8,355 research outputs found

    In situ polymerization of soil organic matter by oxidative biomimetic catalysis.

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    Background: Agricultural practices that enhance organic matter content in soil can play a central role in sequestering soil organic carbon (SOC) and reducing greenhouse gases emissions. Methods: We used a water-soluble iron-porphyrin to catalyze directly in situ oxidative polymerization of soil organic matter in the presence of H2O2 oxidant, with the aim to enhance OC stabilization, and, consequently, reduce CO2 emissions from soil. The occurred SOC stabilization was assessed by monitoring soil aggregate stability, OC distribution in water-soluble aggregates, soil respiration, and extraction yields of humic and fulvic acids. Results: Soil treatment with H2O2 and iron-porphyrin increased the physical stability of water-stable soil aggregates and the total OC content in small aggregates, thereby suggesting that the catalyzed oxidative polymerization increased OC in soil and induced a soil physical improvement. The significant reduction of CO2 respired by the catalyst- and H2O2-treated soil indicated an enhanced resistance of polymerized SOC to microbial mineralization. The catalyzed oxidative polymerization of SOC also significantly decreased the extraction yields of humic and fulvic acids from soil. Conclusions: The oxidative catalytic technology described here may become an efficient agricultural practice for OC sequestration in soils and contribute to mitigate global changes

    Micro-optical Tandem Luminescent Solar Concentrators

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    Traditional concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) systems utilize multijunction cells to minimize thermalization losses, but cannot efficiently capture diffuse sunlight, which contributes to a high levelized cost of energy (LCOE) and limits their use to geographical regions with high direct sunlight insolation. Luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs) harness light generated by luminophores embedded in a light-trapping waveguide to concentrate light onto smaller cells. LSCs can absorb both direct and diffuse sunlight, and thus can operate as flat plate receivers at a fixed tilt and with a conventional module form factor. However, current LSCs experience significant power loss through parasitic luminophore absorption and incomplete light trapping by the optical waveguide. Here we introduce a tandem LSC device architecture that overcomes both of these limitations, consisting of a PLMA polymer layer with embedded CdSe/CdS quantum dot (QD) luminophores and InGaP micro-cells, which serve as a high bandgap absorber on top of a conventional Si photovoltaic. We experimentally synthesize CdSe/CdS QDs with exceptionally high quantum-yield (99%) and ultra-narrowband emission optimally matched to fabricated III-V InGaP micro-cells. Using a Monte Carlo ray-tracing model, we show the radiative limit power conversion efficiency for a module with these components to be 30.8% diffuse sunlight conditions. These results indicate that a tandem LSC-on-Si architecture could significantly improve upon the efficiency of a conventional Si photovoltaic module with simple and straightforward alterations of the module lamination steps of a Si photovoltaic manufacturing process, with promise for widespread module deployment across diverse geographical regions and energy markets

    AC losses reduction in Hairpin Windings produced via Additive Manufacturing

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    One of the key challenges of hairpin windings is the reduction of their high losses at high-frequency operations. Hairpin layouts comprising conductors with variable cross sections have proven good loss performance in previous studies. However, they come at the cost of significant manufacturing complications. The aim of this work is to design hairpin layouts featuring reduced losses compared to classical configurations, exploiting the flexibility enabled by additive manufacturing. In this context, the choice of a proper material with relatively high conductivity and low ecological impact plays an important role. Hence, this article first presents an overview of materials that can be used for the winding additive manufacturing, aiming to select the most suitable one for the application at hand. Then, the loss performance is evaluated and compared against classical copper hairpins. The results demonstrate that opportunely selected alloys featuring asymmetric configurations can compete against classical hairpin windings. © 20XX IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThis paper reflects only the author's view. JU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains

    KAOS: A new automated computational method for the identification of overexpressed genes

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    Background: Kinase over-expression and activation as a consequence of gene amplification or gene fusion events is a well-known mechanism of tumorigenesis. The search for novel rearrangements of kinases or other druggable genes may contribute to understanding the biology of cancerogenesis, as well as lead to the identification of new candidate targets for drug discovery. However this requires the ability to query large datasets to identify rare events occurring in very small fractions (1-3 %) of different tumor subtypes. This task is different from what is normally done by conventional tools that are able to find genes differentially expressed between two experimental conditions. Results: We propose a computational method aimed at the automatic identification of genes which are selectively over-expressed in a very small fraction of samples within a specific tissue. The method does not require a healthy counterpart or a reference sample for the analysis and can be therefore applied also to transcriptional data generated from cell lines. In our implementation the tool can use gene-expression data from microarray experiments, as well as data generated by RNASeq technologies. Conclusions: The method was implemented as a publicly available, user-friendly tool called KAOS (Kinase Automatic Outliers Search). The tool enables the automatic execution of iterative searches for the identification of extreme outliers and for the graphical visualization of the results. Filters can be applied to select the most significant outliers. The performance of the tool was evaluated using a synthetic dataset and compared to state-of-the-art tools. KAOS performs particularly well in detecting genes that are overexpressed in few samples or when an extreme outlier stands out on a high variable expression background. To validate the method on real case studies, we used publicly available tumor cell line microarray data, and we were able to identify genes which are known to be overexpressed in specific samples, as well as novel ones

    Combining multi-source data to map vineyards in a specialized district of Basilicata (Southern Italy)

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    In agriculture, the geography of specific crops can successfully support productivity monitoring and farming practices management. Vineyards particularly have a key role in modeling and protecting Mediterranean landscapes, representing a fundamental asset in the economies of inner areas. In this paper, we mapped the 2017 coverage of vineyards of the Vulture-Melfese, a specialized agricultural district of Basilicata (Southern Italy) renowned for hosting the Aglianico grapevine variety. To achieve this objective, we combined information extracted from free-accessible multisource data by leveraging the traditional photo-interpretation technique. Then, we characterized the mapped vineyards based on simple geo-environmental variables (size, elevation, climate). This detailed inventory can help public bodies and land managers to shape more specific local agricultural policies to strengthen the profitability of the agricultural sector, preserve agrobiodiversity and face climate change effects

    Graphene-passivated nickel as an efficient hole-injecting electrode for large area organic semiconductor devices

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    Efficient injection of charge from metal electrodes into semiconductors is of paramount importance to obtain high performance optoelectronic devices. The quality of the interface between the electrode and the semiconductor must, therefore, be carefully controlled. The case of organic semiconductors presents specific problems: ambient deposition techniques, such as solution processing, restrict the choice of electrodes to those not prone to oxidation, limiting potential applications. Additionally, damage to the semiconductor in sputter coating or high temperature thermal evaporation poses an obstacle to the use of many device-relevant metals as top electrodes in vertical metal–semiconductor–metal structures, making it preferable to use them as bottom electrodes. Here, we propose a possible solution to these problems by implementing graphene-passivated nickel as an air stable bottom electrode in vertical devices comprising organic semiconductors. We use these passivated layers as hole-injecting bottom electrodes, and we show that efficient charge injection can be achieved into standard organic semiconducting polymers, owing to an oxide free nickel/graphene/polymer interface. Crucially, we fabricate our electrodes with low roughness, which, in turn, allows us to produce large area devices (of the order of millimeter squares) without electrical shorts occurring. Our results make these graphene-passivated ferromagnetic electrodes a promising approach for large area organic optoelectronic and spintronic devices.We acknowledge funding from EPSRC (EP/P005152/1, EP/M005143/1). R.M. and K.N. acknowledges funding from the EPSRC Cambridge NanoDTC (Grant No. EP/G037221/1). J.A.-W. acknowledges the support of his Research Fellowship from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, and Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellowship. R. S. W. acknowledges support from a CAMS-UK fellowship

    A study of gas contaminants and interaction with materials in RPC closed loop systems

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    Resistive Plate Counters (RPC) detectors at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments use gas recirculation systems to cope with large gas mixture volumes and costs. In this paper a long-term systematic study about gas purifiers, gas contaminants and detector performance is discussed. The study aims at measuring the lifetime of purifiers with unused and used cartridge material along with contaminants release in the gas system. During the data-taking the response of several RPC double-gap detectors was monitored in order to characterize the correlation between dark currents, filter status and gas contaminants

    Comparison of the intestinal microbiome of italian patients with multiple sclerosis and their household relatives

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic immune-mediated disease of the central nervous system, caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. In recent years, a role in MS pathogenesis was assigned to the gut microbiota. However, different signatures of gut dysbiosis have been shown to depend on environmental factors, like diet and lifestyle. In this study, we compared the gut microbiome in MS patients and their household healthy relatives sharing lifestyle and environmental factors. Faecal metagenomic DNA was extracted and the V3-V4 regions of the conserved bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA gene were amplified and sequenced. While overall bacterial communities were similar, specific families differed between healthy and MS subjects. We observed an increase in Ruminococcaceae, Christensenellaceae, Desulfovibrionaceae, Clostridiales, and Family XIII in MS patients, while Bacteroidaceae, Tannerellaceae, Veillonellaceae, and Burkholderiaceae were more abundant in healthy controls. In addition, principle coordinate analysis showed that the gut microbiome of all MS patients formed a cluster being less diverse than the household relatives and that gut microbiota of MS patients with EDSS 4.5-7 formed a distinct cluster in respect to their controls. Overall, our study is consistent with the hypothesis that MS patients have gut microbial dysbiosis and evidenced the importance of environmental factors in shaping the gut microbiome

    Transforming growth factor β1 T29C gene polymorphism and hypertension: Relationship with cardiovascular and renal damage

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    Distribution of T29C TGFβ1 gene polymorphism was analysed in 260 hypertensive and 134 normotensive subjects. Circulating TGFβ1 and procollagen type III levels, microalbuminuria, left ventricular geometry and function were evaluated in all the hypertensives subgrouped according to T29C TGFβ1 gene polymorphism. Circulating TGFβ1 by ELISA technique, procollagen type III by a specific radioimmunoassay, microalbuminuria by radioimmunoassay, left ventricular geometry and function by echocardiography were determined. All groups were comparable for gender, age and sex. Regarding T29C TGFβ1 gene polymorphism, prevalence of TC or CC genotypes was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in hypertensives than normotensives. TC and CC hypertensives were characterized by a higher prevalence of subjects with microalbuminuria (p < 0.001 TC vs TT; p < 0.05 CC vs TT), left ventricular hypertrophy (p < 0.01 TC and CC vs TT), and by increased levels of procollagen type III (p < 0.05 TC and CC vs TT). TC hypertensives were also characterized by a significant increase (p < 0.05) of LVM and LVM/h2.7 and of urinary albumin excretion (p < 0.05) values than those detectable in TT hypertensives. Our data suggest that T29C TGFβ1 gene polymorphism was associated to clinical characteristics suitable to recognize hypertensives with a higher severity of hypertension

    Misdiagnosis of familial Mediterranean fever in patients with Anderson-Fabry disease

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    Fabry disease (FD) is an underdiagnosed pathology due to its symptomatology that overlaps with various systemic and rheumatic disorders, including familial Mediterranean fever (FMF). We examined the Mediterranean fever (MEFV) and α-galactosidase A (GLA) genes, whose mutations are responsible for FMF and FD, respectively, in 42 unrelated patients diagnosed with FMF, which revealed significant ambiguity regarding some of the symptoms which are also present in FD. The objective of this study was to determine the spectrum of mutations present in these genes, in order to identify cases of mistaken diagnosis of FMF and/or missed diagnosis of FD. Ten out of 42 patients had one mutation in homozygosis or two different mutations in heterozygosis in the MEFV gene; 20/42 had a single heterozygous mutation, and 12/42 did not have genetic alterations in MEFV. The analysis of the GLA gene conducted on all the samples revealed that three subjects, and some members of their families, had two different exonic mutations associated with FD. Family studies allowed us to identify eight other cases of FD, bringing the total undiagnosed subjects to 11/53. Analyzing the MEFV and GLA genes in patients with clinical diagnoses of FMF proved to be fundamentally important for the reduction of diagnostic errors