26 research outputs found

    Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease: a case report

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    İzmir İli Ödemiş İlçesindeki Damızlık Sığır Yetiştiricileri Birliği Üyesiİşletmelerde Sağlık Koruma Uygulamaları ve Sağlık SorunlarıÜzerine Bir Araştırma

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    The objective of this study was to determine health protection measures, common diseases, herd leaving reasons, and health and artificial insemination costs based on the herd size of the farms registered to Izmir Cattle Breeders' Association (ICBA) in Odemiş raising Holstein cattles. The data were obtained from surveys with a total of 92 farms selected with proportional sampling method among the members of the ICBA. The farms were divided into three subgroups based on the cow numbers of the herds. The numbers of cows in subgroups were: i) 5-20 (55 farms), ii) 21-40 (29 farms), and iii) over 41 heads (8 farms). The ratio of insured cattle- farms in the ICBA was 14.1%. The ratio of farms taking health care measurements were quite variable such as for foot care 58.7%, oral administration of magnet 68.5%, and dehorning 94.6%. The majority of breeders (98.9% of which 85.9% with water and 13 % with dry cleaning) has maintained udder cleanness by washing with water before milking and 1.1% of those who cleaned udder did not wash the mammary lobes. Only 17.4% of the farms received a regular veterinary visit, whereas 82.6% of farmers called veterinary when needed. In the last year the most encountered disease in farms was common udder diseases (50.9%) followed by, calf diarrhea (15.7%), reproductive diseases (13.0%), foot and leg diseases (9.3%), and digestive system diseases (3.7%). The average rate of the farmers making mastitis treatment was 81.5 at the dry-off period. Total veterinary, medicine and artificial insemination costs per cow in first, second and third group farms were 482, 396 and 368 liters, respectively and the average was 445 liters in terms of milk quantity. In this study, it was determined that when the herd size is increased insuring the animals, there were improvements in keeping of health records, dehorning, foot caring, the use of disinfectants in udder cleaning, treating mastitis at dry-off, the latest milking cows with mastitis, making mastitis vaccine, taking regular veterinarians help, and disinfecting the barns. On the other hand, udder diseases, stillbirth rates and health care costs per cow were decreased.Bu çalışmanın amacı, İzmir İli Ödemiş İlçesinde Siyah Alaca ırkı sığır yetiştiren Damızlık Sığır Yetiştiricileri Birliği (DSYB) üyesi işletmelerde sürü büyüklüğüne göre sağlık koruma önlemlerini, sağlık sorunlarını, sürü terk nedenlerini, sağlık ve yapay tohumlama harcamalarını saptamaktır. Veriler, oransal örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilmiş 92 işletme ile yapılan anketlerden elde edilmiştir. Veriler değerlendirilirken, işletmeler, inek sayılarına göre i) 5-20 baş (55 işletme), ii) 21-40 baş (29 işletme) ve iii) 41+ baş (8 işletme) olmak üzere üç gruba ayrılmıştır. İncelenen işletmelerde sığırlarını sigorta ettirenlerin oranı %14.1, tırnak bakımını yaptıranların oranı %58.7, mıknatıs yutturanların oranı %68.5 ve boynuz köreltenlerin oranı %94.6 olarak saptanmıştır. Yetiştiricilerin %98.9'u (%85.9'u suyla, %13'ü kuru temizlik) sağım öncesinde ineklerin memesini temizlerken, %1.1'i ise temizlemeden sağım yapmıştır. İşletmelerin %17.4'ü veteriner hekimlerden düzenli olarak, %82.6'sı ise ihtiyaç halinde yararlanmaktadır. İşletmelerde son bir yılda en fazla görülen sağlık sorunu meme hastalıkları (%50.9) olup bunu, buzağı ishali (%15.7), üreme hastalıkları (%13.0), ayak ve bacak hastalıkları (%9.3) ve sindirim sistemi hastalıkları (%3.7) izlemiştir. Kuru dönem mastitis tedavisi yaptıranların genel ortalaması %81.5'tir. İnek başına veteriner, ilaç ve yapay tohumlama harcamaları süt miktarı cinsinden, 1., 2. ve 3. grup işletmelerde sırasıyla 482, 396 ve 368 litre ve genel ortalama 445 litredir. Çalışmamızda sürü büyüklüğünün artmasıyla, hayvanların sigortalanması, sağlık kayıtlarının tutulması, boynuz köreltme ve tırnak bakımı yapılması, meme temizliğinde dezenfektan kullanımı, kuru dönem mastitis tedavisi yapılması, mastitisli ineklerin en son sağılması, mastitis aşısının yapılması, veteriner hekimlerden düzenli olarak faydalanma ve ahırın dezenfekte edilmesi gibi uygulamalarda iyileşmeler olduğu saptanmıştır. Diğer yandan sürü büyüklüğünün artması ile meme hastalıkları, ölü doğum oranları ve inek başına sağlık harcamaları da azalmıştır

    Cattle Housing at the Registered Farms under Cattle Breeders’ Association in Ödemiş, İzmir

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    The objective of this study was to determine barning conditions of dairy farms registered to Cattle Breeders Association (CBA) &Ouml;demiş district of İzmir. The 92 farms were selected among members of the CBA by proportional sampling method. The farms were divided into three groups according to the number of cattle: group 1 from 5 to 20, group 2 from 21 to 40 and group 3 with over 41 heads, respectively. The farms were divided into three groups according to the number of cattle: 5-20; 21-40 and over 41 heads, respectively. The research results indicated that 76.1% of the barns were shed type, 15.2% were corral, 8.7% were completely closed-up. The flooring types of these barns were a mixed of concrete and soil (73.9%), concrete (19.6%) and soil (6.5%). The stocking density for group 1, 2 and 3 were 22.2 m2, 19.5 m2 and 18.2 m2 per cow, respectively. The barns had a range of full cattle capacity from 12.5 m2 to 15 m2 per cow. But none of the farms surveyed did not use fully capacity of the barn. The present running capacity of farms were between 55% and 80%. It was observed that 19.6% of farms had a individual calf section, 82.6% had a night lighting at the barn, and 64.1% had a seperate concenrated feed store. All the farms were milked with milking machines. The percentage of farms with bucked milking machine was 47.8%, those with an air pipeline system was 37% and those with parlour system was 15.2%. None of farms had manure pit. Consequently, as herd size grow, the presence of free barn, calving pen, feed store and milk cooling tank increase. It can be concluded that improving the housing conditions is much more related with increasing the herd size per farm.</p

    Visual Event-Related Potentials in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment

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    Background: To compare the findings of visual event-related potential (ERP) in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and healthy individuals. Methods: Twenty patients (12 males, 8 females) diagnosed as MCI who received no treatment and 20 healthy individuals (14 males, 6 females) with no cognitive impairments were included to the study. To obtain visual ERP responses, 32 (rare) and 64 (frequent) angle checkerboard displays were used. Three channel recordings were performed from Fz, Cz, and Pz. Results: The mean age of the control and MCI groups were 66.0 ± 3.6 and 66.3 ± 4.4 years, respectively. No statistically significant difference was found in the mean age and distribution of gender between the groups. Visual ERP revealed that mean N200 and P300 latencies of the MCI group were significantly longer than controls. The longest N200 and P300 latencies were obtained from Fz. The mean P300 amplitudes were found to be significantly lower in patients with MCI. No significant difference was observed between the two groups with respect to N200 amplitudes. Conclusion: Visual ERP can be used to support MCI diagnosis. Although it is not a diagnostic test for cognitive impairment per se, it is an important, feasible, and noninvasive technique for evaluating the cognitive state