178 research outputs found

    Notes on the scythridid fauna of the Altai Mountains, with description of four new species (Lepidoptera: Scythrididae)

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    A list of 16 species embracing 393 specimens of the family Scythrididae collected during 23.VI.–11.VII.2000 from the Altai Mountains is presented. Four new species are described: Scythris cervella sp. n., S. hamatella sp. n., S. spinella sp. n. and S. tumidella sp. n. In addition, S. felixi Bengtsson & Sutter, 1996 is reported as new for Russia and seven more species as new for the Altai region. The known distribution range of each species is given as well as further notes on some poorly known taxa

    Noctua janthina and N. janthe (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) in Finland

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    Of the 15 reported Finnish finds of Noctua janthe (Borkhausen,ll92) one proved fobe N. janthina (Denis & SchiffermĂĽllet, 1775), which is now for the first time recorded from Finland. The two species are compared, and their distribution in Finland recorded

    Pterophorus poculidactyla sp. n. from the Altai Mountains (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae)

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    Pterophorus poculidactyla sp. n. is described from the Altai Mountains. Two male specimens were collected by net in late June 2000 on an alpine meadow at an elevation of 2500 m. The new taxon is a close relative to P. volgensis (Möschler, 1862) and P. taklamakanus (Arenberger, 1995) but differs from both these species externally and by details in the male genitalia

    Scythris saarelai sp. n. from southern Spain and further records of Scythris mariannae Bengtsson, 1991 with a new synonym (Lepidoptera: Scythrididae)

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    Scythris saarelai sp. n. is described from southern Spain. Three males and two females were collected by net in late March and early April 1998 on hot, dry slopes in two different localities. The small, dark moth is difficult to separate from many other scythridids without examining the genitalia. Three further specimens (2 ♂♂, 1 ♀) of Scythris mariannae Bengtsson, 1991, a species previously known only by the male holotype, were found in Spain, prov. Malaga. The external appearance of these specimens differs from the habitus of the holotype. However, the male genitalia are identical. The examination of the female genitalia was showed that Scythris annae Bengtsson, 1997 syn. n. is a junior synonym of S. mariannae

    The cochylid fauna of the Southern Ural Mountains, with description of Cochylimorpha ignicolorana Junnilainen & K. Nupponen sp. n. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Cochylini)

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    A list of 78 species of the tortricoid tribe Cochylini from the southern Ural Mountains is presented. The material was collected during 1996–2000 on nine different Finnish-Russian expeditions. Cochylimorpha ignicolorana Junnilainen & K. Nupponen sp. n. is described. The new taxon occurs on dry steppe slopes in the headland region of the southern Urals, and it is rather easy to separate from closely related taxa both externally and by the male genitalia. In addition, 7 species are reported as new for Europe and 4 species as new for Russia. The known distribution range of each species is given as well as further notes on some poorly known taxa

    Notes on Scythrididae of Central Asia, with description of a new species (Lepidoptera: Scythrididae)

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    Scythris innae K. Nupponen & Haverinen, sp. n. is described from SE Kazakhstan. The genitalia of previously unknown females of Falkovitshella hindukushi Passerin d’Entrèves & Roggero, 2013, F. hypolepta (Falkovitsh, 1972) and S. niemineni Nupponen, 2014 are described. Records of 26 species embracing 304 specimens of the family Scythrididae from Kazakhstan and Tajikistan are presented. The material was collected during 2013–2014 in the course of four Finnish–Russian and Finnish–Estonian expeditions. Four species are reported as new to Kazakhstan and eight species as new to Tajikistan. The known distribution range of each species is given, and the taxonomy of some species is briefly discussed

    Records of scythridids (Lepidoptera: Scythrididae) from the southeastern Balkan

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    A list of 28 species embracing about 720 specimens of the family Scythrididae from the southeastern Balkan is presented. The material was collected from Bulgaria and northern Greece during 2000–2005. Scythris balcanica Jäckh, 1978 is synonimized with S. moldavicella Caradja, 1905, syn. n. The previously unknown females of Scythris ambustella Bengtsson, 1997, S. subaerariella (Stainton, 1867) and S. platypyga (Staudinger, 1880) are described. Seven species are reported as new for Bulgaria and four for Greece. Scythris lafauryi Passerin d’Entrèves, 1986 is reported for the first time from the Balkans. The known distribution range of each species is given

    Contribution to the fauna of Elachistidae (Lepidoptera) of the Southern Ural Mountains

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    The Elachistidae fauna of the southern Ural area, Russia, is outlined. A total of 51 species are listed, four of which remain unidentified to species level. Six species are described as new: Elachista (Aphelosetia) olschwangi Kaila sp. n., E. (A.) arduella Kaila sp. n., E. (A.) gibbera Kaila sp. n., E. (A.) chamaea Kaila sp. n., E. (A.) acutella Kaila sp. n. and E. (Elachista) devexella Kaila sp. n. Four species are reported for the first time from Europe and illustrated: Perittia sibirica Sinev, Elachista (Hemiprosopa) altaica (Sinev), E. (E.) megagnathos Sruoga and E. (E.) baikalica Kaila. The previously unknown female of E. megagnathos is described. Fourteen species are reported as new to Russia. Further illustrations and notes on some poorly known species are given

    The scythridid fauna of the southern Ural Mountains, with description of fourteen new species (Lepidoptera: Scythrididae)

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    A list of 37 species of the family Scythrididae from the southern Ural Mountains is presented. The material was collected during 1996-1999 in five different Finnish - Russian expeditions. Fourteen new species are described by varying combination of authors: Scythris acipenserella K. & T. Nupponen sp. n., S. aegrella K. Nupponen & Junnilainen sp. n., S. albisaxella K. & T. Nupponen sp. n., S. arkaimensis Bengtsson sp. n., S. brunneofasciella K. Nupponen & Junnilainen sp. n., S. cretacella K. & T. Nupponen, sp. n., S. elenae K. Nupponen sp. n., S. eversmanni K. & T. Nupponen sp. n., S. karinupponeni Bengtsson sp. n., S. luxatiella K. Nupponen & Kaitila sp. n., S. olschwangi K. & T. Nupponen sp. n., S. perlucidella K. & T. Nupponen sp. n., S. remexella K. Nupponen & Kaitila sp. n. and S. sublaminella K. & T. Nupponen sp. n .. One unknown species is mentioned but not described because only a single female is available. In addition, 10 species are reported as new for Russia. The known distribution range of each species is given as well as further notes on some poorly known species

    Ichneumonid parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) reared in North Europe from pupae of Chelis puengeleri (Bang-Haas, 1927) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae, Arctiinae)

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    Four ichneumonid species were reared for the first time from pupae of Chelis puengeleri in North Europe. One female of Pimpla sodalis Ruthe, 1859 (Pimplinae) was reared in Cievrracohkka, N Sweden in July 2012. One male of Ichneumon formosus Gravenhorst, 1829 (Ichneumoninae) was reared in NissuntjĂĄrro, Torne Lappland, Sweden in July 2012. One male of Ichneumon vafer Tischbein, 1876 (Ichneumoninae) was reared in July 1999 in the Iremel Mountain reserve, Baskiria, South Ural, Russia. Two females and one male of Ichneumon holoarctiae Riedel et Vikberg sp. n. (Ichneumoninae) were reared in June and July 2004 and 2012 in Finnmark, North Norway
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