2 research outputs found

    Application of Criminal Sanctions Against the Crime of Child Rape Linked with Article 82 of Act No. 35 of 2014 Concerning the Protection of Children

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    This study aimed to analyze the application of criminal sanctions against child rape. Legal issues that arise in this research include: How the application of criminal sanctions against criminal fines rape of children in the jurisdiction of Polresta Cirebon, and How the effectiveness of the application of criminal sanctions against perpetrators of child rape fines in Polresta Cirebon Jurisdiction. This research is a normative law and empirical legal research based on the consideration that in addition to leaving of the Act, the researchers also explored what is in the field related to the title of the researchers adopted, it can be concluded that the application of criminal sanctions penalties against perpetrators of criminal acts of rape of children Polresta Cirebon Jurisdiction in accordance with article 82, paragraph (1) and (2) of Act No. 35 of 2014 on Child Protection that the penalties are imprisonment of at least five (5) years and a maximum of 15 (fifteen) years and a maximum fine of Rp 5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiah). While the effectiveness of the application of criminal sanctions against child rape because the victim has not been effective enough that the injured party did not receive material compensation to pay for treatment and rehabilitation. For offenders, penalties are less able to provide a deterrent effect because the perpetrators are not able to pay these fines can be replaced with imprisonment for a long time very briefly. While the effectiveness of the application of criminal sanctions against child rape because the victim has not been effective enough that the injured party did not receive material compensation to pay for treatment and rehabilitation. For offenders, penalties are less able to provide a deterrent effect because the perpetrators are not able to pay these fines can be replaced with imprisonment for a long time very briefly. While the effectiveness of the application of criminal sanctions against child rape because the victim has not been effective enough that the injured party did not receive material compensation to pay for treatment and rehabilitation. For offenders, penalties are less able to provide a deterrent effect because the perpetrators are not able to pay these fines can be replaced with imprisonment for a long time very briefly

    Analisis Redaman Hujan pada Frekuensi C-Band dan Ku-band untuk Komunikasi VSAT-TV pada Daerah Tropis

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    Penggunaan satelit untuk berbagai macam komunikasi semakin berkembang dewasa ini salah satunya yaitu teknologi VSAT untuk keperluan TV berbayar yang dinilai sangat strategis. Teknologi VSAT digunakan oleh Perusahaan TV berbayar sebagai backbone dari jaringan yang mereka tawarkan kepada konsumen. Penggunaan VSAT sebagai alat komunikasi memiliki banyak sekali keuntungan antara lain kemudahan dalam hal instalasi, biaya yang murah dan kemudahan dalam pemeliharaan. Di samping semua keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh VSAT, teknologi VSAT yang menggunakan frekuensi C-Band dan Ku-Band ini memiliki beberapa kekurangan diantaranya yaitu masalah propagasi terutama propagasi yang disebabkan oleh redaman hujan. Dalam Studi ini penulis melakukan analisis redaman hujan menggunakan empat model prediksi redaman hujan yaitu model ITU-R P.618-5, model Global Crane, Model SAM, dan model ITU-R modifikasi untuk daerah tropis. Keempat model tersebut dibandingkan dengan pengukuran guna mengetahui model redaman hujan yang mendekati untuk wilayah Surabaya. Dalam studi ini untuk pengukuran pada kanal Ku-Band menggunakan satelit JCSAT 4B sedangkan untuk pengukuran kanal C-Band menggunakan satelit TELKOM-1 dengan menggunakan VSAT berukuran 0,6 m. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapatkan model redaman hujan mendekati pengukuran untuk kanal C-band adalah model Global Crane dengan persen error sebesar 73,1 %. Sedangkan untuk kanal Ku-band adalah model ITU-R Modifikasi untuk daerah tropis dengan persen error sebesar 22,4 %