4 research outputs found

    Supply Chain and Firm Performance with the Moderating Role of Leadership Dependency

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    The prime objective of the present study is to examine the role of supply chain leadership, supply chain fellowship and shared common values on the supply chain activities of the Islamic banks in Indonesia. The secondary objective of the ongoing study is also the examination of moderating role of supply chain leadership dependency among the links of supply chain leadership, supply chain fellowship, shared common values and supply chain activities of the Islamic banks in Indonesia. The questionnaire method has been adopted by the study to collect the data while smart-PLS has been executed for the analysis. The results indicated that supply chain leadership, supply chain fellowship and shared common values have a positive impact on the supply chain activities of the Islamic banks in Indonesia. The results also exposed that supply chain leadership dependency positively moderated among the links of supply chain fellowship and supply chain activities. These findings are suitable for the regulators along with further studies in terms of investigating, formulating strategies and policies on the supply chain activities of the banks

    Kamus syawarifiyyah: kamus modern sinonim Arab - Indonesia

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    Buku ini sebuah kamus sinonim Arab - Melayu

    Building Character of Bugis Community in Bone From The Perspective of Quran and Local Wisdom

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    This study is motivated by two things, namely Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, and the population of Indonesia has a high cultural diversity. This qualitative research applies a content analysis and semantic approach to analyze the texts and documents. Conceptually, proper education can shape character through the inculcation of religious values and local wisdom. At the same time, wise expressions in the Bugis advice are analyzed with a content analysis approach. The results of the analysis show two main points. First, character building starts from the human side. The Qur'an shows that character building must start from the inner dimension of the human being. It is indicated by the word 'anfus' in the Quran. Second, the central values of Bugis' local wisdom align with the universal values of the Quran, namely coaching that touches the inner dimension in the form of ideas, beliefs, and awareness of the importance of these noble values in attitudes and behavior

    Polarized Muslim audiences in Malaysia

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    There have been a significant rise of local programs in TV stations in Malaysia. One form of the program that have been gaining interest is known as Islamic televangelism. Online focus groups discussion were conducted to understand audiences’ perception on Islamic televangelism programs. The interaction among these television audiences-turned-online followers revealed aspects of audience taste, audience segmentation and the use of social media. Findings illustrate that Muslim audiences in Malaysia are rather diverged due to a large amount of religious television programs. The diversity of the programs shown in television allows for audience to receive a variety of Islamic knowledge and contemporary religious issues. Muslim audiences now have access to an assortment religious programs with different hosts explaining and simplifying religious principles and practices. Caution, however, must be exercised when audiences display a rather intense preferences when acquiring religious knowledge through television. Unjustified reasons and obsessed emotions can interrupt the unity of Muslim society as whole and some form of vigilance should be observed for Islamic televangelism programs