13 research outputs found

    Estimación de la concentración media diaria de material particulado fino en la región del Complejo Industrial y Portuario de Pecém, Ceará, Brasil

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    A exposição ao material particulado fino (MP2,5) está associada a inúmeros desfechos à saúde. Desta forma, monitoramento da concentração ambiental do MP2,5 é importante, especialmente em áreas amplamente industrializadas, pois abrigam potenciais emissores do MP2,5 e de substâncias com potencial de aumentar a toxicidade de partículas já suspensas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é estimar a concentração diária do MP2,5 em três áreas de influência do Complexo Industrial e Portuário do Pecém (CIPP), Ceará, Brasil. Foi aplicado um modelo de regressão não linear para a estimativa do MP2,5, por meio de dados de profundidade óptica monitorados por satélite. As estimativas foram realizadas em três áreas de influência (Ai) do CIPP (São Gonçalo do Amarante – Ai I, Paracuru e Paraipaba – Ai II e Caucaia – Ai III, no período de 2006 a 2017. As médias anuais das concentrações estimadas foram inferiores ao estabelecido pela legislação nacional em todas as Ai (8µg m-3). Em todas as Ai, os meses referentes ao período de seca (setembro a fevereiro) apresentaram as maiores concentrações e uma predominância de ventos leste para oeste. Os meses que compreendem o período de chuva (março a agosto) apresentaram as menores concentrações e ventos menos definidos. As condições meteorológicas podem exercer um papel importante nos processos de remoção, dispersão ou manutenção das concentrações do material particulado na região. Mesmo com baixas concentrações estimadas, é importante avaliar a constituição das partículas finas dessa região, bem como sua possível associação a efeitos adversos à saúde da população local.Exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is associated with numerous negative health outcomes. Thus, monitoring the environmental concentration of PM2.5 is important, especially in heavily industrialized areas, since they harbor potential emitters of PM2.5 and substances with the potential to increase the toxicity of already suspended particles. This study aims to estimate daily concentrations of PM2.5 in three areas under the influence of the Industrial and Port Complex of Pecém (CIPP), Ceará State, Brazil. A nonlinear regression model was applied to estimate PM2.5, using satellitemonitored optical depth data. Estimates were performed in three areas of influence (Ai) of the CIPP (São Gonçalo do Amarante – AiI, Paracuru and Paraipaba – AiII, and Caucaia – AiIII), from 2006 to 2017. Estimated mean annual concentrations were lower than established by Brazil’s national legislation in all three Ai (8µg m-³). In all the Ai, the months of the dry season (September to February) showed the highest concentrations and a predominance of east winds, while the months of the rainy season (March to August) showed the lowest concentrations and less defined winds Weather conditions can play an important role in the removal, dispersal, or maintenance of concentrations of particulate matter in the region. Even at low estimated concentrations, it is important to assess the composition of fine participles in this region and their possible association with adverse health outcomes in the local population.La exposición al material particulado fino (MP2,5) está asociada a innumerables problemas de salud. Por ello, la supervisión de la concentración ambiental del MP2,5 es importante, especialmente en áreas ampliamente industrializadas, puesto que albergan potenciales emisores de MP2,5 y de sustancias con potencial de aumentar la toxicidad de partículas ya suspendidas. El objetivo de esta investigación es estimar la concentración diaria del MP2,5 en tres áreas de influencia del Complejo Industrial y Portuario de Pecém (CIPP), Ceará, Brasil. Se aplicó un modelo de regresión no lineal para la estimación del MP2,5, mediante datos de profundidad óptica supervisados por satélite. Las estimaciones fueron realizadas en tres áreas de influencia (Ai) del CIPP (São Gonçalo do Amarante – Ai I, Paracuru y Paraipaba – Ai II y Caucaia – Ai III en el período de 2006 a 2017. Las medias anuales de las concentraciones estimadas fueron inferiores a lo establecido por la legislación nacional en todas las Ai (8µg m-³). En todas las Ai, los meses referentes al período de sequía (de setiembre a febrero) presentaron las mayores concentraciones y una predominancia de vientos este a oeste, los meses que comprenden el período de lluvia (marzo a agosto) presentaron las menores concentraciones y vientos menos definidos. Las condiciones meteorológicas pueden ejercer un papel importante en los procesos de eliminación, dispersión o mantenimiento de las concentraciones del material particulado en la región. Incluso con bajas concentraciones estimadas es importante que se evalúe la constitución de las partículas finas de esta región, así como su posible asociación con efectos adversos para la salud de la población local

    Contribution de l’élevage du bovin local à la réduction de la pauvreté monétaire dans la région centrale au Togo

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    Notre étude a eu pour objectif d’évaluer la contribution de l’élevage bovin local à la réduction de la pauvreté monétaire des ménages agricoles dans la Région Centrale au Togo. Un choix raisonné de 10 villages sur 15 dans la préfecture de Mô et 8 villages 24 dans la circonscription périurbaine de la préfecture Tchaoudjo a été fait. Pour chaque village échantillon, la collecte des données périodique, chaque quatre mois, entre 2014 et 2016 a été faite. Elle a concerné dans les villages échantillons, 18 élevages sur 41 à Mô et 26 élevages sur 108 à Tchaoudjo. Le seuil de pauvreté monétaire de la région a été utilisé pour évaluer la pauvreté monétaire selon Foster-Greer-Thorbecke.Une réduction de la pauvreté monétaire de 10,3 points et l’atténuation de la sévérité de la pauvreté de 8,7 points ont été enregistrées. Basé sur l’élevage bovin exclusif, l’écart du revenu au seuil a induit un gap équivalent à 68,5 % du seuil dans 71,4 % ménages. Ainsi, bien que cette activité induise une incidence financière positive sur le revenu agricole, la production exclusive du bovin dans les conditions des exploitations enquêtées conduirait à une précarité monétaire. Pour cela, l’étude propose une diversification des activités agricoles.Mots clés: bovin local, pauvreté monétaire,- région Centrale, TogoEnglish Title: Contribution of local cattle breeding to the monetary poverty reduction in the central region of TogoEnglish AbstractThe Survey has had as objective to evaluate the contribution of local cattle breeding to the monetary poverty reduction of household in the Central Region of Togo. The studies was conducted in the district of Mô and in the Rural-urban fringes of Tchaoudjo, were 10 villages upon 8 and eight upon 24 were choose. For each sample of village, the data were collected between 2015 and 2015 from 18 upon 41 breed keepers at Mô and 26 upon 108 in the in the Rural-urban fringes of Tchaoudjo. The monetary poverty doorstep of the region was used to acceded monetary poverty by Foster-Greer-Thorbecke approach.The reduction of monetary poverty of 10.3 points and the attenuation of poverty severity of 8.7 point were recorded. Base on cattle breed exclusively, the gap of income to the doorstep inducted was 68% in 71.4 household. Thus, although this activity led globally to positive financial on the farm income, cattle breed exclusively lead to monetary precariousness. These situations suppose the necessity of diversification of activities.Keywords: local cattle, monetary poverty, Central Region, Tog

    Impacts de l’exploitation artisanale de l’or sur les ressources naturelles à Kemeni (région centrale du Togo).

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    L’exploitation de l’or est devenue ces deux dernières années l’activité principale de la population de Kéméni, une localité située dans la Préfecture de Tchaoudjo (Région Centrale du Togo). La présente étude a identifié l’impact de cette activité sur les ressources naturelles. L’approche méthodologique s’est basée sur des enquêtes couplées aux observations de terrain et complétées par des inventaires floristiques, forestiers et écologiques. Au total 175 personnes dont 143 orpailleurs, 27 riverains et 5 propriétaires terriens ont été enquêtées. 97,69% des enquêtés reconnaissent que l’exploitation artisanale de l’or a occasionné la destruction de la végétation, la déviation du lit de cours d’eau, la dégradation du sol et la pollution de l’eau. Les puits et les grottes laissés ouvert après exploitation rendent les sites d'accès dangereux pour les animaux et pour les hommes. Sur le plan économique, cette activité est la seule source de revenu pour 35,66% des ménages du village. Le revenu moyen par exploitant varie entre 700 F CFA à 2000 F CFA par jour. Les inventaires floristiques ont permis de dénombrer 228 espèces reparties en 178 genres et 61 familles. Les analyses statistiques permettent de discriminer 4 types de végétation : les forêts galeries, les savanes herbeuses, les savanes arborées dégradées et les savanes arborées relativement conservées avec des caractéristiques structurales variables. L’analyse de données d’inventaires forestiers en fonction des groupements discriminés met en évidence l’impact de la dégradation des formations végétales suite aux activités humaines, principalement l’exploitation de l’or sur la structure démographique, la densité, la régénération et la composition floristique. Ainsi la dégradation du couvert végétale surtout des forêts galeries fragilisent les berges des cours d’eaux favorisant l’envasement et l’assèchement de ces derniers. Une mise en place des mesures de sécurité et une étude d'impact environnementale préalable ou accompagnant les activités d’exploitation s’imposent afin de contribuer à une meilleure préservation de l’environnement et de la biodiversité.Mots clés : orpaillage, ressources naturelles, impact, Kéméni, Togo.English AbstractThe gold mining became the last two years the main activity of the population of Kemeni, a village in the prefecture of Tchaoudjo (Central Region of Togo). This study has revealed the impact of this activity on natural resources. The methodological approach is based on surveys coupled with field observations and completed by floral, forestry and ecological inventories. On the whole 175 people including 143 miners, 27 residents and 5 landowners were surveyed. 97.69% of respondents agree that artisanal gold mining has caused the destruction of the vegetation, the diversion of the rivers, soil degradation and water pollution. Wells and caves left open after use, make dangerous the access spots for animals and men. In economic terms, this activity is the only source of income for  35.66% of households in the village. The average income per owners ranges from 700 CFA to 2000 CFA francs per day. Floristic inventories have counted 228 species distributed in 178 genera and 61 families. Statistical analyzes can discriminate four types of vegetation galleries forests, grassland, raised savannas damaged and savanna woodlands degraded relatively conserved with varying structural characteristics. Analysis of forest inventory data according discriminated groups highlights the impact of the degradation of vegetation due to human activities, primarily gold mining on population structure, density, regeneration and floristic composition. So, the degradation of plant mostly gallery forests covered weaken the banks of rivers encourage silting up and drying up of them. An implementation of safety measures and environmental impact study prior or accompanying operations are needed to contribute to a better preservation of the environment and biodiversity.Keywords: gold mining, natural resources, impact, Kemeni, Togo

    Interprofessional education and collaborative work in health: implementing is needed!

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    Proactive actions to implement good collaborative practices that result in improved health care is critical since the health professionals’ training. This study aims to understand the process of education and interprofessional collaborative work in training courses in the health area of one Portuguese university. Professional trainers of Nursing, Psychology, Sociology and Medicine courses participated in Focus Groups. Content analysis of the transcripts was carried out with the use of the NVivo software version 12.0. From the data obtained five categories emerged: conceptual clarity; barriers/challenges; potentialities; strategies; and suggestions. Also, subcategories were defined, such as lack of communication, a students’ profile, and difficulty in operationalizing InterProfessional Education (IPE) and collaborative Work (CW). Weaknesses and threats surpassed strengths and potentialities. It is hoped that this study can contribute to a reflection that helps strengthens the curricular changes necessary to make work education viable.This work was partially funded by Portuguese national funds through the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) within the framework of the CIEC (Research Center for Child Studies of the University of Minho) project under the reference UID/CED/00317/2019