25 research outputs found

    Predicting Power Conversion Efficiency of Organic Photovoltaics: Models and Data Analysis.

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    Funder: Cambridge TrustFunder: National Research Foundation SingaporeFunder: Alexander von Humboldt-StiftungFunder: China Scholarship CouncilIn this paper, the ability of three selected machine learning neural and baseline models in predicting the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of organic photovoltaics (OPVs) using molecular structure information as an input is assessed. The bidirectional long short-term memory (gFSI/BiLSTM), attentive fingerprints (attentive FP), and simple graph neural networks (simple GNN) as well as baseline support vector regression (SVR), random forests (RF), and high-dimensional model representation (HDMR) methods are trained to both the large and computational Harvard clean energy project database (CEPDB) and the much smaller experimental Harvard organic photovoltaic 15 dataset (HOPV15). It was found that the neural-based models generally performed better on the computational dataset with the attentive FP model reaching a state-of-the-art performance with the test set mean squared error of 0.071. The experimental dataset proved much harder to fit, with all of the models exhibiting a rather poor performance. Contrary to the computational dataset, the baseline models were found to perform better than the neural models. To improve the ability of machine learning models to predict PCEs for OPVs, either better computational results that correlate well with experiments or more experimental data at well-controlled conditions are likely required

    Automated advanced calibration and optimization of thermochemical models applied to biomass gasification and pyrolysis

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    This paper presents a methodology that combines physicochemical modeling with advanced statistical analysis algorithms as an efficient workflow, which is then applied to the optimization and design of biomass pyrolysis and gasification processes. The goal was to develop an automated flexible approach for the analyses and optimization of such processes. The approach presented here can also be directly applied to other biomass conversion processes and, in general, to all those processes for which a parametrized model is available. A flexible physicochemical model of the process is initially formulated. Within this model, a hierarchy of sensitive model parameters and input variables (process conditions) is identified, which are then automatically adjusted to calibrate the model and to optimize the process. Through the numerical solution of the underlying mathematical model of the process, we can understand how species concentrations and the thermodynamic conditions within the reactor evolve for the two processes studied. The flexibility offered by the ability to control any model parameter is critical in enabling optimization of both efficiency of the process as well as its emissions. It allows users to design and operate feedstock-flexible pyrolysis and gasification processes, accurately control product characteristics, and minimize the formation of unwanted byproducts (e.g., tar in biomass gasification processes) by exploiting various productivity-enhancing simulation techniques, such as parameter estimation, computational surrogate (reduced order model) generation, uncertainty propagation, and multi-response optimization

    Research Data Supporting "Theoretical study of the TiCl4=TiCl3+Cl reaction"

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    The data come from the simulations performed in the paper. They are divided into four folders: 1) Folder: Quantum-Data A) Subfolder: 2Dplot - Contains energies obtained in Molpro2012 for different positions of the TiCl3 and Cl fragments. This was used to create the 2D contour plot. B) Subfolder: Geoms-Freqs-Energies - Contains input/output files from the Gaussian09 software giving all the information about the species geometries, frequencies and energies. - Contains input/output files from the Molpro2012 software giving all the information about the species improved energies. C) Subfolder: SOC - Contains input/output files from the Molpro2012 software giving spin-orbit-coupling energies for the selected points along the minimum energy pathway. 2) Folder: Gorin-Model - Contains input/output files needed to reproduce all the Gorin Model simulations 3) Folder: VRC-TST - Contains input/output files needed to reproduce VRC-TST calculations 4) Folder: ME - Contains input/output files needed to reproduce Master Equation calculations including the sensitivity analysis as stated in the paper. Readme.txt - Contains detailed description of all the data.Huntsman Pigments and Additives (Grant ID: RG61437)EPSRC (Grant ID: EP/J500380/1)National Research Foundation (NRF)Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore under its Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise (CREATE) programmeU.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences under Contract No. DE-AC04-94AL85000