217 research outputs found

    Rural Hospitals Closures in the United States : Theoretical Impact Analysis on African Americans Health Care Disparity in the South

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    This paper examines the impact of rural hospitals closures in the United States on African Americans health care access with focus on the South region (Black Belt). Specifically, the paper argues that rising rural hospital closures has disproportionate impact on African Americans and has exacerbated the health disparity between African Americans and Whites. In addition, the paper will examine the underlying socioeconomic factors influencing African Americans health outcomes in the South. Furthermore, the paper will add to the body of knowledge and literature on the subject of African Americans health disparity in the United States, with implications for public policy. African Americans health disparity in the United States is a long-standing problem. The rising closures of rural hospitals that provide critical care to historically underserved populations including Blacks has made the situation worse. The closures has made it more difficult for African Americans to obtain basic health care services and has resulted to diminishing access to care and persistent gaps in health quality for African Americans. The health disparity problem will be analyzed in the context of four underlying factors: race, discrimination, costs, and poverty. Methodically, the study is a narrative literature review and data analysis of previous and current works using Boolean search technique. The study finds and further re-affirm that race, discrimination, costs, and poverty contribute to African American health disparity in the United States. Based on the findings, the study concludes that rural hospital closures has disproportionate impact on African Americans health compared to Whites. To address the inequity, the study recommends better funding and resources for rural hospitals, Medicaid expansion, enhanced reimbursement incentives for health providers who practice in rural communities, strengthening federal health programs that support rural residents, such as, Essential Communities Providers (ECP), Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Rural Health Centers (RHCs), Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA). In this paper, the terms “Black (s),” “Black Americans,” and “African Americans” are used interchangeably. Keywords: African Americans, Whites, South, health disparity, access, rural hospital closures, race, discrimination, costs, poverty DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/10-7-06 Publication date:July 31st 202

    The Concept of Security as a Panacea in the Hands of the Creditor – A Myth or Reality?

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    The concept of Security with reference to the Nigerian Financial sector and Individuals was discussed broadly in this paper. Security is clearly defined, the usefulness of security is well elaborated in this paper. This paper also gives us an insight into the nature of security, it classifies security into real and personal security. Before any loan agreement can become valid, certain conditions must be addressed and fulfilled such as Recognition of parties by law, Capacity of parties under the law, Validity of agreement, Reliability of Security tendered, Issue of acquisition, Compliance with Relevant Planning Regulations, Valuation. The last three instances are relevant where Land is the subject matter of the Security. This paper emphasizes without doubt, that the major problem with Security as a panacea in the hands of the creditor lies with its enforcement, and goes on to suggest that this problem of unenforceability of security can be drastically reduced if the Relevant Law Enforcement Agencies in every country, especially in Nigeria begin to take Creditors’ Petitions against Debtors seriously and work on them. Once petitions have been investigated to be genuine, the Law Enforcement Agencies should go after the debtors and effect their arrests, especially escapee debtors who have made away with several peoples’ monies and those who are owing the banks massive amounts of money. After they have been arrested, if they cannot pay back the money, they should be sentenced to at least twenty one years imprisonment because they may have wrecked some of their Creditors completely and rendered them totally hopeless. We can see from this abstract that Security as used in the context of this paper is both a Myth and a Reality because it has worked well for some creditors, but some other Creditors could not be allowed to take over it to realize the money they loaned to debtors. KEYWORDS : Security, Creditor, Debtor, Banks, Secured Creditor, Unsecured Creditor, Mortgage, Real Security, Surety, Personal Security, Parties, Loan Agreement, Contract, Indemnity, I.O Smith Guarantee, Law Enforcement Agencies, The EFCC, Valid Title, Mortgagor, Land, Escapee Debtors

    Re - Examining the Theory of Savigny, the Theory of Acquired Rights and the Local Law Theory under Private International Law

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    This paper critically examines the theories of Savigny, The Acquired Rights Theory and the Local Law Theory. In the Introductory part, I discussed the Statute Theory which existed before that of Von Savigny. Most of the theories discussed here emphasize territoriality as a key factor on which most Judges should base their decisions on any Matter or Cause brought before them. This paper discussed Von Savigny’s theory in full details, and makes us to know that Savigny’s theory is still practicable, workable, and cannot be done away with. The Local Law Theory also has judicial precedents as one of its key factors, and we cannot rule out the importance of precedents which help us to predict the outcome of most Cases even before they have been heard, tried and determined by the Courts. Those theories make it clear for us to understand that no Court of Law sitting in the Forum should be a slave to laws of other countries, and that those seeking to enforce foreign laws in another country should know that those laws or Rights can only be enforced if it is in consonance with those of the law of the Forum, or may be enforced where there is a lacuna in the law of the Forum over such Matter (and it will not do injustice to the citizens of the Forum when they are faced with the same problems). In effect, this paper discusses the usefulness of all the theories discussed, and why none of them can be done away with for any reason. It tells us that those theories are still applicable and very workable in the Courts of Law, as they each have one, two or more key features that prove their relevance in Law and in Fact till date. Keywords: Theory of Acquired Rights, Savigny’s Theory, Statute Theory,  Local Law Theory, Private International Law, Territorial Law, Sovereign, Ulric Huber, Walter Wheeler Cook, Von Savigny, Cheshire, North & Fawcet

    A Critical Study of the Exercise of Jurisdiction of Customary Courts in the Nigeria Legal System

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    This paper discusses strictly the concept of jurisdiction, and its incidents. It educates us on the nature, meaning and importance of the jurisdiction of courts generally, with special reference to the customary courts in Nigeria. Many States in Nigeria operate the customary court system, and some even have Customary Courts of Appeal which entertains appeals from the customary courts in their respective States. This paper examined the indices of a court’s competence by using the customary court as a practical example. This no doubt, is very interesting and helps us understand deeply what the concept of jurisdiction is all about, for a court that has no jurisdiction lacks competence to hear a Suit or Matter. Territorial and substantive jurisdiction ,  jurisdiction and judicial powers were clearly defined and distinguished. The roles of the Customary Courts of Appeal (as a Court of Superior Record under the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria) were clearly spelt out. Customary Courts of Lagos, Kaduna and Enugu States had their jurisdiction and Matters that can be brought under them practically illustrated as examples in this paper, and suggestions as regards the judicial powers and jurisdiction of the customary courts were made in this paper to help improve the customary courts system in Nigeria. Keywords : Jurisdiction, competence, customary courts, customary Court of Appeal of a State, members, president of customary court, Lagos, Enugu, Kaduna, Land Use Act, judicial powers, unlimited, Causes, Matters

    Unequal Cut in Limb Amputations: Diabetes and Health Disparity in the United States

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    This paper discusses the diabetes “epidemic” (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, [herein after CDC] https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/library/features/diabetes-stat-report.html) in the United States. Specifically, the paper will discuss the racial disparity in diabetes disease prevalence and impacts between African Americans and Whites in the United States. The disproportionate prevalence, impacts, treatment, and care of diabetes between African Americans and Whites is particularly manifested in the diabetes related lower extremity amputations (LEA) undergone by African Americans compared to their White counterparts pertinent to causal, predisposing, and preventive factors. Through comparative analysis and using diabetic amputation rates, extant LEA encounter studies and data in the literature will be used to analyze and demonstrate “The Black American Amputation Epidemic” with implications for public policy and public health. Methodically, the paper conducted systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies, government reports, secondary data, PubMed articles, Google Scholar Databases, published references. Consistent with existing empirical literature, the paper find and conclude that African Americans and other racial minorities suffer disproportionate preventable diabetes induced LEAs and deaths compared to Whites, further widening racial health care disparity problem. In addition, the paper adds to the body of knowledge and awareness of the increasing problem of diabetes on the African American population health germane to public policy intervention to reduce, if not totally eliminate the problem. Policy interventions including robust diabetes mitigation policy and leadership in the American health care system, more funding, research, education, better management, and preventive care for all patients at risk of amputation should be pursued, especially focusing on the historically underserved population. In this paper, the terms “Black (s),” “Black Americans,” “African Americans,” “racial minorities” and “people of color” are used interchangeably. Keywords: Diabetes, race, Black, White, health disparity, amputation, policy, United States DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/95-10 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Immigration and Politics in the 21st Century: The Rise of Nationalism Versus Pluralism in the United States

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    This paper examines the changing concept of pluralism in the United States, especially, in the aftermath of President Trump’s zeitgeist hard line immigration policy. Trump’s immigration agenda is forcefully manifested in ultra-nationalism tendencies including “trade war” (Economy, 2019), “economic populism” (Lenz and Gunter, 2017), “separation of young children from their parents at the border,” “claim of presidential powers to nullify the constitutional right to birthright citizenship” (Shapiro, 2019), “white identity politics” (Confessore, 2016), “racial resentment” (Harris, 2018), “racist nativist micro-aggressions” (Gomez and Huber, 2019), inciting racist and xenophobic rhetoric, such as “anti-Mexicanism and Islamophobia” (Huerta, 2017, p. 57) by the President in the push to advance his “Make America Great Again” and “America First” agendas. The meanness associated with Trump’s rhetoric evokes isolationism, anti-multiculturalism, intolerance, hate, and undermines America’s leadership role in the world. Bill Gates, cofounder of Microsoft Corporation, is not remiss: “America First worldview concerns me. It’s not that the United States shouldn’t look out for its people. The question is how best to do that. My view is that engaging with the world has proven over time to benefit everyone, including Americans, more than withdrawing does” (Gates and Gates, 2018). Using Trump’s efforts to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program as a case study, this paper will discuss the administration’s attempts to roll back American pluralism. In addition, the paper will discuss the political ascendency of Trump and its unfolding implications. Furthermore, the paper will discuss the ideals of America’s pluralism not only as the pillar of the American way, but also, as the important glue that binds and fosters American diversity, and boosts the U.S. economy. The paper will utilize nationalism theory framework of analysis to conceptualize and explain Trump’s brand of nationalism in contemporary global politics. The paper will add to the body of knowledge and literature on the subject of nationalism. The terms populism and nationalism will be used interchangeably.Keywords: immigration, nationalism, pluralism, DACA, economy, globalization, and TrumpDOI: 10.7176/JLPG/99-06Publication date:July 31st 202

    Domicile - A Critical Analysis Of The Position In Cheshire, North & Fawcett Private International Law

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    This paper critically examines the concept of Domicile, the General Rules, makes clear the position of Prisoners, Married women, Refugees, Fugitives from justice, Fugitive debtors, Invalids, Corporations. It contrasts the domicile of origin concept from the domicile of choice and suggests that the concept of domicile should be abolished in favour of nationality since they should be defined to mean the same thing. It introduces a purely new dimension to the concept of domicile stating reasons why every person should have only one domicile at any point in time. It tells us that the idea is very workable and that the concept of revival of domicile of origin should be done away with; while there should be no distinction between domicile and nationality. At the end of the paper, we get to know why dual nationality should be expunged globally. Keywords :  Domicile, Nationality, Dual citizenship, Residence, Propositus, Child, domicile of origin, domicile of choice, Status, personal Rights, Propert

    Changing the Canon: Chinua Achebe’s Women, the Public Sphere and the Politics of Inclusion

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    This paper examines the subjugation of Nigerian women with regard to how their political marginalisation constricts the public sphere, the resource centre of public opinion, which strengthens the ideals of democracy and good governance. The political marginalisation of women in Nigeria is a rectilinear upshot of their low participation in government and politics necessitated by patriarchy. This patriarchal practice has animated the urgency of expanded public sphere as well as feminism, an ideological, aesthetic and cultural movement, steeped in agitating for the rights of women and expanding the frontiers of their participation in the political process. In the political novel Anthills of the Savannah, which is to be considered in this paper, Chinua Achebe has deftly refracted the rise of new Nigerian women, who are generation changers. Beatrice represents Achebe’s new women; her portraiture in the novel interrogates postcolonial Nigerian politics of disempowerment, marginalisation, shrunken public sphere and gendered space that occlude good governance

    Osseous union in cases of nonunion in long bones treated by osteosynthesis

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    To determine the incidence of osseous union in cases of nonunion of long bones managed by open reduction and compression plating.: Between November, 2003 and June, 2005, 53 patients with nonunion of long bones were treated by open reduction and internal fixation and followed up. The follow up period for each case was 6 months. Immediate post- operative x-ray was done in each case. Patients were seen in the post- operative period at 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 12 weeks, and 6 months.At each visit, clinical and radiological assessments were done. : The male to female ratio was 3:2, and the average age at presentation was 39.7 years (range: 19-64years). The average time from injury to presentation was 19.98 months (range: 6-132months). The commonest bone involved was the humerus (18), followed by the femur (17), the Tibia (11), the ulna (5), and the radius (2). Osseous union was achieved in 44 patients (83%). There was no significant difference in incidence of osseous union among the various bones. It was observed that previous infection at the fracture site adversely affected osseous union. The management of nonunion in long bones by compression plating was found to be satisfactory
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