8 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Example Non Example terhadap Hasil Belajar Pkn Kelas IV Min Bangka Belitung

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    A common problem in this research is “how is the influence of example non example model on student learning outcomes in the subject of civics education grade 4 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Bangka Belitung Southeast Pontianak.study aims to find out how much influence example non example results on student learning outcomes on the subject of citizenship education grade 4 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Bangka Belitung Southeast Pontianak. Research method is experimental method. The form of research used in this study is quasy experiment, with research design posstest only control design. Population in this study were all 4th graders Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Bangka Belitung Southeast Pontianak.which consists of two classes namely class 4A and 4B. The data collections instrument used is a measurement techniquean data collection tools in the form of text of students learning outcomes in the form of essay with the amountof 10 questions. Based on the calculation result obtained average pretest experiment class 33,56 and average pretest control class 26,5. Posttest experiment class 70,38 and posttest control class 62,25. Then form the calculation of t test obtained price = 1,6759. Evidently (2,8626) (1,6759), then accepted and rejected form the calculation effect size 0,82 belong to the high category, this means learning by applying the model example non example give influence to the result of learning of citizenship educations grade 4 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Bangka Belitung Southeast Pontianak

    Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Senyawa Aktif terhadap Mortalitas Kutu Beras dari Ekstrak Etil Asetat Rimpang Jeringau (Acorus Calammus L.)

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    Telah dilakukan isolasi dan karakterisasi senyawa aktif terhadap mortalitas pada rimpang jeringau (Acorus calammus. L). Penelitian diawali dengan mengekstrak 450 gram serbuk rimpang jeringau (Acorus calammus. L) dengan pelarut metanol menggunakan teknik maserasi. Ekstrak kental metanol difraksinasi dengan pelarut n-Heksan dan etil asetat. Identifikasi senyawa yang terkandung pada rimpang jeringau dilakukan dengan uji fitokimia pada ekstrak kental dan masing-masing fraksi. Melalui kromatografi kolom, ekstrak kental fraksi etil asetat menghasilkan 308 fraksi kemudian diuji menggunakan KLT. Isolat murni yang positif pada uji terpenoid dianalisis keberadaan gugus fungsinya dengan spektrofotometer IR dan UV-Vis. Pada Spektrofotometer IR menunjukkan gugus fungsi adanya ulur C-H, ulur C=O, ulur C=C aromatik, tekuk O-H, tekuk C-H dan ulur C-O alkohol. Sedangkan untuk UV-Vis menunjukkan pita dengan serapan gelombang maksimum pada 248,60 nm. Maka senyawa yang diduga adalah senyawa terpenoid yang merupakan senyawa aktif mortalitas

    Case Management for COVID-19 Pneumonia: Literature Review

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    Introduction: Coronavirus is a collection of viruses that can infect the respiratory system. In many cases, this virus only causes mild respiratory infections, such as flu. However, this virus can also cause severe respiratory infections, such as lung infections (pneumonia). The method is a literature review research in the form of case reports through the search of accredited journal sites such as Scientdirect and Elsevier with the keyword COVID-19 pneumonia in the period of 2015-2020. Research Results: in handling COVID-19 cases each country has its own way which consists of a physical examination, blood laboratory examination, chest CT scan, swab test, urine test, oxygen installation, mechanical ventilation, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygention (ECMO) ), as well as the administration of drugs Ceftriaxone, Azithromycin, Piramivir, iopinavir-Ritonavir, Nafamostat and Intravenous Immune Globulin (IVIG), each patient differs based on history of illness. Conclusion: every region and every country has its own way of handling COVID-19 cases because until now there has been no definitive treatment or vaccine that can treat cases of COVID-19 that have struck all over the world

    Uji Sifat Fisikokimia Gelatin yang Diisolasi dari Tulang Ikan Kembung (Rasterelliger SP.) Menggunakan Beberapa Jenis Larutan Asam

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    Salah satu upaya peningkatan nilai ekonomi limbah tulang ikan adalah mengolahnya menjadi gelatin. Ikan kembung merupakan ikan yang relatif murah, digemari masyarakat dan mengandung protein tinggi. Untuk menghasilkan gelatin berkualitas baik diperlukan optimasi pengolahan diantaranya yaitu variasi konsentrasi dan jenis larutan asam serta waktu ekstraksi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mencari perlakuan asam terbaik pada proses demineralisasi dan waktu terbaik pada proses ekstraksi dengan aquades menggunakan two-ways ANOVA, serta menguji sifat fisikokimia gelatin dari rendemen tertinggi. Pelarut asam yang digunakan adalah asam klorida (HCl), asam sulfat (H2SO4), dan asam asetat (CH3COOH) dengan konsentrasi masing-masing 2, 4 dan 6% v/v. Variasi waktu ekstraksi yaitu 2, 4 dan 6 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rendemen tertinggi diperoleh dari perendaman dengan H2SO4 4% dengan waktu ekstraksi selama 6 jam yaitu 4,27%. Gelatin tersebut memiliki sifat fisikokimia: pH 4,0, titik leleh 28-31,2 oC, titik isoelektrik 9,0, viskositas 2,8 cPs, bobot molekul relatif sebesar 38.390,9 g/mol, kadar air 9,30%, kadar abu 23,85%, kadar protein 58,37%, kadar lemak 0,86% dan kadar karbohidrat 7,63%. Analisis FTIR dari gelatin yang dihasilkan menunjukkan gugus-gugus fungsi O-H, C-H, C-N, C=O, dan N-H yang sama dengan gelatin komersial. Namun, masih diperlukan optimasi seperti suhu ekstraksi agar gelatin hasil isolasi memenuhi standar mutu

    Edukasi Keamanan Pangan Kerang Rebus dengan Memanfaatkan Belimbing Wuluh di Kota Banda Aceh

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    Shell is one of the sources of seafood because it contains protein and minerals. However, shells can accumulate more metals than other aquatic animals. Based on Hanum, F' s research (2017), showed that starfruit juice can eliminate Plumbum content in boiled mussels. This needs to be known by the community from the aspect of chemical safety given the high level of heavy metal pollution in waters in Aceh. The community service activity took place for 2 days at the Balee Pengajian Alue Deah Teungoh Village in Meuraxa District, Banda Aceh. The target activity is 40 residents. Based on the results of the activity it can be concluded that the counseling and demonstration of Plumbum testing has been able to improve the knowledge and skills of participants in the technique of processing boiled mussels as a favorite family snack. Starfruit is very effective to be used as a sequestrant