20 research outputs found

    The Influence of Celebrity Endorser Agnes Monica Towards Perception and Interest to Buy on Honda Vario in Pekanbaru

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    The research is conducted to analyze the influence of Celebrity Endorser Agnes Monica towards Perception and Interest to Buy on Honda Vario in Pekanbaru. There are five variables in this research suchas Credibility (X1), Compatibility (X2), Attractiveness (X3), Perception (Y1) and Interest to Buy (Y2). There are 90 respondents in this study which are with by purposive sampling from all Pekanbarus people who do not use Honda Vario yetas total population. Meanwhile qulitatif and quantitative methods are chosen for data analysis by SPSS version 20. The result of this research shows that the variables of Credibility, Compatibility, Attractiveness affect both positively and significantly towards Perception and Interest to Buy on Honda Vario in Pekanbaru. Variables of Credibility, Compability, Attractiveness affect more strength influence towards Interest to Buy on Honda Vario in Pekanbaru after using Moderating Variable, that is Perception Variable.Keywords :Celebrity Endorser, Perception, Interest to Buying

    Pengaruh Event Sponsorship terhadap Brand Image Rokok A – Mild pada PT. Hm Sampoerna Tbk. Cabang Pekanbaru

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan pada PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. Cabang Pekanbaru Tujuan dari penelitian iniadalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh yang ditimbulkan oleh variabel event sponsorship terhadapbrand image rokok A-Mild pada PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. Cabang Pekanbaru. Untuk mencapai tujuantersebut, dilakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan sampel sebanyak 100 orang responden. Metodepengambilan sampel dilakukan secara Accidental Sampling, dimana sampel yang dijadikan respondenpada penelitian ini adalah konsumen rokok A-Mild yang ditemui secara kebetulan pada saat penelitianini berlangsung.Metode analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif dan analisissecara parsial (analisis regresi linear sederhana dengan bantuan program SPSS versi 17.0). Namun,sebelum analisis tersebut dilakukan, jawaban responden per variabel ditransformasikan terlebihdahulu menjadi jawaban yang berskala interval dengan menggunakan Metode Suksesif Interval (MSI)dengan bantuan program ORDI versi 1.0. untuk mendapatkan gambaran jawaban responden yanglebih tajam dan akurat. Dari hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan, uji regresi parsial (Uji t)menunjukkan bahwa variabel bebas yang diteliti memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap variabelbrand image

    Analisis Strategi Bauran Pemasaran untuk Meningkatkan Volume Penjualan Sparepart Sepeda Motor pada CV Lembayung Persada Pekanbaru

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    This study uses marketing science approaches, especially regarding the marketing mix strategy in increasing sales volume. As for the location of the research site is at the CV Lembayung Persada Pekanbaru. Sources of data used in this research is the documentation that researchers get the data directly from the data related CV Lembayung Persada Pekanbaru product, price, promotion costs and distribution costs. Based on the result of the study, in the variable product, it is known that in 2004 the type of products sold by CV Lembayung Persada Pekanbaru is a total of 12 items. However, in line with the types of items the business development of products sold has increased, until in 2013 CV Lembayung Persada Pekanbaru has been able to sell as many as 26 kinds of products Asamoto. At variable rates, for example, is the product of spare parts head light, CV Lembayung Persada Pekanbaru in 2009 to fix the price of Rp. 28.000, - and still the same price set in 2010. Though in 2011 the price of this product has increased by 10.71% or Rp. 31,000, - but this product still remains the choice of consumer confidence. In 2012, a decrease of -6.45% or Rp. 29.000, - as an effort to maintain the confidence and customer satisfaction to increase sales volume. The increase and decrease in the price of this happens in nearly all the price of products annually. In the variable cost of promotion, CV Lembayung Persada Pekanbaru only do efforts to provide discounts for new products. Improved high occurred in 2011 which reached 8.51%. This is because at this time the company launched two new products, and to attract customers, the company selling below the normal price for 3 months. In the variable distribution costs, it is known that in 2009 to 2010 the cost of distribution is only used for delivery in the city, and the total cost is only between Rp. 4.715 million, - up to Rp. 5.495 million, - but in 2011 a lot of demand for products for delivery outside the city such as West Sumatra and Jambi. Therefore distribution costs in 2011 increased by 23.52% or the total cost was Rp. 5.824 million for the purposes of distribution in the city and outside the city. It is suggested to the company to be able to maintain or even increase the interest of consumers to buy spare parts at CV Lembayung Persada Pekanbaru with attention to price and products.Keywords : Marketing Mix, Sales Volume

    Analisis Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Jasa Terhadapkeputusan Pembelian Pada Hotel Arrahman Tembilahan

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    This study aims to measure the effect of marketing mix analysis on purchasing decisions on Arrahman hotel in Tembilahan. The population in this study is that consumers Arrahman hotel in Tembilahan the total sample of 100 respondents using accidental random sampling technique. Analysis of data using multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS version 20.0.Hotel is a company which is managed by their owners by providing food, drink and amenities to rest or sleep to the people who are doing the activity trips and able to pay with a reasonable amount in accordance with the service received in the absence of a special agreement.The results showed that the variables of the marketing mix of services includes product, price, place, promotion, people, process and consumer services simultaneously significant effect on purchasing decisions on Arraman hotel in Tembilahan. Marketing mix including product, price, place, promotion, people, process and customer service is partially significant effect on purchasing decisions on Arrahman hotel in Tembilahan. marketing mix including product, price, place, promotion, people, process and consumer services simultaneously not significant effect on purchase decisions on Arraman hotel in Tembilahan. Marketing mix including product, price, place, promotion, people, process and consumer services partially not significant effect on purchase decisions on Arrahman hotel in Tembilahan

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Dan Nilai Pelanggan Terhadap Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Pelanggan Trans Metro Pekanbaru

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    This study aims to measure the impact of service quality and customer value on customer satisfaction and loyalty Trans Metro Pekanbaru. The population in this study is the Trans Metro Pekanbaru customers with a total sample of 100 respondents, using purposive sampling technique. Analysis of data using path analysis with SPSS version 17.0. The results showed that the variables of service quality significantly influence customer satisfaction. Customer value significantly influence customer satisfaction. Service quality significantly influence customer loyalty. Customer value not significant effect on customer loyalty. Effect on the Service Quality Customer Loyalty with Customer Satisfaction as a moderating variable. Customer Value influence on Customer Loyalty with Customer Satisfaction as a moderating variable on the Customer Trans Metro Pekanbaru