3 research outputs found

    Identification of Landfill Using Refraction Seismic Method in LIPI Area - Bandung

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    Research has been carried out using seismic refraction in the LIPI area - Bandung, which aims to determine the land of embankment in the area. Retrieval of field data was carried out using geometric  Es-3000 tool along 46 meters with a spacing of 2 meters and a 7 shoot punch consisting of 2 phantom shoots beginning and ending. Data processing is done by the first step, namely by geometric editing so that data can be read by the computer. The inversion process is done by seismimager software which consists of pickwin to extract data and plotera for modeling the subsurface layer. The results of the data interpretation show the P wave velocity from 315 - 435 m / s. layer grouping based on P wave velocity is at the first color layer having a wave velocity of about 315 - 342 m / s, the second color layer has a wave speed of 355-382 m / s, and the third color layer has a speed of 359 - 422 m / s and thick layer more than 435. Based on the lithological classification of subsurface rock layers, this study area tends to have a layer of soil type with a depth of 5 meters, and can be said to be a layer of soil deposits because of the formation of soil structures that tend to be ne

    The Defect Analysis of Carbonsteel Pipe Welding Connections Using Non-Destructive Testing with the Penetrant Test Method

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    In a welding process carried out on metallic materials is sometimes found defects in the material being tested, it is caused by many factors, such as the lack of good materials used and the lack of perfection of the welding process. At testing, it aims to know the surface defects in carbonsteel pipes to know the defects arising after welding. This test is performed with non-destructive tests (NDT) using Dye Penetrant testing method. This test uses 3 types of liquids, including; Cleaner, Penetrant, and developer. The results of these tests will then be observed whether defects occur after welding and what factors affect it. From the test, results there are known 10 locations defects on the surface of the carbonsteel pipe welding with a type of rounded indication of defects that are then followed up by re-welding on indications of such defects