5 research outputs found

    Husband’s Support and Wife’s Decision to Children’s Dental Visit: Is There Any Relationship?

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    Background: Early childhood caries (ECC) is the most common dental caries in children. The 2013 Indonesian basic health survey showed that there were still many children in developmental age affected by dental caries. Parents’ participation is very necessary in guiding, giving understanding, reminding, and providing facilities so that children can maintain their overall oral hygiene. Hence, parents can prevent plaque accumulation and the occurrence of caries in children. Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of husbands’ support on the decision of mothers to take their children to the dentist. Subjects and methods: This study used a cross-sectional method. The samples from this study were 95 mothers from 3 kindergartens in Surabaya. Ninety-five mothers were randomly chosen as research respondents and filled out the research questionnaires. The data obtained were processed using statistical analysis to determine the correlation. Results: Research respondents with low husband support (subjective norms) who did not take their children to the dentist had a significant value (p = 0.004) compared to the study respondents with high husband support who did not bring their children to the dentist (p = 0.093). Conclusion: Mothers with low support from husbands tend to have the attitude not to take their children to do routine dental and oral examinations

    Analisis Kadar IL-6, TNF-a, Ekspresi Bakteri Porphyromonas gingivalis Dan Status Kebersihan Mulut (OHI-S) Serta Profil Mikrobioma Rongga Mulut Ibu Hamil

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    Latar Belakang Kesehatan rongga mulut merupakan salah satu aspek yang sering diabaikan pada saat kehamilan. Salah satu masalah rongga mulut yang sering dialami ibu hamil (penyakit periodontal) merupakan masalah kedua terbesar gigi dan mulut di Indonesia (73,5%). Kondisi kehamilan juga memungkinkan adanya pergeseran komposisi mikroba rongga mulut. Kelainan periodontal dan adanya pergeseran komposisi mikroba dapat menyebabkan terjadinya efek samping kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan, seperti berat bayi lahir rendah dan kelahiran prematur. Tujuan Menganalisis kadar IL-6, TNF-a, ekspresi bakteri Porphyromonas gingivalis dan status kebersihan mulut (OHI-S) serta mengetahui profil mikrobioma rongga mulut ibu hamil trimester ketiga. Metode Jenis penelitian merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancang studi cross-sectional. Subyek merupakan 37 ibu hamil trimester ketiga (17 kelompok OHI-S baik, 20 kelompok OHI-S sedang) yang telah memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Setelah subyek mengisi kuisioner dan diperiksa keadaan rongga mulutnya, pengambilan sampel saliva dan swab dilakukan. Kadar IL-6 dan TNF-a diukur dengan menggunakan metode ELISA, sedangkan eskpresi bakteri P.gingivalis diukur dengan menggunakan real time PCR (qPCR). Profil mikrobioma ibu hamil trimester ketiga diidentifikasi dengan menggunakan PCR konvensional dan gel elektroforesis yang selanjutnya di sekuensing untuk diketahui keberagamannya. Hasil Terdapat peningkatan yang signifikan pada IL-6 dan TNF-a kelompok OHIS sedang apabila dibandingkan dengan kelompok OHI-S baik (p=0.010 & p=0.005). Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada ekspresi P.gingivalis kelompok OHI-S sedang apabila dibandingkan dengan kelompok OHI-S baik (p=0.557). Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara indeks kesehatan mulut dengan produksi TNF-a ibu hamil trimester ketiga. Tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kadar IL-6 dan TNF-a dengan ekspresi bakteri P.gingivalis (p=0.595 & p=0.580). Profil mikrobioma ibu hamil trimester ketiga didominasi oleh bakteri genus Streptococcus baik pada kelompok OHI-S baik dan OHI-S sedang. Kesimpulan Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, tidak terdapat hubungan antara peningkatan sitokin pro-inflamatori dengan adanya penyakit periodontal pada ibu hamil trimester ketiga. Meskipun demikian, kebersihan mulut merupakan aspek penting yang harus diperhatikan saat kehamilan

    Periodontal Disease and Salivary Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines Level: A Study of Final Trimester Pregnant Women

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    Periodontal disease is one of oral diseases that is experienced by most people in the world, whereas Indonesian basic health survey reported that approximately 75% people suffer from periodontal disease. Pregnant women are more at risk of periodontal disease and it is found that periodontal disease leads to several adverse pregnancy outcomes. This study aimed to compare salivary pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6 and TNF-) levels between final trimester healthy pregnant women and final trimester pregnant women with periodontal disease. This research is a cross-sectional, analytical observational study that was conducted after passing the ethical aspect. Subjects were 37 final trimester pregnant women divided into 2 groups, healthy group (Group 1/G1) and periodontal disease group (Group 2/G2). All of them were asked to fill out questionnaires and performed an intra oral clinical examination. Unstimulated saliva was collected from each subject using passive drool method. Salivary levels of IL-6 and TNF- were determined using ELISA method. Data that had been obtained were analyzed using SPSS. Subjects’ characteristics were described in number and percentage. The difference in pro-inflammatory cytokines levels between G1 and G2 were analyzed using Independent t test (TNF-α) dan Mann-Whitney test (IL-6). Salivary levels of both IL-6 and TNF- were found significantly higher in periodontal disease group compared to the healthy group (p=0.026 and p=0.001). Periodontal disease might contribute to the increased level of salivary pro-inflammatory cytokines of pregnant women, especially in TNF- and IL-6. Thus, periodontal status of pregnant women could be one of important factors that must be considered during pregnanc

    Epigallocatechin-3-gallate Green Tea (Camelia Sinensis) Phytomedicine for Orthodontic Tooth Relapse Prevention: Narrative Review

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    Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is an active compound that is abundant in green tea (Camellia sinensis). EGCG has potential as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-osteoclastogenesis as well as pro-angiogenic and pro-osteoblastogenesis. Orthodontic tooth relapse (OTR) may occur due to suboptimal alveolar bone remodeling and excessive inflammation during orthodontic tooth movement (OTM) which causes inhibition of periodontal tissue regeneration. EGCG is thought to increase the regeneration of periodontal tissue after OTM so as to prevent relapse. This narrative literature review aimed to describe the potential of the active compound EGCG in green tea phytomedicine as a candidate biomaterial to prevent OTR. EGCG has strong antioxidant potential by being able to reduce High Mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB-1) and Heat Shock Protein-70 (HSP-70) during inflammation. EGCG in green tea can inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokines such as Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) through its antioxidant properties. Osteoclastogenesis can be suppressed by administering EGCG because of the effect of decreasing TNF-α and signaling inhibition of Receptor activator of nuclear factor κ-β (RANK) and Receptor activator of nuclear factor κ-β ligand (RANKL) so that osteoblastogenesis can increase. The increase in osteoblastogenesis after EGCG administration was due to osteoinductive effects such as Bone Morphogenic Protein-2 (BMP-2) activating runt-related transcription factor-2 (RUNX2) and osterix, resulting in osteoblast maturation. Mature osteoblasts secreted bone related proteinfor alveolar bone regeneration such as osteocalcin, osteonectin and osteopontin which can prevent relapse after OTM. EGCG, which is the active compound in green tea (C. sinenis) may potential to be used as phytotherapy for orthodontic tooth relapse

    Quantification of Porphyromonas gingivalis Bacteria in Final Trimester of Pregnant Women According to Their Oral Health Status

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    Objective Pregnant women are more at risk to suffer dental infection. Untreated dental infection during pregnancy can lead to more serious problems to mothers and their children, such as premature birth and low birth weight. This study aims to analyzed the relationship between oral hygiene status (OHI-S) and the expression of Porphyromonas gingivalis in third trimester pregnant women. Materials and Methods This was an observational analytic study with a crosssectional study design. Patients consisted of 37 final trimester pregnant women, divided into good OHI-S and fair OHI-S. The P. gingivalis expression was measured using real-time qPCR from the mucosal swab. Results The P. gingivalis expression found no differences between good OHI-s and fair OHI-S (p ÂĽ 0.557). Conclusion Based on this study, although there was no significant difference in P. gingivalis expression in the final trimester based on their oral health status, oral health is considered important to be taken care of during pregnancy