86 research outputs found

    Nilai-nilai Budaya Minangkabau Dalam Novel Negeri 5 Menara Karya Ahmad Fuadi

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    This was a descriptive qualitative research which was aimed to describe the cultural values of Minangkabau in the Negeri 5 Menara novel by Ahmad Fuadi. The sources of data of this research were written data of Negeri 5 Menara novel itself. The findings of this research showed that there were 145 data of cultural values of Minangkabau in this novel which consist of 39 data related to the value of human relationship with the Creator, 41 data related to the value of human relationships with others, 28 data related to the value of fostering unity, and 30 data related to the value of consensus and agreement

    Kekerasan Terhadap Anak Dalam Rumah Tangga Dalam Novel Pintu Terlarang Karya Sekar Ayu Asmara

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    The purpose of this study is to describe violence againts children in the novel Pintu Terlarang by Sekar Ayu Asmara. In this novel, Pintu Terlarang, shows physical and psycological violence. This research data is a novel Pintu Terlarang by Sekar Ayu Asmara. The source of data in this study is the novel Pintu Terlarang by Sekar Ayu Asmara. This novel was published by Pt. Gramedia Pustaka Utama with the number of pages viii and 264 pages lenght of 20 cm and widht 19 cm in Jakarta, Juli 2009. The techniques of data collection is done by reading the novel Pintu Terlarang and mark the special section on violence against the children. Theb result of this study shows that the child obuse both physically and psychologically. Physical violence is a pictures of violence hitting, kicking, that caused injury, paint or disability on the victim\u27s body thust cause death, while psycological violence is the behaviour shown to brutallize, insult and say hard work

    Profil Ayah Dalam Novel Ayahku (Bukan) Pembohong Karya Tere Liye: Tinjauan Sosiologi Sastra

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    This research is intended to describe about: (1) the profile of father in novel Ayahku (Bukan) Pembohong written by Tere Liye; (2) the cultural aspect in novel Ayahku (Bukan) Pembohong written by Tere Liye; (3) the relation between father\u27s profile in novel Ayahku (Bukan) Pembohong written by Tere Liye and father in reality viwed from literature-sociology. The data in this study was the intrinsic unsures that support the make of novel Ayahku (Bukan) Pembohong. They are characters, plot, setting and theme. The data was gotten from novel Ayahku (Bukan) Pembohong written by Tere Liye, in 299 pages. It was published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama, fourth edition on August 2011 in Jakarta. The finding is the father\u27s profile that was found on that novel, there are cultural aspect and relation between father\u27s provile on novel and father in reality

    Emosionalitas Tokoh Utama Novel Perahu Kertas Karya Dewi Lestari

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    Research aims to describe the main character in the novel Perahu Kertas novel written by Dewi Lestari. This research focused on emotional froms the main character in the novel Perahu Kertas. This research is descriptive qualitative research methods, technical contenyt analysis. The data of this research is the kinds of emotions the main character\u27s Perahu Kertas novel by Dewi Lestari which includes trace elements based characterzations. The data source of this research is Perahu Kertas novel written by Dewi Lestari published by Bentang Pustaka in 2012. Based on the findings and discussion can be summed up in the Perahu Kertas novel written Dewi Lestari, there are seven main characters of emotions consisting of positive emotions: the sense of comfort, contentment, joy, happines, and a sense of comfort which is compossed of the negative emotions anger and sadness

    Struktur, Kategori, Dan Fungsi Sosial Ungkapan Kepercayaan Rakyat Bagi Calon Anak Daro Di Kenagarian Koto Baru Kecamatan Bayang Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan

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    This study aims to describe the structure, categories and social functions contained in the expression of the people's confidence in the potential of Anak Daroin Kenagarian Koto Baru sub districk Bayang Regency Pesisir Selatan. This research is descriptive qualitative research method. Background This study was Kenagarian Koto Baru sub districk Bayang Regency Pesisir Selatan, while the study entry Phrase for aspiring young people's confidence in Kenagarian Koto Baru Subdistrick Bayang Regency Pesisir Selatan in terms of structure, categories, and social function. Data acquisition from informants using recording techniques. The technique used to analyze the data as follows. (1) transcripts recordings into written language, (2) translating data into Indonesian, (3) analyzed the expression of the people's trust structure for the prospective Anak Daro, (4) analyzing the expression of the people's trust categories for candidates Anak Daro, (5) analyzing the expression of the people's social functions for prospective Anak Daro, (6) Formulating research result in the from of reports
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