4 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kadar Sulfur Dan Selenium Hijauan Zea Mays Saccharata Oleh Pemupukan Fosfor Dalam Suspensi Fermentasi Acetobacter-saccharomyces Sulfur and Selenium Content Improvement of Zea Mays Saccharata with Phosphorus Fertilization in the Fermented Acetobacter-saccharomyces Solution

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    A greenhouse experiment was conducted during 6 weeks on acid latosolic soil and low phosphorus availability. A completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 4 replicates was used. The treatments were control, RP, SP, RP+FSAS, and SP+FSAS. Phosphorus fertilizer level was 200 kg P2O5/ha (2.96 g RP/pot or 2.22 g SP/pot). Sweet corn was cut and measured for S and Se content on 6 weeks after planting. All data were analyzed by the GLM procedure of SAS. Significant differences among the treatments were calculated by DMRT. The results show that SP+FSAS increased S and Se content significantly higher compared to control and RP (

    Identifikasi Gen Selenometil Transferase (Smt) Pada Isolat Geobacillus SP. 20k Yang Resisten Terhadap Selenium [Identification of Seleno Methyltransferase {Smt) Gene From Geobacillus SP. 20k Resistant to Selenium]

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    The trace element Selenium is toxic at high concentration.Most of organisms living in selenium rich environment are selenium resistant.One of the resistance mechanisms is methylation,in which selenium is methylated and transformed to non-toxic selenium compound.The methylation is catalyzed by seleno methyltransferase (SMT) coded by smt gene. The gene are expressed by selenium tolerant plants. However, there was no available report yet on such specific gene in the bacterial genome. This study was carried out to determine smt homologous gene on selected selenium accumulator bacteria, Geobacillus sp. 20k, The smt gene of was determined by amplifying target DNA and analyses its sequences through homology search (BLAST). The result showed that the DNA and its protein part of thermophilic enzyme involved selenium metabolisms

    Identifikasi Gen Termoasidofilik Alkohol 1 Dehidrogenase Pada Bacillus Sp-pjv [Gene Identification Thermoacidophilic Alcohol 1 Dehydrogenase Encoding Bacillus Sp-pjv ]

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    One of the constrains in the conversion process of biomass to bioethanol is the unoptimum technology for the conversion process.One of the causes is the difference between optimum temperature for enzymatic hydrolytic saccharification and for fermentation.Enzymatic hydrolysis requires high temperature and acidic pH, while fermentation operates at mild condition.Hence, thermophilic fermentative microbes are needed so that simultaneous saccharification and fermentation processes can be carried out.Alcoholdehydrogenase(ADH), an enzyme functions in the final step of fermentation, catalyzes reduction of acetaldehydeto ethanol so that it being one of indicator fermentative microbial.Protium javanicum, a typical fruit from Lombok grow at high temperature and has sour taste so that it predicted has a thermo acidophilic ADH.This study was aimed toidentify gene encoding ADHin Protiumjavanicum(Pjv) microbial isolates.ADH gene identification was carried out by DNA amplification using spesific adh primers inqPCR machine. Results showed that all isolates tested had adh gene and that of Bacillus sp-Pjv was the most efficiently amplified. Results of fermentationtest also showed that the Bacillus sp-Pjv isolate was a better ethanol-producer than the others