9 research outputs found
Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Loyalitas Pengguna Ovo pada Grab
The purpose of the research is to analyze the factors that influence the loyalty of OVO users in Grab. The analytical method used by the author in conducting this research is to use quantitative research as many as 311 respondents who are OVO users in Grab. In conducting data collection, it was done by distributing questionnaires containing several statements. in this study the variables are divided into several parts including Consumer Satisfaction (X1), Price (X2) and Information Quality (X3) as independent variables, and Consumer Loyalty (Y) as the dependent variable. To measure the magnitude of the influence on these variables, the author uses the method of multiple regression analysis. From the results of the analysis it was found that there were significant and simultaneous effects on the variables of customer satisfaction, price and information quality, and consumer loyalty
Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformational dan Komunikasi terhadap Motivasi dan Dampaknya pada Kinerja Karyawan PT. Xyz
PT. XYZ is a company engaged in the sale of paper and printing machines which will increase greatly in paper demand is increasing every year. therefore the employee\u27s performance is an important factor in increasing the sales of the company so that it can compete with other competitors. To maintain the necessary motivation employee performance so employees can work maximal.This purpose of study was to analyze the effect of transformational leadership style, communication on the motivation and impact on employee performance PT. XYZ. The population used in this study were all employees of PT. XYZ, Tangerang Cipondoh many as 43 people. The analysis technique used is the path analysis (path analysis) .Data obtained from questionnaires distributed to all employees PT. XYZ totaling 43 people to measure transformational leadership style, communication on the motivation and performance of employees by using a Likert scale. From the analysis of the data obtained showed that the Transformational leadership style, communication to motivation and significant influence simultaneously on employee performance
Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian pada Generasi Z dan Generasi Milenial di Indonesia terhadap Zara
The purpose of this study aims to analyze the factors that influence purchasing decisions in generation z and millennial generations in Indonesia against Zara.The analytical method used by the author in conducting this research is to use quantitative research with a total population of 83 respondents, which areconsumers who have bought Zara. In collecting the data, it was done by distributing questionnaires in which there were several statements. In this study,the variables were divided into several parts, including price (X1), product quality (X2) and brand image (X3) as independent variables, and purchasing decisions (Y) as the dependent variable. To measure the magnitude of the influence on these variables, the authors use the method of multiple regression analysis. From the results of the analysis, it is found that there is a significant and simultaneous influence on the variables of price, product quality and brand image onpurchasing decisions at Zara in Indonesia
Peran Iklan terhadap Perilaku Konsumen: Kampanye Iklan Gojek terhadap Perilaku Konsumen di Kota Tangerang
Iklan merupakan salah satu bentuk penyampaian informasi mengenai barang atau jasa dari pelaku usaha kepada konsumen, informasi di dalam iklan dapat dipergunakan sebagai panduan bagi konsumen dalam memilih dan membeli barang dan jasa dengan tepat. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran iklan yang dilakukan Gojek terhadap perilaku konsumen yang ada di kota Tangerang. Dalam pengambilan data pada penelitian ini penulis menggunakan kuesioner yang mana diberikan kepada responden yang berada di kota Tangerang dengan jaminan kerahasiaan, anonimitas dan Kenyamanan yang menggunakan skala Likert yang dibagikan kepada 100 responden. Dalam melakukan pengambilan data terhadap penelitian ini penulis menyadari bahwa responden dalam penelitian ini belum tentu bisa memahami kalimat-kalimat yang konkirt yang ada dalam kuesioner oleh karena itu, maka penulis juga bertindak sebagai guide. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa elemen periklanan yang paling berpengaruh terhadap perilaku pembelian konsumen adalah manfaat produk yang merupakan manfaat yang diperoleh konsumen dengan menggunakan produk tersebut sehingga dapat menarik perhatian konsumen, menarik minat konsumen, menimbulkan keinginan terhadap produk dan pada akhirnya membuat konsumen memutuskan untuk membeli produk tersebut
Analisis Pergeseran Perilaku Konsumen dalam Niat Beli di Sektor Otomotif E-Commerce Indonesia
The growth of active internet users in Indonesia is increasing positively. Smartphone users in Indonesia are projected to be the largest in the world wide. This traction creates opportunity for the presence of e-commerce. Nowadays, e-commerce is not only selling a low involvement product but also selling high involvement product in this study a new car. This study aims to analyze the relationship between social commerce construct to trust and purchase intention, consumer trust to purchase intention and perceived risks, perceived risk to purchase intention and perceived benefit to purchase intention. This study used questionnaire as tools to gather data from 200 respondents who never bought a new car through e-commerce. Partial least squares structure equation modelling (PLS-SEM) is used in this study to analyze the data. The result of this study showed that social commerce construct has influence on trust and purchase intention, other variable such as perceived risk also has influence on purchase intentio
Pengaruh Brand Image Gojek terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen (Studi Kasus Efek Covid-19 Konsumen Karawaci Tegal Baru Tangerang)
COVID-19 caused many significant impacts on various businesses in Indonesia. This outbreak was first announced by the government in early March in 2020 and as a result online transportation companies also have the impact of a decrease in services due to the outbreak. This study aims to determine the effect of brand image gojek on consumer loyalty when the covid 19 effect takes place. The analytical method used by the author in conducting this research is to use quantitative research with a population of 150 respondents which is a community that lives in Karawaci, Tangerang. In carrying out the data collection is done by distributing questionnaires in which there are several items of statement. in this study the variables are divided into several parts including Brand Image (X) and Consumer Loyalty (Y) as the dependent variable. To measure the magnitude of the effect on these variables, the authors use the linear regression analysis method. From the results of the analysis it was found that there is a significant and simultaneous influence on the brand image of the object of consumer loyalt