6 research outputs found

    The Impact of International Crises on the Refugees Personal Status

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    DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-30-01 Publication date:October 31st 2020 Introduction: Shariah is provided by Allah in the aim of repopulating the earth and establishing the Islamic caliphate. It aims to meet the interests of people and preventing any damage to people’s interests.  All the provisions of the judicial legislations aim at meeting the aforementioned goals of Shariah. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan went through several internal and external events recently. Such events shall affect the way of implementing the applicable laws, codes and regulations by courts in general and Shariah courts in particular. For example, they shall affect the way of implementing (the Law of Procedure before Shariah Courts). They shall affected the way of implementing the applicable laws, codes and regulations that regulate the personal status of people in general and refugees in particular in Jordan. In other words, Jordan is affected by the events experienced by Muslims in neighbouring countries. It should be noted that the Jordanian Law of Procedure before Shariah Courts include the litigation procedures in cases involving personal status of Muslims regardless of their nationalities

    جواز انتفاع هيئة الأعمال الخيرية بالفوائد البنكية التقليدية

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    الأهداف: هدفت الدراسة إلى بحث مسألة الفوائد البنكية، ومدى جواز انتفاع هيئة الأعمال الخيرية بها في مشاريعها الخيرية، والوقوف على جواز انتفاع المنظمات غير الربحية بالفوائد البنكية التقليدية. المنهجية: اتبعت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي المقارن، وذلك من خلال استقراء الأدلة الشرعية في موضوع الدراسة، وآراء الفقهاء القدامى والمعاصرين وتحليلها، والمقارنة بين الآراء الفقهية وبيان الرأي الراجح في كل مسألة من مسائل الدراسة. النتائج: تعد الفوائد البنكية بجميع أشكالها من الربا المحرم عند فقهاء العصر في الجملة في الاجتهاد الجماعي والفردي، كما لا يجوز لمن كسب مالاً من طريق الفوائد البنكية الانتفاع بها لنفسه أو لعياله بأي وجه من الوجوه. وأخيرا يلزم من كسب مالا عن طريق الربا أن يتوب إلى الله، ومن لوازم توبته التخلص من هذا الكسب بإخراجه إلى الفقراء أو إلى جهات بر عامة تبرئة لذمته. الخلاصة: خلصت الدراسة إلى تحريم فوائد البنوك التقليدية، وتحريم الانتفاع بها على الصعيد الشخصي أو إنفاقها على الأسرة، ومن حقق كسباً منها عليه التبرع به إلى الفقراء أو مؤسسات البرّ العامة تبرئة لذمته

    Attitudes of Teachers Towards Blended Learning and Their Training Needs

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    This study aimed to showcase the attitudes of upper basic stage teachers towards blended learning and their training needs in Jordan. The study employed a descriptive correlational methodology and formulated two instruments, confirming their validity and reliability. Data was collected from a sample of (119) educators, comprising both male and female teachers, chosen through random selection. The study’s results showed that the attitudes of teachers towards blended learning were medium, with a total arithmetic mean of (3.60), and the degree of training needs to employ blended learning in teaching was high, with a total arithmetic mean of (3.86). The study concluded that there is a positive correlation between teachers attitudes toward blended learning and their training needs. The study reached several recommendations, taking advantage of the positive attitudes of primary school teachers towards blended learning in teaching and profiting from its educational features

    Teacher-student rapport and gamified learning: Investigating the role of interpersonal variables in classroom integration

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    Using the educational setting of Jordan, this research aims to investigate the complex relationship between teacher-student rapport and student involvement in gamified learning experiences. As it relates to the effective use of gamified learning methodologies, this research digs into the far-reaching ramifications of cultivating strong interpersonal interactions between instructors and students. This research uses a strict quantitative technique to investigate the complex relationships between 400 children and 40 teachers. This study's results shed light on an interesting and statistically significant phenomenon: a significant positive connection (r = 0.742, p 0.001) between teacher-student rapport and the amount of engagement seen in gamified learning sessions. The finding, in line with Jordan's educational reforms, highlights the critical role of positive rapport in generating dynamic and significant participation within modern instructional techniques. The practical repercussions highlight the need for teachers to work to improve their interpersonal skills. It becomes clear that this is a crucial factor in enabling effective teaching and learning, especially within the context of contemporary pedagogical approaches. The current research helps us better understand the complex dynamics at play in teacher-student relationships, illuminating their far-reaching consequences for the pursuit of educational excellence in the Jordann setting


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    The study aimed to identify the extent of the commitment of the faculty members in Jordanian Universities using blended learning strategies during the Corona pandemic, COVID-19, (2021-2022). The study followed the descriptive approach, and the study tool was a questionnaire developed by researchers, distributed to (62) faculty members in three Jordanian Universities, namely: Amman Arab University, University of Jordan, and Al-Hussein Bin Talal University. The results of the study showed that the faculty members unanimously agreed on the importance of employing blended learning in university education, while the faculty members' use of blended learning strategies was moderate. The faculty members obtained an average score in employing blended learning strategies. The results also showed that the degree of faculty members' satisfaction with the use of blended learning in Jordanian universities was higher than the average. The study ended with a set of recommendations, the most important of which is the necessity of training faculty members on the importance of blended learning, and how to employ it

    The Effect of Problem-Solving Strategy on Achievement and Retention of Meanings of Literary Genres

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    This study aimed at identifying the effect of the problem-solving strategy on the achievement and retention of the meanings of literary genres among grade twelve scientific stream students in Jordan. The study tool was an achievement test prepared by the researchers, the study sample consisted of (65) intentionally chosen students who were randomly assigned into two groups: an experimental group with (32) students taught according to the problem-solving strategy, and a control group with (33) students taught according to the usual strategy. The results of the study showed that there were statistically significant differences at the level of (α = 0.05) in the experimental group’s achievement and retention at all levels and the total degree of achievement, moreover, the student’s achievement in the post and retention measurements was better at all levels of achievement and the total degree of achievement than the pre-measurement, in favor of the experimental group. The study recommended providing training to language and literature teachers on utilizing efficient teaching strategies