84 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Perpustakaan di Smk Negeri 1 Cerme

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    A Library is considered as a place for education, research, preservation, information, and recreation in order to improve intelligence and empowerment of the nation. Currently there are some core processes at SMK Negeri 1 Cerme library, namely: books inventory records, books loan and return, records of infringement, books procurement process and the books destruction records. The absence of catalog in the library becomes major problem since people may spare a lot time to search books. In the book return process, lack of reminder of the due date causes the book borrower sometimes forget to return the books on time. In addition to that, manual record can lead to unsyncronized data beetween the currently existing stock and the reports such as, destruction report and book inventory. In this study, we develope a computerized library application at SMK Negeri 1 Cerme Library that is expected to be able assist the registration, loan and returns transactions. A reminder in added utilizing the SMS Gateway to remind the borrowers. The catalog can also help the students to reduce the time for books searching. Finally, automatic reports would make it easier to be distributeed to the head of library

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pembelajaran di STIKES Yayasan Rumah Sakit Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

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    STIKES Yayasan Rumah Sakit Dr. Soetomo Surabaya adalah perguruan tinggi swasta bidang kesehatan yang terletak di Jl. Karangmenjangan No. 12 Surabaya. Salah satu permasalahan yang terjadi adalah masalah pembelajaran. Saat ini proses diskusi dalam kelas yang terjadi hanya menghasilkan 20%-25% mahasiswa yang aktif. Dosen dalam menyebarkan bahan ajar masih berjalan secara estafet, sehingga tidak ada dokumentasi. Pengukuran aktifan dosen hanya berdasarkan presensi sehingga hasil penilaian kinerja yang dilakukan tidak sesuai dengan yang diharapkan.Beberapa permasalahan di atas dapat diselesaikan dengan suatu aplikasi pembelajaran berbasis web yang memiliki fungsi (1) forum komunikasi antara mahasiswa dan dosen, (2) hasil evaluasi proses belajar mengajar untuk mengetahui pemahaman mahasiswa, (3) penyimpan materi dari dosen sebagai dokumentasi proses penyebaran bahan ajar, (4) laporan aktifitas dosen, serta (5) laporan nilai mahasiswa.Aplikasi yang dibuat mampu menangani permasalahan yang terjadi sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna. Berdasarkan uji coba yang dilakukan aplikasi telah berjalan sesuai dengan tujuan yaitu menyimpan dan mendokumentasikan bahan ajar, menyatukan mahasiswa dan dosen melalui forum diskusi, menilai aktifitas mahasiswa dalam berkomentar di forum dan menjawab pertanyaan evaluasi, menghasilkan rekap laporan aktifitas dosen dalam belajar mengajar, menghasilkan laporan detail nilai forum dan evaluasi mahasiswa per pelajaran

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penilaian Berbasis Kurikulum 2013 (K13) Studi Kasus pada SMP Negeri 5 Sidoarjo

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    The purpose of this research is to create applications that can perform the calculation and the conversion of the score of the range 10-100 into E-A automatically table with values already determined in accordance with the rules of the curriculum of 2013. The application can also draw up a blend of various assessments conducted by teachers of subjects, extracurricular teacher and homeroom teachers become student's final reports. The making of the application, using the methods of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Based on the results of the testing that was done, the application can be run as expected. The application can be developed into an integrated information system to generate more accurate dat

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pembelajaran dengan Metode Drill And Ppractice Berbasis Android di SMA AL-FALAH Ketintang

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    This research is motivated by the problems of the activities of intensive exercises that applied to students of class XII, considering the student will face national exam (UNAS). This activity is done manually using paper, and made within the last 3 months XII class teaching and learning process. In the course of intensive exercises having some problems such as: the lack of time the application of intensive activity exercises, the use of the manual system causes the resulting information is still static and not give actual information, and lack the information needed to monitor the development activities of teacher-intensive exercises. To overcome some of these obstacles, constructed a plan to build learning applications with drill and practice-based methods android, or the so-called D-SMART. D-SMART has a function Deliver exercises, Notification of new matter. In addition to overcoming determine the achievement of performance is D-SMART method produces an output in the form of graphs and details. D-SMART can help the implementation of intensive exercises which have reduced hours class XII student learning. Time intensive exercises with drill and practice methods are becoming increasingly enhanced, the start of class X in order to get the best value when students face national exam (UNAS

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Perhitungan Gaji Karyawan pada Koperasi Udara Jawa Timur

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    The Cooperative of Udara Jawa Timur is one of the cooperatives in Sidoarjo. Currently the allowance given to the achievements of the branch employees are always late. This is because the process of calculating the salaries of employees in the cooperative branch takes a long time. In that process requires a salary document that has been validated by the central cooperative. The salary document contains basic salary, allowances achievements, and special allowances. To obtain the allowances of achievement, first step is branch cooperative should send a list of bill document to the central cooperative. The process of sending documents from the bill of each cooperative branch takes a long time because of constrained problem of distance. So that the procedures that have been applied to the Cooperative Air East Java is causing delays in the process of managing employee performance allowance branches. To solve the problem then payroll calculation application can help cooperative centers to overcome these problems. Applications that have been made can handle the validation process, performance allowance calculation, discounts, other allowances, and the calculation of wages for employees of the central and branch employees. Cooperatives and cooperative central branch can be interconnected using this application so that the process of sending documents from cooperative to cooperative central branch can be removed and can overcome the problems that occurred the previous time. Based on the results of trials that have been done can be concluded that the application complies with the expected goals. The application has been able to calculate the allowance achievements and calculate the salary of each cooperative branch of the appropriate time

    Pengukuran Penerimaan Aplikasi Sicyca Menggunakan Metode Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (Utaut)

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    SICYCA is the main website as media appreciation STIKOM Surabaya, the fact that not all SICYCA are used with maximum facilities by students. To know the success rate of a technology implementation, how high the student acceptance rate of SICYCA. The model used by researchers is the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology ( UTAUT ). The instrument in this study was used questioner. The writer spread the questioner to students in STIKOM Surabaya in academic year 2010-2013 in every major at STIKOM Surabaya. The writer used 200 students as the sample in this study. The research design was used Stratified Random Sampling method which was focused on separated the elements group of words in STIKOM Surabaya. Descriptive analysis, validity analysis, and reliability was used SPSS 16 software. Data analysis was used Structural Equation Model (SEM) and use AMOS 22 software to analysis the structural. From the results of the data analysis, it can be concluded as follows: 1) performance expectancy has an positive effect to intentions of using SICYCA. 2) effort expectancy has an positive effect to the intentions of using the SICYCA. 3) social influence do not positive effect significantly to the intention of using the SICYCA. 4) facilitating conditions do not have an positive effect to the SICYCA utilizing. 5) behavioral intention has an positive effect to the use of behavioral SICYCA
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