36 research outputs found

    Combination of Soybean Meal and Hibiscus Tiliaceus Leaf in the Goat Diet: Effect on Some Parameters of Carbohydrate Metabolism

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    The purpose of this study was to clarify effect of the combination of waru leaf (Hibiscus tiliaceus) sapponin with soybean meal protein in the goat diet on some parameters of carbohydrate metabolism. The study used 16 Ettawah cross bred male goats with body weight average of 16 kg and aged at 7 months. The dietary treatments were: T0 = total mixed ration (0.09% of Hibiscus tiliaceus leaf sapponin, 8.69 % of CP, 62.11% of TDN), T1 = T0 + 3% soybean meal protein, T2 = T0 + 6% soybean meal protein, and T3 = T0 + 9% soybean meal protein. The treatments were allotted in a completely randomized design, with 4 treatments and 4 replicates of each. The results showed that dietary treatments did not effect significantly (P>0.05) on intakes of dry matter, carbohydrate, energy, ruminal butirat and valerat concentrations. Crude protein intake, feed digestibility, ruminal acetate and propionate concentrations, ratio of non-glucogenic to glucogenic VFAs, and estimated methane production were increased (P<0.05) by dietary experiments. The protein supplementation in a Hibiscus tiliaceus leaf contained diet should be balanced with the energy level

    Combination of Soybean Meal and Hibiscus Tiliaceus Leaf in the Goat Diet: Effect on Some Parameters of Protein Metabolism

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    Sixteen Ettawah cross bred goats were used to study the effect of waru leaf (Hibiscus tiliaceus)sapponin combined with soybean meal protein supplementation on some parameters of proteinmetabolism. Goats had body weight average of 16 kg and aged at 7 months. The experimental dietswere: T0 = total mixed ration (0.9% saponin of hibiscus leaf, 8% CP, 62% TDN), T1 = T0 + 3% soybeanmeal protein, T2 = T0 + 6% soybean meal protein, and T3 = T0 + 9% soybean meal protein. Thetreatments were allocated in a completely randomized design. The parameters observed in this studywere dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) intakes, DM and CP digestibilities, ruminal amonia andVFAs concentrations, blood urea level, nitrogen retention, digestible organic matter in rumen (DOMR),urinary allantoin, and estimated microbial nitrogen (N) synthesis. DM intake, DOMR, urinary allantoinand estimated microbial N synthesis were not affected significantly (P>0.05) by treatments. CP intake,DM and CP digestibilities, ruminal amonia and VFAs concentrations, blood urea level and nitrogenretention increased (P<0.05) with increasing levels of soybean meal protein. Balancing energy levelshould be considered for the dietary protein supplementation in Hibiscus tiliaceus leaf contained diet of goat

    Pembatasan Energi Ransum Pada Sapi Bali Yang Diberi Pelepah Sawit Pada Level Berbeda Terhadap Komposisi Tubuh

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    Nowadays the livestock industries are required to produce a low-fat meat, because fat has a negative effect on the healthof consumers. Efforts to address the accumulation of fat is done by energy restriction in animal feed. If the feed does not meetthe needs of energy, then these requirements will be met by dismantling the body fat stores. Feed given to cows intended toproduce maximum production performance. The productivity of an animal to be seen apart from the weight gain, it can alsobe reflected by the composition of body components. One way to look at the composition of the animal body components withurea space techniques. The aim of this research was to determine the potency of palm frond as a grass field alternative to Balicattle diet. The experimental design used was a randomized complete block design consisted of 4 treatments and 4replications. Feed treatments were : A = 60% field grass + 40% palm cake, B = 40% field grass and 20% palm frond + 40%palm cake, C = 20% field grass and 40% palm frond + 40% palm cake, D = 60% palm frond + 40% palm cake. The resultsshowed that the use of palm frond various levels did not significantly (P>0,05) affect the value of the body composition.Average water body on treatment A, B, C and D were 51.15%, 51.24%, 50.61% and 50.85%, respectively. An average bodyprotein on treatment A, B, C and D were 13.22%, 13.23%; 13.0% and 13.15%, respectively. Average body fat in treatmentA, B, C and D were 30.49 %, 30.37 , 31.19 and 30.88 %, respectively. This study demonstrated that administration palmfrond could be used as grass field alternative to cattle diet

    Pengaruh Rasio Energi Protein Ransum Berbasis Limbah Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Terhadap Kecernaan Bahan Kering, Bahan Organik Dan Serat Kasar Secara in Vitro (the Influence of Energy Protein Ratio on Complete Feed Palm Oil Plantations Wasted Based to in VI

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    Thepurposeof this research was to determine the influence of energy-protein ratio of complete feed palm oil waste based to in-vitro digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and crude fiber. The design of the research used Complete Random Design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 5 replications. The data would processed with ANOVA test. If the results of data was significant, it would be continued with Duncan test. T1 (energy-protein ratio 5; TDN 60% and CP 12%), T2 (energy-protein ratio 5,25; TDN 63% and CP 12%) and T3 (energy-protein ratio 5,5; TDN 66% and CP 12%). The results showed that the energy-protein ratio of complete feed palm oil waste based significantly affected (p&lt;0,05) increase dry matter, organic matter and crude fiber digestibility. The dry matter digestibility of T1 (51,22%) significantly different (p&lt;0,05) lower than T2 (53,97%) and T3 (55,03%), but T2 did not significant (p&gt;0,05) with T3. The organic matter digestibiity of T1 (50,09%) significantly different (p&lt;0,05) lower than T2 (53,03%) and T3 (54,24%), but T2 did not significant (p&gt;0,05) with T3. The higher energy-protein ratio significantly affected (p&lt;0,05) increase the crude fiber digestibility. The conclusion was that the complete feed palm oil waste based with 5,5 energy-protein ratio or its contained 66%TDN and 12% CP had the best digestibility. Key notes : complete feed; palm oil waste; in vitro digestibility

    Kecernaan Dan Fermentabilitas Hijauan Orok-orok Secara in Vitro Sebagai Bahan Pakan Yang Ditanam Secara Tumpangsari Dengan Jagung Manis (in Vitro Digestibility and Fermentability of Orok-orok Forage Yield in Intercropping System with Sweet Corn as Feed)

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    This research was conducted to evaluate the digestibility and in-vitro fermentability of orok-orok forage yielded in intercropping with sweet corn within different densities. A Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) was applied in 3 x 2 factorial and 4 replications. The first factor was plant density factor (6, 12, 18 plants/m2) among corn crops and the second one was line number of orok-orok (1 and 2) among corn plants, spacing 100 cm x 25 cm. The digestibility of Dry Matter (DoDM), the Digestibility of Organic Materials (DoOM), the production of volatile fatty acids (VFA) and the concentration of ammonia (NH3) were measured on fodder of orok-orok. Different plant lines of orok-orok with increasing density did not influence the DoDO, DoDM, and VFA, the value were 44.63% ± 48.09%; 49,35% ± 52.07%; 126.26 mM ± 136,25 mM; but decreased (P&lt;0,05) the concentration of NH3, average value was 6.06 mM ± 7.06 mM. It can be concluded that neither line number of orok-orok plant nor the plant density up to 12/m2 of orok-orok plant in an intercropped system with corn plant influenced their nutrional quality as well as digestability and fermentability

    Degradabilitas Bahan Kering, Bahan Organik dan Serat Kasar Ransum dengan Berbagai Level Bagasse secara In Sacco

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    This research was conducted to determine in sacco degradability of dry matter, organic matter and crude fiber in ration with different levels of bagasse and determine the best level of bagasse in ruminant ration from degradability. The research is expected to give information about the best level of bagasse as a source of crude fiber in the complete feed views of degradability of dry matter, organic matter and crude fiber. Research conducted at the Laboratory of Animal Feed Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture Diponegoro University Semarang from October 2011 to February 2012.The research was conducted by using a three Jawa Randu Goat which fistulated on rumen as replication. The treatment are T1 = ration level of 25% bagasse, T2 = bagasse rations with 30% level, T3 = ration with the level of 35% bagasse and T4 = bagasse rations with 40% level. Ration degradability measured by using in Sacco method. The variables measured were percent loss of DM, OM and CF to calculate the fraction of a, b, c and degradation theory (DT) dry matter, organic matter and crude fiber. To calculate the degradation of feed at a time "t" (DT) used the exponential equation P = a + b (1 – exp-ct). Fraction of the value of a, b, c and DT were then analyzed statistically based on completely randomized design (CRD) if there is a treatment effect, followed by Duncan\u27s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) for difference between means.The analysis of variance showed that there was significant effect (P &lt;0.05) between the fraction of easily degradable (a) DM, OM and CF, and degradation theory (DT) DM, OM and CF, therefore the potentially degradable fraction (b) DM, OM and CF, the degradation rate of potentially degradable fraction (c) DM, OM and CF showed no real difference

    Degradasi Bahan Kering dan Bahan Organik dengan Berbagai Level Jerami Padi secara In Sacco pada Kambing Jawarandu

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    Usaha peningkatan produksi ruminansia perlu diimbangi dengan penyediaan pakan hijauan secara kontinyu baik dalam segi kuantitas maupun kualitas. Namun sering kali peningkatan USAha produksi dihadapkan oleh ketersediaan jumlah pakan terutama pada saat musim kemarau. Oleh karena itu, perlu dicari pakan alternatif yang dapat digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ternak tersebut salah satunya dengan pemanfaatan limbah pertanian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui degradasi nutrien ransum dengan berbagai level jerami padi dan menentukan imbangan terbaiknya sebagai pakan ternak. Data a, b, c dan DT yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis secara statistik berdasarkan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) adanya pengaruh antar perlakuan pakan dilanjutkan dengan uji jarak berganda Duncan. Ransum perlakuan disusun iso protein kasar (PK) dan total digestyble nutrients (TDN) dengan kandungan 12% PK dan 64% TDN. Perlakuan level jerami padi yang digunakan yaitu P1=25%, P2=30%, P3=35% dan P4=40%. Ransum standar (P0) untuk pakan sehari-hari (PK 12% dan TDN 60%) digunakan sebagai pembanding nilai a, b, c dan DT dari keempat perlakuan tanpa diujikan secara statistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang nyata (P&lt; 0,05) fraksi a, b dan DT degradasi bahan kering ransum perlakuan sedangkan pada nilai c tidak terdapat pengaruh nyata. Pada degradasi bahan organik menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang nyata (P&lt;0,05) pada fraksi a, fraksi b, nilai c dan DT

    Pengaruh Proteksi Protein Tepung Kedelai dengan Tanin Daun Bakau terhadap Konsentrasi Amonia, Undegraded Protein dan Protein Total secara In Vitro

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah meghasilkan bahan pakan sumber protein terproteksi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas ternak dilihat dari pengukuran amonia (NH3), Rumen Undegraded Dietary Protein (RUDP) dan Protein Total. Penelitian dilakukan secara in vitro dengan rancangan acak lengkap 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan penelitian adalah T0 (tepung kedelai tanpa tanin), T1 (tepung kedelai+tanin 0,25%), T2 (tepung kedelai+tanin 0,5%), T3 (tepung kedelai+tanin 0,75%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tepung kedelai yang diproteksi tanin daun bakau dengan level 0,25%, 0,5%, dan 0,75% dapat menurunkan konsentrasi amonia (NH3) dan meningkatkan Rumen Undegraded Dietary Protein (RUDP) serta produksi protein total (P&lt;0,05). Rataan konsentrasi NH3, persentase RUDP dan produksi protein total pada T0, T1, T2, T3 berturut-turut adalah (7,78 mM, 15,93 %, 339,68 mg/g), (7,24 mM, 16,33%, 402,76 mg/g), (6,61 mM, 14,35%, 20,98 mg/g), (6,37 mM, 20,98%, 507,01 mg/g)

    Kelarutan Mineral Ca dan Zn Hasil Samping Agroindustri pada Rumen Kambing Jawarandu secara In Sacco

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    This study aims to determine the solubility of minerals Ca and Zn from agroindustry byproducts in feed soluble minerals (a), the potentially degradation fraction of the feed mineral (b), the rate of mineral fraction b (c), and the in sacco availability of minerals (DT). The material used is 3 rumen fistulated goats Jawarandu aged 12-18 months. Feed by sugarcane shoot, bagasse, corncob, peanut skins and elephant grass. Experimental design used in this research is Completely Randomized design (CRD), the influence of feed between treatments followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5% level. The results of mineral solubility of Ca and Zn in fractions a, b, c and DT showed a significant effect (p &lt;0.05) between the feed material. Solubility of Ca and Zn mineral feed is influenced by the distribution of Ca and Zn in cell contents and cell walls (NDF) and the characteristics of the fiber