2 research outputs found

    Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Etanol Daun Tapak Kuda (Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br.) terhadap Bakteri Staphylococcus epidermidis

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    This study aimed to determine the antibacterial activity of the ethanol extract of the leaves of Tapak Kuda (Ipomoea pes-caprae) against Staphylococcus epidermidis. The method used was Kirby-Bauer for the antibacterial test with various concentrations of ethanolic extract of I. pes-caprae leaf extract: 5 mg/mL, 20 mg/mL, 35 mg/mL, and 50 mg/mL, with five replications. The antibiotic clindamycin was used as a positive control, while DMSO was a negative control. The results showed that after 24 hours of incubation, the zone of inhibition of bacterial growth was demonstrated by the experimental and the positive control groups, while the negative control did not show the zone of inhibition. The diameter of the largest inhibition zone (11.40 mm) was at a 50 mg/mL test concentration, which was indicated as a strong category. In conclusion, the ethanolic extract of the leaves of I. pes-caprae can inhibit the growth of S. epidermidis at all test concentrations. Keywords: Antibacterial, Ipomoea pes-caprae, Staphylococcus epidermidi

    Aktivitas Antibakteri Secara In-Vitro Ekstrak Metanol Excoecaria cochinchinensis Lour dan Kombinasinya dengan Obat Komersial

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    The purpose of this study was to look into the antibacterial activity of methanolic extract of Excoecaria cochinchinensis as well as the effect of its combination with antibiotics on the growth of Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter aerogenes, and Staphylococcus epidermidis. The antibacterial activity test was carried out using the well diffusion method, and the combined effect of the extract and antibiotics was observed using the paper strip diffusion method. At various concentrations (25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, and 250 mg/mL), the extract significantly inhibited the growth of K. pneumoniae, E. aerogenes, and S. epidermidis. The inhibitory zone's diameter increased proportionally with the extract concentration. The growth of K. pneumoniae and S. epidermidis was then classified as extremely sensitive (+++) to the addition of the extract at 200 and 250 mg/mL concentrations, meanwhile, E. aerogenes’s with 250 mg/mL of the extract. Secondary metabolites such as oleanolic acid, arjunolic acid, scopoletin, kaempferol, quercetin, diterpenoid compounds, tannins, and other phenolics have been reported from E. cochinchinensis leaves and are thought to be responsible for its antimicrobial activity. The effect of the extract’s combination with antibiotics was insignificant compared to their individual activity, thereby classifying them as indifferent.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki aktivitas antibakteri dari ekstrak metanol Excoecaria cochinchinensis serta pengaruh kombinasinya dengan antibiotik terhadap pertumbuhan Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter aerogenes, dan Staphylococcus epidermidis. Uji aktivitas antibakteri dilakukan dengan metode difusi sumuran, dan efek gabungan dari ekstrak dan antibiotik diamati dengan menggunakan metode difusi kertas. Pada berbagai konsentrasi (25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, dan 250 mg/mL), ekstrak secara signifikan menghambat pertumbuhan K. pneumoniae, E. aerogenes, dan S. epidermidis. Selain itu, peningkatan diameter zona hambat berbanding lurus dengan peningkatan konsentrasi ekstrak. Pertumbuhan K. pneumoniae dan S. epidermidis kemudian diklasifikasikan sebagai sangat sangat sensitif (+++) terhadap penambahan ekstrak pada konsentrasi 200 dan 250 mg/mL. Sementara itu, pertumbuhan E. aerogenes diklasifikasikan sebagai sangat sangat sensitif (+++) ketika diberikan 250 mg/mL ekstrak. Metabolit sekunder seperti asam oleanolik, asam arjunolik, skopoletin, kaempferol, kuersetin, senyawa diterpenoid, tanin, dan fenolat lainnya telah dilaporkan dari daun E. cochinchinensis dan diduga bertanggung jawab atas aktivitas antimikrobanya. Efek kombinasi ekstrak dengan antibiotik tidak terjadi peningkatan signifikan jika dibandingkan dengan aktivitas secara tunggal, sehingga diklasifikasikan sebagai efek indifferent