22 research outputs found

    Abscisic Acid: A Novel Nutraceutical for Glycemic Control

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    Abscisic acid is naturally present in fruits and vegetables, and it plays an important role in managing glucose homeostasis in humans. According to the latest U.S. dietary survey, about 92% of the population might have a deficient intake of ABA due to their deficient intake of fruits and vegetables. This review summarizes the in vitro, preclinical, mechanistic, and human translational findings obtained over the past 15 years in the study of the role of ABA in glycemic control. In 2007, dietary ABA was first reported to ameliorate glucose tolerance and obesity-related inflammation in mice. The most recent findings regarding the topic of ABA and its proposed receptor lanthionine synthetase C-like 2 in glycemic control and their interplay with insulin and glucagon-like peptide-1 suggest a major role for ABA in the physiological response to a glucose load in humans. Moreover, emerging evidence suggests that the ABA response might be dysfunctional in diabetic subjects. Follow on intervention studies in healthy individuals show that low-dose dietary ABA administration exerts a beneficial effect on the glycemia and insulinemia profiles after oral glucose load. These recent findings showing benefits in humans, together with extensive efficacy data in mouse models of diabetes and inflammatory disease, suggest the need for reference ABA values and its possible exploitation of the glycemia-lowering effects of ABA for preventative purposes. Larger clinical studies on healthy, prediabetic, and diabetic subjects are needed to determine whether addressing the widespread dietary ABA deficiency improves glucose control in human

    Modulation of colonic immunometabolic responses during Clostridioides difficile infection ameliorates disease severity and inflammation

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    Abstract Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is the leading cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, and its clinical symptoms can span from asymptomatic colonization to pseudomembranous colitis and even death. The current standard of care for CDI is antibiotic treatment to achieve bacterial clearance; however, 15 to 35% of patients experience recurrence after initial response to antibiotics. We have conducted a comprehensive, global colonic transcriptomics analysis of a 10-day study in mice to provide new insights on the local host response during CDI and identify novel host metabolic mechanisms with therapeutic potential. The analysis indicates major alterations of colonic gene expression kinetics at the acute infection stage, that are restored during the recovery phase. At the metabolic level, we observe a biphasic response pattern characterized by upregulated glycolytic metabolism during the peak of inflammation, while mitochondrial metabolism predominates during the recovery/healing stage. Inhibition of glycolysis via 2-Deoxy-d-glucose (2-DG) administration during CDI decreases disease severity, protects from mortality, and ameliorates colitis in vivo. Additionally, 2-DG also protects intestinal epithelial cells from C. difficile toxin damage, preventing loss of barrier integrity and secretion of proinflammatory mediators. These data postulate the pharmacological targeting of host immunometabolic pathways as novel treatment modalities for CDI

    NLRX1 is a key regulator of immune signaling during invasive pulmonary aspergillosis.

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    Aspergillus fumigatus is an opportunistic fungal pathogen of immunocompromised patient populations. Mortality is thought to be context-specific and occurs via both enhanced fungal growth and immunopathogenesis. NLRX1 is a negative regulator of immune signaling and metabolic pathways implicated in host responses to microbes, cancers, and autoimmune diseases. Our study indicates loss of Nlrx1 results in enhanced fungal burden, pulmonary inflammation, immune cell recruitment, and mortality across immuno-suppressed and immuno-competent models of IPA using two clinically derived isolates (AF293, CEA10). We observed that the heightened mortality is due to enhanced recruitment of CD103+ dendritic cells (DCs) that produce elevated amounts of IL-4 resulting in a detrimental Th2-mediated immune response. Adoptive transfer of Nlrx1-/- CD103+ DCs in neutropenic NRG mice results in enhanced mortality that can be ablated using IL-4 neutralizing antibodies. In vitro analysis of CD103+ DCs indicates loss of Nlrx1 results in enhanced IL-4 production via elevated activation of the JNK/JunB pathways. Interestingly, loss of Nlrx1 also results in enhanced recruitment of monocytes and neutrophils. Chimeras of irradiated Nlrx1-/- mice reconstituted with wild type bone marrow have enhanced neutrophil recruitment and survival during models of IPA. This enhanced immune cell recruitment in the absence of Nlrx1 is mediated by excessive production of CXCL8/IL-8 family of chemokines and IL-6 via early and enhanced activation of P38 in response to A. fumigatus conidia as shown in BEAS-2B airway epithelial cells. In summary, our results point strongly towards the cell-specific and contextual function of Nlrx1 during invasive pulmonary aspergillosis and may lead to novel therapeutics to reduce Th2 responses by CD103+ DCs or heightened recruitment of neutrophils

    Modeling the Role of Lanthionine Synthetase C-Like 2 (LANCL2) in the Modulation of Immune Responses to Helicobacter pylori Infection.

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    Immune responses to Helicobacter pylori are orchestrated through complex balances of host-bacterial interactions, including inflammatory and regulatory immune responses across scales that can lead to the development of the gastric disease or the promotion of beneficial systemic effects. While inflammation in response to the bacterium has been reasonably characterized, the regulatory pathways that contribute to preventing inflammatory events during H. pylori infection are incompletely understood. To aid in this effort, we have generated a computational model incorporating recent developments in the understanding of H. pylori-host interactions. Sensitivity analysis of this model reveals that a regulatory macrophage population is critical in maintaining high H. pylori colonization without the generation of an inflammatory response. To address how this myeloid cell subset arises, we developed a second model describing an intracellular signaling network for the differentiation of macrophages. Modeling studies predicted that LANCL2 is a central regulator of inflammatory and effector pathways and its activation promotes regulatory responses characterized by IL-10 production while suppressing effector responses. The predicted impairment of regulatory macrophage differentiation by the loss of LANCL2 was simulated based on multiscale linkages between the tissue-level gastric mucosa and the intracellular models. The simulated deletion of LANCL2 resulted in a greater clearance of H. pylori, but also greater IFNγ responses and damage to the epithelium. The model predictions were validated within a mouse model of H. pylori colonization in wild-type (WT), LANCL2 whole body KO and myeloid-specific LANCL2-/- (LANCL2Myeloid) mice, which displayed similar decreases in H. pylori burden, CX3CR1+ IL-10-producing macrophages, and type 1 regulatory (Tr1) T cells. This study shows the importance of LANCL2 in the induction of regulatory responses in macrophages and T cells during H. pylori infection


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    <p>Interactions among the gut microbiome, dysregulated immune responses, and genetic factors contribute to the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Nlrx1<sup>−/−</sup> mice have exacerbated disease severity, colonic lesions, and increased inflammatory markers. Global transcriptomic analyses demonstrate enhanced mucosal antimicrobial defense response, chemokine and cytokine expression, and epithelial cell metabolism in colitic Nlrx1<sup>−/−</sup> mice compared to wild-type (WT) mice. Cell-specificity studies using cre-lox mice demonstrate that the loss of NLRX1 in intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) recapitulate the increased sensitivity to DSS colitis observed in whole body Nlrx1<sup>−/−</sup> mice. Further, organoid cultures of Nlrx1<sup>−/−</sup> and WT epithelial cells confirm the altered patterns of proliferation, amino acid metabolism, and tight junction expression. These differences in IEC behavior can impact the composition of the microbiome. Microbiome analyses demonstrate that colitogenic bacterial taxa such as Veillonella and Clostridiales are increased in abundance in Nlrx1<sup>−/−</sup> mice and in WT mice co-housed with Nlrx1<sup>−/−</sup> mice. The transfer of an Nlrx1<sup>−/−</sup>-associated gut microbiome through co-housing worsens disease in WT mice confirming the contributions of the microbiome to the Nlrx1<sup>−/−</sup> phenotype. To validate NLRX1 effects on IEC metabolism mediate gut–microbiome interactions, restoration of WT glutamine metabolic profiles through either exogenous glutamine supplementation or administration of 6-diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine abrogates differences in inflammation, microbiome, and overall disease severity in Nlrx1<sup>−/−</sup> mice. The influence NLRX1 deficiency on SIRT1-mediated effects is identified to be an upstream controller of the Nlrx1<sup>−/−</sup> phenotype in intestinal epithelial cell function and metabolism. The altered IEC function and metabolisms leads to changes in barrier permeability and microbiome interactions, in turn, promoting greater translocation and inflammation and resulting in an increased disease severity. In conclusion, NLRX1 is an immunoregulatory molecule and a candidate modulator of the interplay between mucosal inflammation, metabolism, and the gut microbiome during IBD.</p

    NLRX1 Modulates Immunometabolic Mechanisms Controlling the Host–Gut Microbiota Interactions during Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Interactions among the gut microbiome, dysregulated immune responses, and genetic factors contribute to the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Nlrx1−/− mice have exacerbated disease severity, colonic lesions, and increased inflammatory markers. Global transcriptomic analyses demonstrate enhanced mucosal antimicrobial defense response, chemokine and cytokine expression, and epithelial cell metabolism in colitic Nlrx1−/− mice compared to wild-type (WT) mice. Cell-specificity studies using cre-lox mice demonstrate that the loss of NLRX1 in intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) recapitulate the increased sensitivity to DSS colitis observed in whole body Nlrx1−/− mice. Further, organoid cultures of Nlrx1−/− and WT epithelial cells confirm the altered patterns of proliferation, amino acid metabolism, and tight junction expression. These differences in IEC behavior can impact the composition of the microbiome. Microbiome analyses demonstrate that colitogenic bacterial taxa such as Veillonella and Clostridiales are increased in abundance in Nlrx1−/− mice and in WT mice co-housed with Nlrx1−/− mice. The transfer of an Nlrx1−/−-associated gut microbiome through co-housing worsens disease in WT mice confirming the contributions of the microbiome to the Nlrx1−/− phenotype. To validate NLRX1 effects on IEC metabolism mediate gut–microbiome interactions, restoration of WT glutamine metabolic profiles through either exogenous glutamine supplementation or administration of 6-diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine abrogates differences in inflammation, microbiome, and overall disease severity in Nlrx1−/− mice. The influence NLRX1 deficiency on SIRT1-mediated effects is identified to be an upstream controller of the Nlrx1−/− phenotype in intestinal epithelial cell function and metabolism. The altered IEC function and metabolisms leads to changes in barrier permeability and microbiome interactions, in turn, promoting greater translocation and inflammation and resulting in an increased disease severity. In conclusion, NLRX1 is an immunoregulatory molecule and a candidate modulator of the interplay between mucosal inflammation, metabolism, and the gut microbiome during IBD

    Modulation of Immune Signaling and Metabolism Highlights Host and Fungal Transcriptional Responses in Mouse Models of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis

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    Abstract Incidences of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, an infection caused predominantly by Aspergillus fumigatus, have increased due to the growing number of immunocompromised individuals. While A. fumigatus is reliant upon deficiencies in the host to facilitate invasive disease, the distinct mechanisms that govern the host-pathogen interaction remain enigmatic, particularly in the context of distinct immune modulating therapies. To gain insights into these mechanisms, RNA-Seq technology was utilized to sequence RNA derived from lungs of 2 clinically relevant, but immunologically distinct murine models of IPA on days 2 and 3 post inoculation when infection is established and active disease present. Our findings identify notable differences in host gene expression between the chemotherapeutic and steroid models at the interface of immunity and metabolism. RT-qPCR verified model specific and nonspecific expression of 23 immune-associated genes. Deep sequencing facilitated identification of highly expressed fungal genes. We utilized sequence similarity and gene expression to categorize the A. fumigatus putative in vivo secretome. RT-qPCR suggests model specific gene expression for nine putative fungal secreted proteins. Our analysis identifies contrasting responses by the host and fungus from day 2 to 3 between the two models. These differences may help tailor the identification, development, and deployment of host- and/or fungal-targeted therapeutics

    Simulation and analysis of <i>Helicobacter pylori</i> colonization.

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    <p>Time course simulation with calibrated <i>H</i>. <i>pylori</i>-host interaction model displaying <i>H</i>. <i>pylori</i> burden (A), macrophage and cytokine responses (B) and T cell responses (C). Local sensitivity analysis of model displaying positive and negative effects of parameters on model species H. pylori (D), IL10 (E), damaged epithelial cells (F). Boxed region contains parameters associated with Mreg model species. Specific model species of interest are indicated by symbols: & marks column associated with HP model species, * marks column associated with IL10 model species and # marks column associated with Edamaged model species. Global sensitivity analysis displaying parameter sensitivity ranges on the differentiation of regulatory macrophages (G). Parameters associated with cytokines are indicated by (*) and parameters associated with <i>H</i>. <i>pylori</i> are indicated by (#).</p

    Network of intracellular signaling pathways controlling regulatory macrophage differentiation.

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    <p>Systems Biologt Markup Language (SBML)-compliant network diagram displaying the three main pathways, CSF1R, CX3CR1, and IL-10R, controlling cytokine production and macrophage phenotype commitment. While interconnected, the three signaling receptors have dominant effects on arms within the network. The CSF1R/M-CSF pathway integrates DAP12 and NFAT activity and is closely associated with the inflammatory Traf/NF-kB pathway as well. The IL-10R pathway is modified by calcium signaling and the transcriptional activities of FOXP1 and NCOR2. The CX3CR1 pathway combines cAMP/PKA pathways with modification to Akt and inflammatory signaling.</p