11 research outputs found

    Avaliação de oficinas de autocuidado aos portadores de periodontite crônica: cuidando dos usuários e cirurgiões-dentistas The evaluation of self-care workshops to carriers of chronic periodontitis: taking care of users and dentists

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    O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar as oficinas de "aceitação ao paciente" para os cirurgiões-dentistas e de autocuidado para os portadores de periodontite crônica. Pacientes em atendimento nas clínicas de periodontia dos cursos de graduação e pós-graduação em odontologia e alunos de especialização em periodontia, em Fortaleza (CE), participaram de oficinas educativas. Os pacientes do grupo de intervenção e controle responderam a um questionário estruturado no início e no final do tratamento. Foi realizado o diário de campo em todas as oficinas. Para a comparação entre os momentos antes e depois, nos dois grupos, foi realizado o teste McNemar, com uma probabilidade de p < 0,05. No grupo de intervenção, houve um incremento do conhecimento em relação ao nome, às causas e aos fatores relacionados à doença (p < 0,05). No grupo-controle, não houve aumento na compreensão do caráter crônico, ao contrário do grupo de intervenção. Os cirurgiões-dentistas demonstraram pouca habilidade em lidar com pacientes crônicos. As oficinas educativas aos portadores de periodontite crônica acrescentam conhecimentos sobre a doença, suas causas e seu caráter crônico, principalmente pela metodologia pedagógica utilizada e o diálogo com a cultura popular.<br>The objective of this article is to evaluate the workshops of "accepting the patient" for dentists and of self-care for carriers of chronic periodontitis. The patients assisted at the periodontics clinics of graduation and post-graduation Dentistry courses and periodontics specialty students, in Fortaleza, Ceará State, Brazil, took part of educative workshops. A field diary was done in all workshops. The patients of both interventions and control groups answered a structured questionnaire at the beginning and at the end of the treatment. In order to compare the previous and post moments, in both groups, a McNemar test was performed, with a probability of p<0.05. In the intervention group, there was an increase in knowledge related to the name, the causes and related factors of the disease (p < 0.05). In the control group there wasn't a rise in the understanding of the diseases' chronic character, unlike the intervention group. The dentists showed few abilities in dealing with chronic patients. It can be concluded that the educative workshops for carriers of chronic periodontitis increase the knowledge about the illness, its causes and its chronic character, especially by the pedagogical methodology used and the dialogue with the popular culture

    Interprofessional education and collaborative work in health: implementing is needed!

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    Proactive actions to implement good collaborative practices that result in improved health care is critical since the health professionals’ training. This study aims to understand the process of education and interprofessional collaborative work in training courses in the health area of one Portuguese university. Professional trainers of Nursing, Psychology, Sociology and Medicine courses participated in Focus Groups. Content analysis of the transcripts was carried out with the use of the NVivo software version 12.0. From the data obtained five categories emerged: conceptual clarity; barriers/challenges; potentialities; strategies; and suggestions. Also, subcategories were defined, such as lack of communication, a students’ profile, and difficulty in operationalizing InterProfessional Education (IPE) and collaborative Work (CW). Weaknesses and threats surpassed strengths and potentialities. It is hoped that this study can contribute to a reflection that helps strengthens the curricular changes necessary to make work education viable.This work was partially funded by Portuguese national funds through the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) within the framework of the CIEC (Research Center for Child Studies of the University of Minho) project under the reference UID/CED/00317/2019