28 research outputs found
Perlaksanaan dan amalan Gender Mainstreaming: Kajian ke atas sektor awam di Malaysia
Gender Mainstreaming (GM) is the process of assessing the implications of gender equality and empowerment for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programs in organizations and at the national and international levels. Gender mainstreaming, which was launched in 1995 at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, is a global strategy used to promote gender equality. This study focuses on the implementation and practice of gender mainstreaming (GM) in Malaysia through an open system which is influenced by national and international issues. Although the concept was introduced in 1995, but the process was already started after independence, in 1956, in Malaysia. Though the GM has already happen, but until the year 2013, the issue of gender equality has yet to be resolved by Malaysia. Therefore, this study focuses on the implementation and
practice of gender mainstreaming (GM) in Malaysia through an open system influenced by international and domestic issues. Three questions were posed through the study of the problems on (i) How do the Gender Mainstreaming implementation process occur in Malaysia in general?; (ii) To what extent does the Gender Mainstreaming occurred at the decision-making levels in public organizations in Malaysia? and; (iii) Does the Gender Mainstreaming process that occurs in the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia (MOSTI) impacted on the power empowerment among decision-makers in both organizations? The research has three objectives. Firstly, the study examines an understanding of gender mainstreaming as a global approach that has been adapted within the Malaysian context. Secondly, the research analyzes the levels between implementation and practice in two case studies involving the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOSTI). Thirdly, this study analyzes the impact of GM on women’s empowerment in the public sector. In order to achieve these objectives, this study offers a theoretical framework adopted from a Model of Political System and Policy by Birkland (2001); Max Weber Theory
(1946) and; the level of empowerment, by Sara Longwe (1991). The research is based on a qualitative research design. It used Inductive Thematic Analysis (ITA) and
narrative analysis. Both methods are used to analyze interviews and analysis of content of various sources such as books, journals, documents at, and official statements. The collected data is the primary and secondary. Informants selected were mthe decision makers in both the ministries. The results from this study indicate several things. Firstly, the open system has forced a political process to take place in the formulation of a policy with a gender perspective. The implementation of this policy becomes the responsibility of all ministries in Malaysia. Secondly, the study indicates that gender mainstreaming has left greater impact in MOE compared to MOSTI because MOE is able to take into consideration the international and national discourse on gender due to its open organizational system. Thus, MOE is able to develop a number of gender responsive policies. Research finding also point out to the fact that women’s empowerment and gender awareness, especially through the
role played by Gender Focal Persons (GFP) are significant factors in the successful implementation of gender mainstreaming at the organizational level. The study also
shows that there is a disjuncture between implementation and practice of gender mainstreaming due to reliance on different actors at the leadership and management levels, implementers and the objectives of target organizations. Finally, the impact of gender mainstreaming process in both organizations is achieving the second level of the empowerment that are, the levels of welfare and access. The achievements up to the second level shows that the gender mainstreaming process need to be improved so that the level of empowerment could be achieved until to the level of acquiring power
Impact of gender mainstreaming process on the achievement of women empowerment in Malaysia
Gender Mainstreaming (GM) was introduced in 1995 at the Fourth Women Conference in Beijing, China. The objective of its introduction is to achieve gender equality.Malaysia had agreed to implement GM in its policy cycle process.The GM strategies in Malaysia were only being implemented in 2009; however the practice of GM processes had occurred earlier right after gaining its independence. Detailed GM processes were evident in the Sixth Malaysia Plan in 1991.This paper will discuss the process and impact of GM on the achievement of women empowerment in Malaysia. The results of this paper however, showed that women empowerment in Malaysia have managed to achieve up to access level only
Rasuah....? Katakan tidak
Rasuah merupakan isu yang hangat diperkatakan dewasa ini samada dalam bidang politik, perniagaan, personel awam, penguatkuasaan dan sebagainya. Pihak kerajaan memandang serius permasalahan ini. Justeru itu, Pelan Integrasi Nasional dilancarkan oleh Perdana Menteri antara lain sebagai usaha untuk menangani rasuah. Rasuah antara gejala sosial atau jenayah yang sukar di atasi selain daripada gejala dadah di negara kita. Malaysia telah mempunyai undang-undang yang tegas iaitu Akta Pencegahan Rasuah 1997 dalam usaha menanganinya. Begitu juga dari segi penguatkuasaan melalui Badan Pencegah Rasuah atau BPR. Persoalannya, kenapa dan mengapa gejala ini masih lagi berleluasa? Ia bukan sahaja melibatkan pegawai rendah sebaliknya melibatkan orang-orang kenamaan yang berstatus dalam masyarakat. Justeru itu, kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan tentang faktor-faktor yang berpunca dari sikap individu itu sendiri. Faktor rasuah sering dikaitkan dengan gaji, peluang dan dasar. Tapi, faktor individu yang terjebak dengan masalah tersebut difokus sebagai punca utama untuk kertas kerja ini. Oleh itu, kertas kerja ini akan memberi cadangan bagaimana seseorang individu cuba melindungi dirinya daripada gejala rasuah dan apakah cara terbaik untuk mengatakan tidak terhadap rasuah. Kertas kerja ini cuba menjelaskan kaedah pendidikan dalaman (psikologi) individu dan ibu bapa sebagai benteng utama membanteras rasuah
Issues of working women in work-life ballance
Many studies have discovered that young working mothers have difficulties in balancing between work and family life. Lacked of social and physical support on childcare and house work management has some influence on their job performance. It may result in less productivity, inefficient and ineffective job management. Therefore, the fundamental issues and problems faced by married working women in managing work life balance are the additional support system, infrastructure and services. This paper reviews the contributing factors to issues and problems faced by working women in the context of work-life balance. The method of this study is quantitative. This study involves respondents working as administrative and supporting staff in various government agencies in Tun Abdul Razak Complex (KOMTAR), Penang. The findings of the study would be able to help related agencies to provide the appropriate services, infrastructure and support systems to ease the burden of women in managing their families and hence to improve their work-life balance
Cabaran dalam menguruskan pendatang asing tanpa izin di depot tahanan imigresen Malaysia
Anak tak sah taraf merupakan anak yang dilahirkan hasil daripada hubungan yang tidak sah menurut hukum syarak dan undang-undang. Fenomena kelahiran anak tak sah taraf di Malaysia pada masa kini telah menjadi salah satu daripada masalah sosial
yang semakin parah di kalangan masyarakat. Kajian ini akan membincangkan tentang punca, implikasi serta resolusi kelahiran anak tak sah taraf melalui dasar awam yang telah dilaksanakan khususnya di Negeri Pulau Pinang. Terdapat pelbagai isu yang dibincangkan tentang implikasi anak tak sah taraf diantaranya berkaitan isu nasab, nafkah, perwalian, penjagaan dan pengurusan harta pusaka serta kaitannya dengan pengurusan dasar awam di Pulau Pinang. Timbul pelbagai persoalan apabila statistik kelahiran anak tak sah taraf pada masa kini semakin meningkat walaupun terdapat dasar awam serta undang-undang yang telah dikuatkuasakan bagi mengawal permasalahan ini. Ianya seperti tidak meninggalkan apa-apa kesan terhadap perkembangan sosial masyarakat khususnya terhadap golongan remaja. Kajian terhadap dasar awam serta undang-undang sedia ada perlu dilakukan bagi mengawal serta mengurus keperluan anak tak sah taraf pada masa hadapan supaya perkembangan sosial masyarakat dapat dikawal dengan baik melalui medium dasar awam. Cadangan penambahbaikan terhadap dasar awam dan undang-undang sedia
ada melalui kajian ini diharap dapat membantu meningkatkan perkembangan sosial di kalangan masyarakat Islam Malaysia khususnya di Negeri Pulau Pinang
A survey of women entrepreneurs in Malaysia: A case of Siti Khadijah Market, Kelantan and Pekan Rabu, Kedah
Efforts taken by Malaysian government to encourage her people to venture into business are undeniable.As women constitute nearly half of the total population, women’s contribution towards national economic development has been recognized by Malaysian government. Women have to compete together with men in order to ensure that their status within the society is uplifted. Their involvement as business entrepreneurs make them at par with other successful male counterparts. This paper is to look at women entrepreneurs at both Siti Khadijah Market, Kelantan and Pekan Rabu, Kedah.Data were based on research done to both places.The findings of the research show that strong competition has been identified as the most challenge those women faced as an entrepreneur. Besides, assisting family total income is the most influencing factor that lead them to become entrepreneurs and acquiring appropriate skills as entrepreneur is also has been identified will further improve on their way of doing business
Women and entrepreneurship: An overview of women entrepreneurship programs in Malaysia
Entrepreneurs have been recognized by many as the catalyst for economic growth and development.Raising women as entrepreneurs is a part of current government initiative.Although women entrepreneurs have become more important players in the entrepreneurial landscape, the number is still small as compared to businesses owned by men.This paper will look into the entreperneurial programs implemented by governmental agencies in Malaysia.After looking at the programs, analysis of the programs will be further discussed. Indeed, this paper found that there are only a number of entrepreneurship programs which are specially designed for women by some selected agencies despites lack of evaluation of existing entrepreneurship programs
Pemerkasaan wanita dalam perundangan Syariah
Wanita mempunyai hak dan peranan yang saksama dalam Islam. Namun demikian, isu diskriminasi yang berlaku dalam Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam (UUKI) sering kali dibangkitkan dalam masyarakat.Dakwaan bahawa perundangan Islam mengamalkan bias gender menjejaskan imej perundangan Islam yang sepatutnya dipandang tinggi oleh masyarakat.Justeru, kertas kerja ini cuba menjelaskan isu berkaitan amalan pemerkasaan wanita dalam perundangan Syariah di Malaysia. Kajian secara kualitatif ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan kaedah arkib dengan menganalisis peruntukan undang-undang, kes mahkamah dan sorotan literature.Analisis diskriptif telah dilakukan tehadap data yang diperolehi.Hasil kajian menunjukkan dari segi substantive dan prosedur, amalan pemerkasaan
wanita telah dilakukan oleh pihak bertanggungjawab seperti Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Malaysia (JKSM) dalam penambahbaikan UUKI dan perundangan syariah amnya.Kajian menyimpulkan bahawa amalan pemerkasaan terhadap peranan dan hak wanita dilakukan sebagai usaha mendekatkan jurang perbezaan antara gender dalam aplikasi perundangan Islam di Malaysia
Mampukah pekerja wanita mencapai imbangan kehidupan kerja: Kajian kes sektor awam
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sama ada wanita berkahwin yang bekerja dapat mencapai keseimbangan kehidupan-kerja dan seterusnya mengenalpati sistem sokongan yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan keseimbangan pekerjaan mereka. Berasaskan pandangan bahawa pekerjaan di sektor awam yang lebih sistematik, kajian ini berfokus
kepada penjawat awam wanita yang berkahwin. Melalui kaedah kuantitatif, borang soalselidik
digunakan sebagai alat utama untuk mengumpulkan data daripada tujuh puluh enam (76) wanita yang bekerja di pelbagai sektor awam di Pulau Pinang. Hasil kajian ini mendapati bahawa secara umum, wanita yang berkahwin yang bekerja di sektor awam dapat mengekalkan keseimbangan kerja-hidup. Sokongan utama adalah pasangan yang sering
membantu wanita dengan pekerjaan rumah mereka. Walau bagaimanapun, kebanyakan kerja rumah dilakukan pada hujung minggu kerana masa yang terhad pada hari-hari kerja.Para responden bersetuju bahawa mereka juga dapat menghabiskan masa yang berkualiti dengan keluarga mereka. Sistem sokongan yang dicadangkan oleh responden untuk mempromosikan imbangan kehidupan termasuk polisi cuti, waktu kerja yang fleksibel, pusat
jagaan kanak-kanak dan kemudahan bilik asuhan di tempat kerja. Perkhidmatan yang dicadangkan adalah Program Bantuan Pekerja, perkhidmatan kaunseling dan siri latihan untuk pekerja sektor awam dalam menyediakan kemahiran dan pengetahuan untuk
meningkatkan keseimbangan kehidupan – kerja