20 research outputs found

    Assessment of Body Mass Index and Blood Pressure among University Students in, Enugu, South East, Nigeria

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    Body Mass Index (BMI) has been described as a significant predictor of Blood Pressure (B.P) but few studies have demonstrated this associationin our environment. The study aims to determine the pattern of relationship between BMI and blood pressure in our environment Two thousand and ninety six (2096) students in two Universities located in Enugu, South East Nigeria completed the study. The blood pressure, weightand height were measured. Body mass index was calculated as weight in Kilograms divided by height in meters square (kg/m ). More females than males were underweight (9.4% versus 4.7%). More males than females were overweight (8% versus 4%).Obesity occurred more in males than females (7% versus 0.9%).Blood pressure parameters increased significantly with BMI (

    Egg Quality Traits and their Repeatability Estimates in High and Low Body Weight Lines of Crossbred normal Feather, Naked Neck and Frizzle Chicken.

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    Egg quality traits and their repeatability estimates were studied using a flock of 179 divergently selected crossbred normal feather (F), naked neck (a) and frizzle feather (FF) chickens. The high body weight line birds had heavier egg weights with the frizzle individuals (HFF) recording the highest egg weight of 54.22g at 42 weeks. The frizzle birds in the low body weight line (LFF) also had the heaviest egg weight of 50.05g while the naked necks (La) had the lowest egg weight of 34.64g. Shell thickness was not significantly different in both body weight lines, while yolk index (YI) was highest in the high naked neck line (Ha; YI = 0.59). Haugh unit was generally high and above 90% in both lines. Repeatability estimates for egg weight were low to moderate and ranged from 0.22 in HF to 0.41 in HFF while estimates of repeatability for shell thickness and Haugh unit were higher in the heavy body weight lines when compared to their low weight line counterparts. The magnitude of repeatability estimates for these traits seem to indicate that improvement for them could be achieved more by enhancing their non genetic factors.Keywords: Egg quality traits, repeatability estimates, divergent body weights, crossbred indigenous chicken

    Heterotic effect on body weight and morphometric traits of crossbred buck kids of Red Sokoto and West African Dwarf goats

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of crossbreeding on body weight and morphometric traits of crossbred buck kids produced from a mating of Red Sokoto(RS) and West African Dwarf(WAD) goats in a humid tropical environment. Results showed that the main crossbred (RS x WAD) buck kids had significantly higher body weight at 20 weeks (8.98 ± 0.43kg) than the reciprocal (WAD X RS) individuals (8.22± 0.12kg) . The Red Sokoto (RS X RS) buck kids maintained overall superiority for body weight (10.48 ±0.49kg) and other morphometric traits namely; body length (72.62 ± 3.18cm), height-at-withers (54.62 ± 3.10cm) and heart girth (63.20 ± 2.41cm)than other genetic groups. Direct and percentage heterosis for body weight and the morphometric traits were positive for the RS x WAD buck kids except for body length which was negative. The reciprocal WAD x RS buck kids had negative values for all measured parameters indicating that the WAD sired buck kids showed no improvement for these body traits following crossbreeding. It was therefore concluded that rapid improvement in growth traits of WAD goats could be achieved by main crossbreeding involving mating of RS bucks with WAD does.Keywords: Red Sokoto and WAD goats, crossbreeding, heterosis, body weight, morphometric traits

    Effects of Quantitative Feed Restriction on Broiler Growth and Economics of Production

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    The effects of quantitative feed restriction on broiler growth and monetary returns were investigated using two hundred and forty Cobb broiler chicks. Three levels of restriction namely, 5 10and 15% of ad libitum intake, were randomly imposed on different groups. Birds that were restricted in the starter phase of growth were full-fed in the finisher phase, and vice versa. Body weight was depressed by all levels of feed restriction considered. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) was however not significantly affected. Although quantitative feed restriction significantly reduced feed cost, the highest revenue was realized from control birds. All economic parameters considered did not show feed restriction as having advantage over full-feeding.Keywords: Feed Restriction, Broiler Growth, Economics of Productio

    Evaluating smallholder brood- and- sale poultry operation using crossbred local chicken genotypes in South East, Nigeria.

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    A total of 92 crossbred pullet chicks of normal feather (44), naked neck (27) and frizzle (21) were used to evaluate early growth performance and monetary returns of a simulated smallholder brood-and-sale poultry production operation. Average day-old (D.O.) weight of chicks were 34.57±0.98g, 35.28±0.59g and 35.38±1.02g for the normal feather, naked neck and frizzle, respectively and these D.O. weights were not significantly (P>0.05) different. However, at 6 weeks of age, the frizzle pullets weighed significantly (P<0.05) heavier (402.10±17.54g) than the naked neck (385.88±5.91g) but the latter were not different from the normal feather pullets (388.45±14.90g). The frizzle pullets consumed significantly more feed and had better feed conversion ratio than the naked neck and normal feather pullets. Cost of day-old chicks was on the average higher for the frizzle and naked neck chicks (*₦250.00 and ₦175.00 /chick, respectively) than the normal feather (₦120.00/chick). However, the frizzle and naked neck birds attracted higher revenues (₦1250.00 and ₦850.00, respectively) and higher gross margins (₦580.00 and ₦231.00, respectively) than the normal feather pullets (₦121.00). Thus indicating that raising frizzle and naked neck pullets would be more profitable to a smallholder poultry farmer especially in South Eastern igeria where these rare chicken genotypes are considered as premium birds.(*$1 = ₦155.00).Keywords: Local chicken, crossbreeding, brood-and-sale operation, smallholder poultr

    Growth performance, genetic parameters and selection index of pure and crossbred populations of Red Sokoto and West African Dwarf goats

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    In 2008, a breeding programme was designed to develop hybrid goat suitable for the rainforest agro-ecological zone of South-Eastern, Nigeria. Two indigenous goat breeds namely, Red Sokoto (RS) and West African Dwarf (WAD) goats were utilized and mated in a main (RS x WAD), reciprocal (WAD x RS) and pure line (RS x RS and WAD x WAD) fashion. A total of 74 progenies were generated from the matings and were evaluated for 12week growth performance. As part of the ranking procedure, a selection index was constructed based on two major body components namely body weight (BWT) and heart girth (HGT) to objectively determine the genetic worth of the growing pure and crossbred progenies of Red Sokoto and West African Dwarf kids. The results showed that average body weight (BWT) of RS x RS (5.29±0.13kg) and RS x WAD (5.14±0.21kg) buck kids were similar but significantly (P< 0.05) heavier than that of their WAD x RS (4.84 + 0.17kg) and WAD x WAD (4.79 + 0.17kg) counterparts. The performance of crossbred RS x WAD compared to WAD x RS and WAD x WAD buck kids indicate that the main crossbred kids sired by Red Sokoto bucks but nursed by WAD dams received superior sets of genes from their large-sized sire. The RS x WAD buck kids in particular, had significantly longer body length (BLT), height-at-withers (HWT) and HGT than WAD x RS and WAD x WAD kids. The phenotypic and genetic correlations of BWT and HGT in both sexes for the different genotypes were high and positive which were indicative of the nature of association between these conformation traits in goats. Heritability estimates (h2) for BWT and HGT in males and females kids ranged from 0.31 – 0.36 versus 0.28 – 0.30, respectively in most of the growing kids. The relative economic values (REV) of chosen traits were generally higher for male kids compared to their female counterparts. Phenotypic variances for BWT and HGT in male and female kids ranged from 0.65 – 0.80. The selection index values were highest in male and female kids of RS x RS, followed by RS x WAD, while WAD x RS kids ranked low and WAD x WAD kids ranked the least. Thus, indicating that selection and improvement of growth traits in these pure and crossbred kids would be in favour of the RS x RS and RS x WAD individuals.Key words: Indigenous goats, crossbreeding, genetic parameters, selection index, growth traits

    Extraction and characterization of vegetable oil from avocado pear (Persea Americana)

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    No Abstract.International Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Systems Vol. 1 (4) 2007: pp. 352-35

    Extent of Information and Communication Technology Usage among Agriculture Undergraduates, Implications for Agricultural Development

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    Agriculture undergraduates are the bedrock of future agricultural development. It is therefore pertinent examine how they are aligning with the wave of information and communication technology and communication technology in contemporary times in Nigeria. This study focused on determining the extent of information and Communication Technology usage among agriculture undergraduates and the implications for agricultural and rural transformation. Data were collectedwith the aid of structured questionnaire from 112 randomly selected undergraduates of the School of Agricultural technology of the federal University of technology, Owerri, Nigeria. Data analysis was by the use of descriptive statistics. Finding of the study revealed that usage level of ICT among respondents was high in E-mail {mean score =2.41}. The web {mean score = 2.34} and computer operation {mean score = 1.77}, but low in CD-ROM {mean score =1.09} and chartroom {mean score=1.41}. it was also found that respondents use ICT for handling assignments {mean score =2.61}, project work {mean score =2.27}, scholarship information {mean score {= 1.70}, project work {meanscore = 2.27}, general agricultural information {mean score =2.22}, seminar {mean score =1.55}. It was found that respondents use ICT tools in commercial business centres and a large proportion of the respondents spent 5 hours weekly on average on ICT and spent up to N200. it was alsorecommended that the university should provide agriculture  undergraduates with cyber café and some hours of grace should be given to them in order to reduce financial burden on them. The implications of the findings are that agriculture undergraduates are well informed aboutcontemporary agricultural information and are adequately prepared for transforming agricultural development in Nigeria. in view of this extension education policy should be developed to ensure that agriculture undergraduates are provided skills that will foster more interest in the use of information and communication technology. This will make them more relevant to national development

    Parametric sensitivity analysis of a mathematical model of HIV infection of CD4+ T-Cells

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    Background: In this complex mathematical model of a system of continuous nonlinear first order ordinary differential equations of HIV infection of CD4+ T-Cells, the scientific problem of determining the sensitivity of model parameters, s and a over the model parameter d is yet to be tackled.Aim: To determine the sensitivity of model parameters , s and a over the model parameter d by using the one-at-a-time type of sensitivity analysis over a chosen time range.Methods:  In this  bio-medical study, we used the tool of a sensitivity analysis to select the most sensitive model parameters of this multi-parameter system. This method is based on a variation of a model parameter one-at-a-time when other model parameters are fixed.Results: We have found that the maximum proliferation rate'a' of target cells, the T population density 'Tmax' at which proliferation shuts off and the rate's' at which new T cells are created from sources within the body such as thymus are selected using the three  mathematical norms of 1-norm, 2-norm and infinity norm as the most sensitive parameters while the death rate'd' of the T cells is selected as the least sensitive.Conclusion: The implications of these contributions for further data validation, parameter estimation and HIV mitigation policy in a Nigerian population are suggested. The details of the sensitivity properties of other model parameters will be the subject of a future publication.Keywords:  parametric,  Sensitivity analysis, Mathematical model, HIV/AIDS model, Policy implications, T cell

    Evaluation of Egg Quality Traits of Local Chickens in the Humid Tropical Environment of Umudike, Southeast Nigeria

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    Four hundred and thirty six (436) eggs laid by seven genotypes of local chickens within 56 days were used to evaluate egg quality traits. The genotypes evaluated were the homozygous naked neck (Na/Na) and frizzle (F/F), heterozygous naked neck (Na/na) and frizzle (F/na), reciprocal crosses between naked neck and frizzle (Na/F, F/Na) and homozygous normal feathered (na/na) chicken. Results showed that genotypes differed significantly (p<0.05) in all the external egg quality traits except for eggshell thickness (ST) and some internal egg quality traits. The F/F, Na/Na and Na/F genotype had the highest values for egg weight (EWT), egg length (EL), egg shape index (EI), yolk weight (YWT), yolk height (YH), yolk width (YW) and yolk index (YI). The highest EL and EI values were recorded for F/F and F/Na genotypes respectively whereas the highest YWT values were recorded for F/F, Na/F and Na/Na genotypes. The F/Na and Na/Na ranked highest in YH, while the F/F and Na/F genotypes ranked highest in YW. The YI values were better in eggs produced by the F/Na and Na/Na genotypes. The genotypes did not differ significantly (p>0.05) in albumen weight, albumen height and Haugh unit. However, higher values were recorded for Na/F genotype. It was concluded that both naked neck and frizzle homozygotes and their reciprocal crosses were superior in egg quality traits than either the normal genotype or genotypes heterozygous for normal feathering