4 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Outdoor Study pada Muatan IPA untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kognitif Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar

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    The learning process will be more meaningful if it applies learning that can be a place for students to be able to improve cognitive abilities. This research is motivated by a problem, namely the low cognitive abilities of students in the science learning content of fifth grade students at SDN 14/I Sungai Baung. This is evidenced by the acquisition of a class average of 48 and still below the school completeness criteria. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to describe how the application of the outdoor study method to science content can improve the cognitive abilities of fifth grade students at SDN 14/I Sungai Baung. This research was conducted at SDN 14/I Sungai Baung in the even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. This type of research is classroom action research, which consists of II cycles with research procedures carried out through 4 stages, namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The subjects of this study were fifth grade students at SDN 14/I Sungai Baung. Data collection techniques in this study were tests and observations. The results showed that by applying the outdoor study method to the science learning content of fifth grade students was able to improve students' cognitive abilities. This can be seen in the increase in student learning activities and this increase can be seen in the data analysis of each meeting cycle, namely the results of the initial test obtained the percentage of learning completeness, namely 28.6% with an average value of 50. In cycle I, the percentage of student learning completeness was obtained increased to 66.7% with an average value of 69.28. In cycle II the percentage of student learning completeness increased again to 95.2% with an average value of 80.0

    Teknik Pengemasan Dan Strategi Pemasaran Tape Singkong Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Masyarakat Giri Tembesi

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    Desa Giri Tembesi merupakan salah satu desa yang terdapat di Kecamatan Gerung, Lombok Barat. Desa gri tembesi kaya akan produksi tape singkong. Tape singkong merupakan hasil fermentasi dari bahan baku singkong yang telah dibersihkan. Proses pengemasan dan minimnya kemampuan masyarakan Desa Giri Tembesi dalam mengolah tape singkong menjadi olahan makanan yang beraneka ragam menjadi salah satu masalah utama. Maka dibutuhkan teknik dan strategi untuk memperluas pemaaran tape singkong serta inovasi tae singkong menjadi makanan lainnya yang difokuskan pada inovasi kue gabin tape singkong. Untuk memperluas pemasaran tape singkong dan gabin tape singong dilakukan promosi melalui WA dan IG dengan membuat konten yang bersifat menarik dalam bentuk tulsan, foto dan video. Pada kegiitan inovasi tape singkong menjadi gabin tape singkong dilakukan kegiatan sosialisasi, pelatihan dan pembuatan abin tape singkong. Hasil kegiatan pada kemasan termodifikasi dan inovasi tape singkong mencapai target, hal ini dilihat dari banyaknya penjulan selama produksi dan hasil testimoni dari para pembeli yang diwawancarai.berdasarkan hal ini, pengembangan UMKM ini dapat djadikan bisnis untuk meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat Desa Giri Tembesi karenamemiliki prospek yang bagus apabila dkembangkan. &nbsp

    Nilai-nilai Moral dalam Tradisi Ulur Antar pada Perkawinan Sarolangun Jambi

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    The purposes of this paper are: (1) To describe the implementation of the community's traditional marriage ceremony in Sarolangun-Jambi Regency, (2) To describe what moral values are contained in the community's traditional marriage ceremony in Sarolangun-Jambi Regency. This research is a literature study. Data were collected by analyzing journals, scientific articles and literature reviews to achieve this goal. The research findings are as follows: 1) The implementation of the Ulur Antar tradition that occurs in Sarolangun-Jambi Regency, namely where the men bring offerings whose contents can be personal tools for the female candidate to household items for the two candidates. In this tradition, there is something that should not be forgotten, namely what is called the content of tafkir. The tafkir contains betel leaves which are tied in several parts, each bundle consisting of several sheets, then areca nut, and the ingredients used for betel nut. In addition, there is also nominal money that will be used as traditional money symbolically. If in the tafkir there is a nominal value of Rp. 20,000 then the customary money later from the men is Rp. 20,000,000, or with another nominal, 2) The moral values contained in the traditional marriages of the people of the Sarolangun-Jambi Regency include: a) Moral values related to God (Hablumminallah) are reflected in their implementation which interacted with religious teachings or beliefs in God Almighty. Almighty. In choosing the right mate, according to the religious demands adopted and based on the same religious belief, b) Social-related moral values (Hablumminannas) reflected in the stages of the traditional marriage ceremony of the Sarolangun-Jambi Regency community include: (1) Respecting others (2 ) Mutual cooperation (3) Strengthening Family Relations (4) Harmony (5) The form of preservation of customs in society (6) Respect, c) Individual Moral Values are moral values concerning oneself which are reflected in the traditional marriages of the people of Sarolangun-Jambi Regency, among others: (1) Responsibility (2) Application for blessing (3) Independence (4) Obedience (5) Willing to sacrifice

    Recent trends of spinel ferrites (MFe2O4: Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) applications as an environmentally friendly catalyst in multicomponent reactions: A review

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    Metal ferrite (MFe2O4) is a type of ceramic oxide with magnetoelectric properties. In this review, we have collected and analyzed the research trends of MFe2O4 as a heterogeneous catalyst in multicomponent reactions (MCRs). MFe2O4 could activate specific groups of reactants by increasing their electrophilicity and acting as Lewis acid capable of accepting electrons to form covalent bonds. Using MFe2O4 as a heterogeneous catalyst has been shown to produce simple reactions with high yields, easy to separate, and more environmentally friendly. As a reusable green catalyst, spinel ferrite has high stability, so it can be used repeatedly