14 research outputs found


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    The main objective of this manuscript is to explain the horizontal and vertical intra-industry trade of United States with trade partner of NAFTA, European Union and ASEAN. Identify the determinants of intra-industry trade, horizontal and vertical. Using a panel data approach, the results show a negative correlation between endowments and intra-industry trade. These results indicate that intra-industry trade occurs more frequently among countries that are similar in terms of factor endowments. The findings support the theory that, in general, there is no positive statistical association between HIIT and HO variables. Our results also confirm the hypothesis that trade increases if the transportation costs decrease.Cilj ovog rada je objasniti horizontalnu i vertikalnu intraindustrijsku trgovinu SAD-a s trgovinskim partnerima NAFTA-e, Europske Unije i ASEAN-a, te utvrditi determinante intraindustrijske trgovine, horizontalne i vertikalne. Koristeći pristup panelnih podataka, rezultati pokazuju negativnu korelaciju između zaklada i intraindustrijske trgovine. Ti rezultati ukazuju na to da se intraindustrijska trgovina češće odvija među zemljama koje imaju sličnosti po pitanju zaklada. Nalazi potvrđuju teoriju da, generalno gledano, nema pozitivne statističke veze između HIIT i HO varijabli. Naši razultati također potvrđuju hipotezu da trgovine raste ako se smanjuju troškovi prijevoza


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    This paper investigates the relationship between intra-industry trade (IIT), horizontal IIT, vertical IIT (VIIT) and immigration flows using a gravity model for the period 1995-2008 amongst Portugal and European Union’s Member States (EU-27). Using a panel data approach, the results show a positive correlation between immigration and IIT. These outcomes indicate that the immigration can reduce transaction costs between home and host country. We also consider the economic dimension which appears to exercise a positive effect on trade. Our research confirms the hypothesis that there is a negative effect of transportation costs on trade.Rad istražuje odnos između intraindustrijske trgovine (IIT), horizontalne IIT, vertikalne IIT (VIIT) i imigracijskih tokova koristeći gravitacijski model za period od 1995. do 2008. u Portugalu i zemljama članicama EU (EU-27). Koristeći pristup panelnih podataka, rezultati pokazuju pozitivnu korelaciju između imigracije i IIT. Takvi rezultati upućuju na to da imigracija može umanjiti transakcijske troškove između zemlje porijekla i zemlje domaćina. Također smo razmotrili ekonomsku dimenziju koja izgleda da ima pozitivan učinak na trgovinu. Naše istraživanje potvrđuje hipotezu da troškovi prijevoza imaju negativan učinak na trgovinu

    Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe

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    There has been a large amount of literature dedicated to the determinants of economic growth recently. However, the majority of the literature so far has been concentrating on single factors and countries as examples. This research considers the effects of carbon dioxide emissions, tourism arrivals, foreign direct investments, trade and domestic support on economic growth in Central and Eastern Europe. The paper uses panel data econometrics between 1995 and 2014 to perform its calculations. Results suggest a positive relationship between tourism arrivals, foreign direct investment, trade, domestic support and economic growth, while CO2 emissions were found to be negatively related to economic growth in the region. Policy and decision makers in the region might find our results useful when thinking about drivers of economic growth. Keywords: Tourism demand, foreign direct investment, carbon dioxide emissions, economic growth, panel data. JEL Classifications: O13, F64, Z32

    The Impact of Immigration on Portuguese Intra-Industry Trade

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    This paper investigates the relationship between intra-industry trade (IIT) and immigration flows using a gravity model for the period 2000-2010 between Portugal and European Union’s Member States (EU-27). The present study uses the methodology of Kandogan (2003) for separating IIT into its components horizontal (HIIT) and vertical intra-industry trade (VIIT). Using a panel data approach, our study find that immigration has a positive influence on Portuguese intra-industry trade. These results indicate that the immigration can reduce transaction costs between home and host country. We also consider in econometric model, the economic dimension which appears to exercise a positive effect on IIT. Our results confirm the hypothesis that there is a negative effect of transportation costs on trade

    Pakistan Intra-industry Trade: A Panel Data Approach

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    This study examines the determinants of intra-industry trade (IIT) between Pakistan and trade patterns in the period 1980-2006, using a static and dynamic panel data approach. In the recent years, the government of Pakistan had realized factors to liberalize the international trade. The literature of international economics demonstrates that this condition (trade liberalization) induces the IIT. The case study for Pakistan has been negligence in the economic literature. This study uses country-specific characteristics as explanatory variables. This study utilizes country-specific characteristics as explanatory variables. The empirical evidence indicates that IIT is a negative function of the difference in GDP per capita between Pakistan and her trading partners. Furthermore, econometric results point out that trading is influenced by the similar demand. We have also introduced an economic dimension; this proxy confirms the positive effects of IIT. Our findings reveal the importance of scales economies and the variety of differentiated products. The study supports to accept the hypothesis that trading increases if the transportation costs decrease


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    This paper analysis the determinants of international tourism demand for Romania and it quantifies their influences. The authors elaborate two models, a fixed-effects model and the Tobit model, to estimate tourist inflow data from twenty-three European countries, for the period 1997-2008. In the fixed effects static panel model, we find that GDP per capita, bilateral trade, population, prices are the main determinants of tourism flows to Romania. For the Tobit model, all the variables taken into consideration, GDP per capita, bilateral trade, population, geographical distance, prices are influencing the international tourism demand. Both models indicate that trade, population, and income are more important determinants than relative prices or geographical distance between Romania and countries of origin.Rad analizira odrednice međunarodne turističke potražnje za Rumunjskom i kvantificira njihov utjecaj. Autori obrađuju dva modela, model fiksnih efekata i Tobit model, kako bi procijenili podatke o priljevu turista iz dvadeset i tri europske zemlje u periodu od 1997 do 2008. U statičkom panelnom modelu fiksnih efekata nalazimo da su BDP per capita, bilateralna trgovina, stanovništvo i cijene glavne odrednice turističkih tokova prema Rumunjskoj. Za Tobit model, sve u obzir uzete varijable, BDP per capita, bilateralna trgovina, stanovništvo, geografska udaljenost i cijene, utječu na međunarodnu turističku potražnju. Oba modela upućuju na to da su trgovina, stanovništvo i prihod važnije odrednice nego relativne cijene i geografska udaljenost Rumunjske od ishodišnih zemalja

    Marginal Intra-industry Trade and Adjustment Costs in Labour Market

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    The objective of this study is to provide some empirical evidences on the existence of labor market adjustments according to smooth adjustment hypothesis (SAH) under the impact of intra-industry trade (IIT) considering the Portuguese case over a time span between 1995 and 2006. The main methodological issue of this study consists in showing that it is preferable to use the GMM-System approach with orthogonal transformation of data. The key outcome consists in highlighting a negative linkage between marginal intra-industry trade and the amplitude of employment changes for this particular market. In addition, we find a negative correlation between changes of employment and changes in domestic consumption. Moreover, the relationship between growth of productivity and market structure is according to smooth adjustment hypothesis

    Precision measurement of the structure of the CMS inner tracking system using nuclear interactions

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    The structure of the CMS inner tracking system has been studied using nuclear interactions of hadrons striking its material. Data from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV recorded in 2015 at the LHC are used to reconstruct millions of secondary vertices from these nuclear interactions. Precise positions of the beam pipe and the inner tracking system elements, such as the pixel detector support tube, and barrel pixel detector inner shield and support rails, are determined using these vertices. These measurements are important for detector simulations, detector upgrades, and to identify any changes in the positions of inactive elements