4 research outputs found

    Analisis Spasial Tingkat Kerusakan Kawasan Suaka Margasatwa Padang Sugihan Sumatera Selatan

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    Kawasan Suaka Margasatwa Padang Sugihan merupakan habitat penting bagi gajah sumatera. Namun demikian kondisinya saat ini terus mengalami tekanan terutama akibat kebakaran, pembalakan liar, dan penguasan lahan oleh oknum masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pemetaan tingkat kerusakan Suaka Margasatwa Padang Sugihan dan mengidentifikasi penyebab kerusakan sebagai bagian kegiatan perencanaan pemulihan ekosistem. Analisis kerusakan kawasan menggunakan sistem informasi geografis dengan metode skoring tumpeng susun dan pembobotan terhadap parameter-parameter yang berpengaruh terhadap kerusakan kawasan, yaitu tutupan lahan, frekuensi kebakaran, areal berkanal dan lahan gambut, sensivitas ekologi dan sensivitas sosial. Setiap parameter akan memiliki bobot yang berbeda berdasarkan pengaruhnya terhadap kerusakan kawasan dan kelangsungan hidup spesies kunci. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kawasan dengan tingkat kerusakan berat seluas 13.219,60 Ha (15%), rusak sedang seluas 31.867,20 Ha (36%), dan rusak ringan seluas 42.555,91 Ha (49%). Areal yang mengalami kerusakan berat merupakan area yang diusulkan menjadi prioritas utama kegiatan pemulihan ekosistem. Kerusakan ekosistem di SM Padang Sugihan terutama disebabkan oleh kebakaran hutan yang terjadi secara berulang, pembalakan hutan, dan pembukaan kanal drainase. Ketiga faktor tersebut menyebabkan hilangnya masa gambut dan berkurang/ hilangnya komposisi vegetasi asli

    Enabling Factors of NTFP Business Development for Ecosystem Restoration: The Case of Tamanu Oil in Indonesian Degraded Peatland

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    Indonesia’s tropical peatlands are one of the world’s largest carbon sinks, and they are facing the threat of extensive degradation and conversion. The Indonesian government is committed to peat restoration. However, restoration is still a costly, top-down approach lacking community participation, and is focused on the 3R scheme (rewetting, revegetation, and revitalization). Peatland restoration businesses are part of the innovative effort to finance this endeavor. Unfortunately, there is not much information available about the pre-conditions required to create a restoration business. This study seeks to understand the enabling conditions for the development of peatland restoration, with a focus on the tamanu oil business, and to assess whether the same situation might apply in the context of the restoration of degraded peatland. PEST analysis is used to describe the macro-environmental factors of the tamanu oil business and its development opportunities in degraded peatlands. Tamanu oil-based peat ecosystem restoration businesses offer good prospects because of the growing it has grown the bioenergy and biomedical markets, and they can cover a larger area of degraded peatland landscape. For tamanu oil businesses to succeed in peat ecosystem restoration, we recommend that policy documents at various levels include tamanu as a priority commodity for peatland restoration and alternative community businesses, followed by planting programs by all stakeholders. The government and social organizations must take positions as initiators and catalysts, establish a significant number and extent of pilot tamanu plantations, and create a mutually supportive business climate between entrepreneurs and peatland managers

    Enabling Factors of NTFP Business Development for Ecosystem Restoration: The Case of Tamanu Oil in Indonesian Degraded Peatland

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    Indonesia’s tropical peatlands are one of the world’s largest carbon sinks, and they are facing the threat of extensive degradation and conversion. The Indonesian government is committed to peat restoration. However, restoration is still a costly, top-down approach lacking community participation, and is focused on the 3R scheme (rewetting, revegetation, and revitalization). Peatland restoration businesses are part of the innovative effort to finance this endeavor. Unfortunately, there is not much information available about the pre-conditions required to create a restoration business. This study seeks to understand the enabling conditions for the development of peatland restoration, with a focus on the tamanu oil business, and to assess whether the same situation might apply in the context of the restoration of degraded peatland. PEST analysis is used to describe the macro-environmental factors of the tamanu oil business and its development opportunities in degraded peatlands. Tamanu oil-based peat ecosystem restoration businesses offer good prospects because of the growing it has grown the bioenergy and biomedical markets, and they can cover a larger area of degraded peatland landscape. For tamanu oil businesses to succeed in peat ecosystem restoration, we recommend that policy documents at various levels include tamanu as a priority commodity for peatland restoration and alternative community businesses, followed by planting programs by all stakeholders. The government and social organizations must take positions as initiators and catalysts, establish a significant number and extent of pilot tamanu plantations, and create a mutually supportive business climate between entrepreneurs and peatland managers

    A Chronicle of Indonesia’s Forest Management: A Long Step towards Environmental Sustainability and Community Welfare

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    Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world, with 17,000 islands of varying sizes and elevations, from lowlands to very high mountains, stretching more than 5000 km eastward from Sabang in Aceh to Merauke in Papua. Although occupying only 1.3% of the world’s land area, Indonesia possesses the third-largest rainforest and the second-highest level of biodiversity, with very high species diversity and endemism. However, during the last two decades, Indonesia has been known as a country with a high level of deforestation, a producer of smoke from burning forests and land, and a producer of carbon emissions. The aim of this paper is to review the environmental history and the long process of Indonesian forest management towards achieving environmental sustainability and community welfare. To do this, we analyze the milestones of Indonesian forest management history, present and future challenges, and provide strategic recommendations toward a viable Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) system. Our review showed that the history of forestry management in Indonesia has evolved through a long process, especially related to contestation over the control of natural resources and supporting policies and regulations. During the process, many efforts have been applied to reduce the deforestation rate, such as a moratorium on permitting primary natural forest and peat land, land rehabilitation and soil conservation, environmental protection, and other significant regulations. Therefore, these efforts should be maintained and improved continuously in the future due to their significant positive impacts on a variety of forest areas toward the achievement of viable SFM. Finally, we conclude that the Indonesian government has struggled to formulate sustainable forest management policies that balance economic, ecological, and social needs, among others, through developing and implementing social forestry instruments, developing and implementing human resource capacity, increasing community literacy, strengthening forest governance by eliminating ambiguity and overlapping regulations, simplification of bureaucracy, revitalization of traditional wisdom, and fair law enforcement