focus of extensive research. Likewise, there has been an abundance of research in ways to detect and defend against them. We introduce a novel approach of detection and interpretation of adversarial attacks from a graph perspective. For an input image, we compute an associated sparse graph using the layer-wise relevance propagation algorithm (Bach et al., 2015). Specifically, we only keep edges of the neural network with the highest relevance values. Three quantities are then computed from the graph which are then compared against those computed from the training set. The result of the comparison is a classification of the image as benign or adversarial. To make the comparison, two classification methods are introduced: (1) an explicit formula based on Wasserstein distance applied to the degree of node and (2) a logistic regression. Both classification methods produce strong results which lead us to believe that a graph-based interpretation of adversarial attacks is valuable
Exploring continual learning strategies in artificial neural networks through graph-based analysis of connectivity: insights from a brain-inspired perspective
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) aim at mimicking information processing in biological networks. In cognitive neuroscience, graph modeling is a powerful framework widely used to study brain structural and functional connectivity. Yet, the extension of graph modeling to ANNs has been poorly explored especially in term of functional connectivity (i.e. the contextual change of the activity's units in networks). From the perspective of designing more robust and interpretable ANNs, we study how a brain-inspired graph-based approach can be extended and used to investigate their properties and behaviors. We focus our study on different continual learning strategies inspired by the human brain and modeled with ANNs. We show that graph modeling offers a simple and elegant framework to deeply investigate ANNs, compare their performances and explore deleterious behaviors such as catastrophic forgetting
Exploring continual learning strategies in artificial neural networks through graph-based analysis of connectivity: insights from a brain-inspired perspective
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) aim at mimicking information processing in biological networks. In cognitive neuroscience, graph modeling is a powerful framework widely used to study brain structural and functional connectivity. Yet, the extension of graph modeling to ANNs has been poorly explored especially in term of functional connectivity (i.e. the contextual change of the activity's units in networks). From the perspective of designing more robust and interpretable ANNs, we study how a brain-inspired graph-based approach can be extended and used to investigate their properties and behaviors. We focus our study on different continual learning strategies inspired by the human brain and modeled with ANNs. We show that graph modeling offers a simple and elegant framework to deeply investigate ANNs, compare their performances and explore deleterious behaviors such as catastrophic forgetting
Exploring continual learning strategies in artificial neural networks through graph-based analysis of connectivity: insights from a brain-inspired perspective
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) aim at mimicking information processing in biological networks. In cognitive neuroscience, graph modeling is a powerful framework widely used to study brain structural and functional connectivity. Yet, the extension of graph modeling to ANNs has been poorly explored especially in term of functional connectivity (i.e. the contextual change of the activity's units in networks). From the perspective of designing more robust and interpretable ANNs, we study how a brain-inspired graph-based approach can be extended and used to investigate their properties and behaviors. We focus our study on different continual learning strategies inspired by the human brain and modeled with ANNs. We show that graph modeling offers a simple and elegant framework to deeply investigate ANNs, compare their performances and explore deleterious behaviors such as catastrophic forgetting
Exploring continual learning strategies in artificial neural networks through graph-based analysis of connectivity: insights from a brain-inspired perspective
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) aim at mimicking information processing in biological networks. In cognitive neuroscience, graph modeling is a powerful framework widely used to study brain structural and functional connectivity. Yet, the extension of graph modeling to ANNs has been poorly explored especially in term of functional connectivity (i.e. the contextual change of the activity's units in networks). From the perspective of designing more robust and interpretable ANNs, we study how a brain-inspired graph-based approach can be extended and used to investigate their properties and behaviors. We focus our study on different continual learning strategies inspired by the human brain and modeled with ANNs. We show that graph modeling offers a simple and elegant framework to deeply investigate ANNs, compare their performances and explore deleterious behaviors such as catastrophic forgetting