7 research outputs found

    Anteseden Karir Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kinerja Manajer Bank

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    Prior empirical reviews had suggested that several antecedent variables had an effect on banker\u27s career andperformance. In line with this we had built a conceptual model, developed a questionnaire, and used a multistagesampling method to collect responses from 102 bankers in Makassar, the capital city within the Provincesof South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Structural Equation Models showed that the antecedent variables (personality,organizational commitment, and human capital) had a significant effect on banker\u27s career. Despite thesepositive findings, human capital had an insignificant positive relation to banker\u27s performance. The relevanceof these findings to prior empirical studies along with several recommendations to improve organizationaleffectiveness and future research had been given at the end of this paper

    Analysis of the Influence of Competence and Workload on Employee Performance Mediated by Working Stress at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) Branch of Jayapura

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    The current organizational paradigm is toward looking at human resources as an investment that will add value to the organization not only to survive, but at the same time lead in an environment full of predictions and anticipations through an effort to create creativity and innovation of human resources). This study aims to determine the influence of competence, workload, and work stress on employee performance and how the competence and workload affect the employee performance through job stress at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) Branch Jayapura. The type of research used in this study is quantitative approach. The quantitative approach bases the study of empirical rational principles. The quantitative approach bases the study of empirical rational principles. Problems and hypotheses to be tested based on defined criteria as well as path analysis tools ie Smart PLS 2.0 to know the relation of variables. The results showed that partially competence has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, work load has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, and work stress have positive and significant effect to employee performance. For indirect influence, competence and workload have a positive and significant effect on employee performance through work stress at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) Branch of Jayapura

    The Effect of the Work, Training and Motivation to Employee Productivity at PT. Bank Sulselbar Major Branch of Makassar

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    Quality human resources is one of the strengths owned by a company to achieve goals, one of which is to improve employee productivity. This study aims to analyze the extent to which influence factors work, training, and motivation to optimize work productivity achieved by employees at PT. Bank Sulselbar Main Branch of Makassar. The research method used is descriptive, validity, and multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS softaware. From the calculation results obtained t value for the variable Working Period is equal to 10,818 and by using the significance level (significance level) of 5% obtained t table of 1.671 while the sig value in the table of 0.000 because sig smaller than 0.05 that shows that Masa Work (X1) has a positive and significant effect on Work Productivity (Y). The value of t arithmetic for the training variable is 2,360 while the sig value in the table is 0,021 so it shows that Training (X1) has a positive and significant influence on Work Productivity (Y). The t value for the Motivation variable is 4,172 and by using the significance level (significance level) of 5% obtained t table equal to 1.671 while the sig value in the table is 0.000 so that the Motivation (X3) has a positive and significant effect to the Work Productivity (Y) . While simultaneously, the calculation results obtained F-count larger than the F-table is 390.687> 2.53 While the sig value in the table of 0.000 is smaller than 0.005 indicates that the variable Working Period (x1), Training (x2), Motivation (X3) effect simultaneously or together to work productivity variable

    Moderation of Information Asymmetry, Self Esteem to the Effect of Participatory Budgeting on Budgetary Slack Government of South Sulawesi Province

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    Suspected budgetary participation is not always linear effect on budgetary slack. This is because the information asymmetry factor, and self esteem. This study aims to determine whether the asymmetry of information and self-esteem able to moderate Effect of participatory budgeting and budgetary slack. The number of samples in the study were 100 echelons SKPD South Sulawesi Provincial Government selected based on purposive sampling method. The data analysis technique used is moderation regression analysis (MRA). The results obtained are variable participatory budgeting has a positive effect on budgetary slack. Variable self esteem weaken the influence of participatory budgeting in the budgetary slack, while strengthening the influence of information asymmetry variable participatory budgeting in the budgetary slack