21 research outputs found


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    Terdapat kecenderungan ibu-ibu Aisyiyah yang ada di Kampung Panawuan kurang memanfaatkan secara maksimal kemampuan membaca dan menulis sehingga mereka menjadi gagap kembali dalam kemampuan tersebut. Strategi pembelajaran partisipatif yang berorientasi kecakapan hidup menekankan pada kebutuhan pembelajar dan mempertimbangkan potensi lokal diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca dan menulis. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan: (1) keberadaan kegiatan membaca dan menulis; (2) rancangan, pelaksanaan, keefektifan, juga faktor penghambat dan pendukung strategi pembelajaran partisipatif berorientasi kecakapan hidup dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca dan menulis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain subjek tunggal A-B-A. Subjek penelitian ini terdiri atas sekelompok ibu dengan usia dan kemampuan membaca dan menulis tertentu. Hasil-hasil penelitian: (1) terdapat kegiatan membaca dan menulis pada sekelompok ibu di Kampung Panawuan hanya berkaitan dengan tujuan, lama, pengajar, dan waktu yang bervariasi; (2) rancangan strategi pembelajaran partisipatif berorientasi kecakapan hidup dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca dan menulis direncanakan berdasarkan struktur program, tempat dan waktu, warga belajar, tutor, hubungan warga belajar dan tutor, identifikasi kebutuhan, materi, media, strategi, dan fungsionalisasi hasil;(3) pelaksanaan strategi pembelajaran partisipatif berorientasi kecakapan hidup dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca dan menulis juga dapat berjalan dengan baik;(4) strategi pembelajaran partisipatif berorientasi kecakapan hidup efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca dan menulis, karena dilihat dari peningkatan tiap fase mulai baseline A-1, intervensi, sampai pada baseline A-2; (5) faktor pendukung strategi pembelajaran partisipatif antara lain, motivasi intrinsik dan ekstrinsik yang kuat sedangkan faktor penghambat ada pada persoalan fisik. Saran penelitian: (1) bagi para warga belajar perlu adanya penguatan motivasi untuk menumbuhkan kegemaran membaca dan menciptakan lingkungan yang literat; (2) pada masyarakat perlu ditingkatkan budaya baca dengan berbagai strategi misalnya aksi menulis koran ibu di tiap kampung, memperluas taman bacaan masyarakat, juga digiatkannya program keaksaraan usaha mandiri berbasis potensi lokal; (3) penyelenggaraan program kecakapan hidup perlu dilakukan dengan memperhatikan minat, potensi alam, dan kebutuhan mereka; (4) perlu dilakukan kerja sama dengan berbagai pihak secara variatif; dan (5) perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut di tempat dan potensi lokal yang berbeda dengan bahasa ibu. Kata kunci: strategi pembelajaran partisipatif, kecakapan hidup, kemampuan membaca menulis. This research was based on the existence of the women’s tendency at Kampung Panawuan of the lack of utilizing the ability of reading and writing maximally. This tendency made them become clumsy on those abilities. Through the strategies of participatory learning that was focused on the needs and the consideration the local potentials, it is expected to increase their ability in reading and writing that would effect to their life skills. This research was aimed to describe: (1) the phenomena of reading and writing activities; (2) the design, the implementation, the effectiveness, factors that obstruct the success of strategies participatory learning in increasing the ability of reading and writing. This research used to quantitative approach with single subject A-B-A. The research subject consists of women group with different age and different reading – writing skills too. The method and design used in this research referred to experimental method in line with single subject A-B-A. The results of the results are: (1) there were activities of reading and writing among the women in the group of Ibu Aisyah at Kampung Panawuan related to the objectives, period, time, teachers, and various time; (2) the design of participatory learning strategies in increasing the ability of reading and writing which was planned on the bases of the plans of program structure, place and time, learners, tutor, the relationship between learners and tutors, need identification, material, media, strategies, and the fictionalization of the results; (3) the implementation of participatory learning strategies in learning reading writing and life skills ran well; (4) participatory learning strategies were effective to increase reading and writing ability viewed from each phase started from baseline A-1, intervention up to baseline A-2; (5) reading and writing ability could increase life skill in the case of knowledge, skills, and attitudes; (6) supporting factors of participatory learning strategies, among others, strong intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and the obstructive factors were on physical problem. The research recommendations are: (1) it is suggested for the learners strengthen motivation to grow reading habit; (2) the community is suggested improve the culture of reading through any kind of strategy: to write through mother’s newspaper in every village, to enhance community library in public area, and also to activate self-effort literacy program on the basis of local potentials; (3) the implementation of life-skills program is supposed to be concerned with interests, natural potentials, and their needs; (4) it is important to build the cooperation with various parties; (5) It is urgently needed to conduct further investigation in different place and local potential setting, and to try out problem posing approach and the language medium on the implementation of post literacy with mother tongue. key words: strategies of participatory learning for life skills oriented, reading and writing skills

    The Effectiveness of the Think Talk Write (TTW) Learning Technique Aided by Word Cards Media in Improving Sentence Writing Ability

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    This research aims to examine the effectiveness of the Think Talk Write (TTW) technique supported by word cards in enhancing sentence writing skills. The research method is quasi-experimental, utilizing a nonequivalent group's pretest-posttest design. Data collection techniques encompassed sentence writing tests and angle distribution. The research sample comprised Class IX C as the experimental group and Class IX A as the control group. Data processing techniques included the Shapiro-Wilk test to assess data normality, paired sample T-tests, and the NGain-Score test. The paired sample T-tests for the experimental group yielded a Sig. (2-tailed) value of 0.00 < 0.005, indicating a significant distinction between the pretest and posttest scores. Similarly, the paired sample T-test outcomes for the control group demonstrated a Sig. (2-tailed) value of 0.00 < 0.005. Moreover, based on the NGain-Score calculation, the average gain score for the experimental group was 71.25. In contrast, for the control group, it stood at 50.28, implying that the Think Talk Write (TTW) model, supplemented by word cards, effectively improves sentence writing skills