44 research outputs found

    Overlapping fern and Bryophyte hotspots: Assessing ferns as a predictor of Bryophyte diversity

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    Bryophytes are significant contributors to floristic diversity, but they are often neglected in field surveys and collections. Thus, in order to obtain more accurate estimates of plant richness, there must be reliable estimates of bryophyte diversity. To address this, we examined whether another plant group, namely the ferns, could be used as a surrogate for bryophytes. We used datasets spanning the entire Australian continent for mosses, liverworts, liverworts+hornworts, ferns, and conifers (hornworts were aggregated into the group liverworts+hornworts). Two measures of richness were examined across the continent (as 50 km × 50 km grid cells): uncorrected richness and sample-standardised richness. We calculated the correlations among richness of all of the groups to test the hypothesis that fern diversity predicts bryophyte diversity (because of shared ecological preferences) while conifer diversity does not. Conifers showed very little correlation to either of the four plant groups, whereas ferns were highly correlated to mosses and to a lesser extent to liverworts and liverworts+hornworts. Liverworts, as well as liverworts+hornworts, and mosses were also strongly correlated. These results indicate that surrogates can assist in estimating the diversity and the conservation of other poorly collected plant groups

    Genetic analysis of native and introduced populations of the aquatic weed Sagittaria platyphylla – implications for biological control in Australia and South Africa

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    Sagittaria platyphylla (Engelm.) J.G. Sm. (Alismataceae) is an emergent aquatic plant native to southern USA. Imported into Australia and South Africa as an ornamental and aquarium plant, the species is now a serious invader of shallow freshwater wetlands, slow-flowing rivers, irrigation channels, drains and along the margins of lakes and reservoirs. As a first step towards initiating a classical biological control program, a population genetic study was conducted to determine the prospects of finding compatible biological control agents and to refine the search for natural enemies to source populations with closest genetic match to Australian and South African genotypes. Using AFLP markers we surveyed genetic diversity and population genetic structure in 26 populations from the USA, 19 from Australia and 7 from South Africa. Interestingly, we have established that populations introduced into South Africa and to a lesser extent Australia have maintained substantial molecular genetic diversity comparable with that in the native range. Results from principal coordinates analysis, population graph theory and Bayesian-based clustering analysis all support the notion that introduced populations in Australia and South Africa were founded by multiple sources from the USA. Furthermore, the divergence of some Australian populations from the USA suggests that intraspecific hybridization between genetically distinct lineages from the native range may have occurred. The implications of these findings in relation to biological control are discussed

    Continental scale patterns and predictors of fern richness and phylogenetic diversity

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    Because ferns have a wide range of habitat preferences and are widely distributed, they are an ideal group for understanding how diversity is distributed. Here we examine fern diversity on a broad-scale using standard and corrected richness measures as well as phylogenetic indices; in addition we determine the environmental predictors of each diversity metric. Using the combined records of Australian herbaria, a dataset of over 60,000 records was obtained for 89 genera to infer richness. A molecular phylogeny of all the genera was constructed and combined with the herbarium records to obtain phylogenetic diversity patterns. A hotspot of both taxic and phylogenetic diversity occurs in the Wet Tropics of northeastern Australia. Although considerable diversity is distributed along the eastern coast, some important regions of diversity are identified only after sample-standardization of richness and through the phylogenetic metric. Of all of the metrics, annual precipitation was identified as the most explanatory variable, in part, in agreement with global and regional fern studies. However, precipitation was combined with a different variable for each different metric. For corrected richness, precipitation was combined with temperature seasonality, while correlation of phylogenetic diversity to precipitation plus radiation indicated support for the species-energy hypothesis. Significantly high and significantly low phylogenetic diversity were found in geographically separate areas. These separate areas correlated with different climatic conditions such as seasonality in precipitation. The phylogenetic metrics identified additional areas of significant diversity, some of which have not been revealed using traditional taxonomic analyses, suggesting that different ecological and evolutionary processes have operated over the continent. Our study demonstrates that it is possible and vital to incorporate evolutionary metrics when inferring biodiversity hotspots from large compilations of data

    Implications of the 2019–2020 megafires for the biogeography and conservation of Australian vegetation

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    Australia's 2019–2020 'Black Summer' bushfires burnt more than 8 million hectares of vegetation across the south-east of the continent, an event unprecedented in the last 200 years. Here we report the impacts of these fires on vascular plant species and communities. Using a map of the fires generated from remotely sensed hotspot data we show that, across 11 Australian bioregions, 17 major native vegetation groups were severely burnt, and up to 67–83% of globally significant rainforests and eucalypt forests and woodlands. Based on geocoded species occurrence data we estimate that >50% of known populations or ranges of 816 native vascular plant species were burnt during the fires, including more than 100 species with geographic ranges more than 500 km across. Habitat and fire response data show that most affected species are resilient to fire. However, the massive biogeographic, demographic and taxonomic breadth of impacts of the 2019–2020 fires may leave some ecosystems, particularly relictual Gondwanan rainforests, susceptible to regeneration failure and landscape-scale decline

    Assessing biodiversity and endemism using phylogenetic methods across multiple taxonomic groups

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    Identifying geographical areas with the greatest representation of the tree of life is an important goal for the management and conservation of biodiversity. While there are methods available for using a single phylogenetic tree to assess spatial patterns of biodiversity, there has been limited exploration of how separate phylogenies from multiple taxonomic groups can be used jointly to map diversity and endemism. Here, we demonstrate how to apply different phylogenetic approaches to assess biodiversity across multiple taxonomic groups. We map spatial patterns of phylogenetic diversity/endemism to identify concordant areas with the greatest representation of biodiversity across multiple taxa and demonstrate the approach by applying it to the Murray–Darling basin region of southeastern Australia. The areas with significant centers of phylogenetic diversity and endemism were distributed differently for the five taxonomic groups studied (plant genera, fish, tree frogs, acacias, and eucalypts); no strong shared patterns across all five groups emerged. However, congruence was apparent between some groups in some parts of the basin. The northern region of the basin emerges from the analysis as a priority area for future conservation initiatives focused on eucalypts and tree frogs. The southern region is particularly important for conservation of the evolutionary heritage of plants and fishes

    Quantifying Phytogeographical Regions of Australia Using Geospatial Turnover in Species Composition

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    The largest digitized dataset of land plant distributions in Australia assembled to date (750,741 georeferenced herbarium records; 6,043 species) was used to partition the Australian continent into phytogeographical regions. We used a set of six widely distributed vascular plant groups and three non-vascular plant groups which together occur in a variety of landscapes/habitats across Australia. Phytogeographical regions were identified using quantitative analyses of species turnover, the rate of change in species composition between sites, calculated as Simpson's beta. We propose six major phytogeographical regions for Australia: Northern, Northern Desert, Eremaean, Eastern Queensland, Euronotian and South-Western. Our new phytogeographical regions show a spatial agreement of 65% with respect to previously defined phytogeographical regions of Australia. We also confirm that these new regions are in general agreement with the biomes of Australia and other contemporary biogeographical classifications. To assess the meaningfulness of the proposed phytogeographical regions, we evaluated how they relate to broad scale environmental gradients. Physiographic factors such as geology do not have a strong correspondence with our proposed regions. Instead, we identified climate as the main environmental driver. The use of an unprecedentedly large dataset of multiple plant groups, coupled with an explicit quantitative analysis, makes this study novel and allows an improved historical bioregionalization scheme for Australian plants. Our analyses show that: (1) there is considerable overlap between our results and older biogeographic classifications; (2) phytogeographical regions based on species turnover can be a powerful tool to further partition the landscape into meaningful units; (3) further studies using phylogenetic turnover metrics are needed to test the taxonomic areas

    A comparison of network and clustering methods to detect biogeographical regions

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    Bioregions are an important concept in biogeography, and are key to our understanding of biodiversity patterns across the world. The use of networks in biogeography to produce bioregions is a relatively novel approach that has been proposed to improve upon current methods. However, it remains unclear if they may be used in place of current methods and/or offer additional biogeographic insights. We compared two network methods to detect bioregions (modularity and map equation) with the conventional distance‐based clustering method. We also explored the relationship between network and biodiversity metrics. For the analysis we used two datasets of iconic Australian plant groups at a continental scale, Acacia and eucalypts, as example groups. The modularity method detected fewer large bioregions produced the most succinct bioregionalisation for both plant groups corresponding to Australian biomes, while map equation detected many small bioregions including interzones at a natural scale of one. The clustering method was less sensitive than network methods in detecting bioregions. The network metric called participation coefficient from both network partition methods identified interzones or transition zones between bioregions. Furthermore, another network metric (betweenness) was highly correlated to richness and endemism. We conclude that the application of networks to biogeography offers a number of advantages and provides novel insights. More specifically, our study showed that these network partition methods were more efficient than the clustering method for bioregionalisation of continental‐scale data in: 1) the identification of bioregions and 2) the quantification of biogeographic transition zones using the participation coefficient metric. The use of network methods and especially the participation coefficient metric adds to bioregionalisation by identifying transition zones which could be useful for conservation purposes and identifying biodiversity hotspots.We would like to thank the CSIRO Summer Scholar program, of which this work was a part. FEV would like to thank the CSIRO OCE Postdoctoral Fellowship program for funding support

    Non-geographic collecting biases in herbarium specimens of Australian daisies (Asteraceae)

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    Biological collections are increasingly becoming databased and available for novel types of study. A possible limitation of these data, which has the potential to confound analyses based on them, is their biased composition due to non-random and opportunistic collecting efforts. While geographic biases are comparatively well studied and understood, very little attention has been directed at other potential biases. We used Asteraceae specimen data from Australia’s Virtual Herbarium to test for over- and under-representation of plants with specific morphology, phenology and status by comparing observed numbers of specimens against a null distribution of simulated collections. Strong collecting biases could be demonstrated against introduced plants, plants with green or brown inflorescences, and very small plants. Specimens belonging to species with very restricted areas of distribution were also found to be strongly underrepresented. A moderate bias was observed against plants flowering in summer. While spiny plants have been collected only about half as often as should be expected, much of this bias was due to nearly all of them also being introduced (thistles). When introduced species were analyzed alone, a negative effect of spines remained but was much more moderate. The effect of woody or herbaceous habit, other inflorescence colours, tall growth and size of the capitula was comparatively negligible. Our results indicate that care should be taken when relying on specimen databases or the herbaria themselves for studies examining phenology, resource availability for pollinators, or the distribution and abundance of exotic species, and that researchers should be aware of collecting biases against small and unattractively coloured plants