3 research outputs found

    Inovasi Pembelajaran di SMK Karya Utama Dolok Masihul

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    This study aims to find out how influential innovation is carried out in the learning process in the classroom, this research method uses a qualitative research method, namely by telling information obtained from interviews with resource persons, in addition to research interviews also using several literature review sources by reading several journal and book references. The findings obtained from this study are: (1) innovation is very necessary because it plays an important role in the learning process, (2) in the learning process must be carried out a learning process that is fun with ice breaking techniques etc., (3) communication between the principal and subordinates is very influential on teacher performance, (4) innovation in schools must be done gradually in order to get effective results

    Evaluasi Program Pembelajaran Guru Guna Mengoptimalkan Peran Guru Sebagai Pendidik

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    This study aims to determine how influential evaluation is in a teacher's learning method in order to be able to improve student learning outcomes. Data collection uses reference collection methods in the form of reading materials such as books and scientific journal articles, which use a qualitative research approach. The results of this study will show that as an educator the teacher must be able to (1) create a conducive classroom atmosphere, (2) arrange teachers to train student discipline, (3) provide learning methods that can increase student interest in learning. And all of this can easily be done by a teacher if he carries out a learning evaluation, with this evaluation it will make it easier for the teacher to see how far the results of the teacher's performance have been. The results in question are good, not good, useful, or not useful and so on. It is important to know the results of learning because it can be a guide for educators to find out how far the learning process that they are doing can develop the potential of students

    Strategi Pembelajaran Guru dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Belajar Siswa di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Karo

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    The teacher is an educator who is assigned to provide knowledge. In providing knowledge, an educator must use learning strategies so that teaching and learning activities become fun and not boring so as to improve the quality of student learning. The main purpose of the discussion is to find out how the method of teachers from Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Karo in delivering the material. The research was conducted using qualitative methods by collecting detailed data through interviews. Teachers at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Karo have different learning strategies for each subject in delivering the material, such as using understanding strategies by providing understanding through powerpoint or conducting learning activities outside the classroom (outdoor) by observing the development of plants around. Learning strategies are an important key in improving the quality of student learning by raising students' enthusiasm and making the classroom atmosphere more pleasant. Another strategy carried out by Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Karo in improving the quality of learning for its students is by applying the principle where an educator becomes a father, mother, friend, brother, sister, and closest relative so that students feel comfortable and are not afraid to express themselves his opinion