8,178 research outputs found

    Some general results about the optimal timing of relocation

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    In this paper we derive general results concerning the optimal switching level in the problem of the optimal relocation policy for a firm that faces two types of uncertainty: one about the moments in which new (and more efficient) sites will become available; and the other regarding the degree of efficiency improvement inherent to each one of these new, yet to be known, potential location places. In particular, we note that the optimal switching level depends on the distribution of the degree of efficiency improvement only through an expected value. Impacts on the final results driven by the characteristics of the firm’s original location site, the market environment and the way in which risk is modelled are studied numerically. The overall results are in line with economic intuition.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Body composition and blood parameters of newborn piglets from Alentejano and conventional (Large White × Landrace) genotype

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    This study aimed to compare the body composition and some blood parameters [(glucose, albumin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1)] of newborn piglets farrowed by unselected Alentejano (AL) or conventional genotype [Large- White Landrace (LL)]. Carcasses (12 of each genotype) and blood samples were obtained from a total of 34 litters (18 AL, 16 LL). Gestation length was 4d shorter in AL sows compared with LL sows. When adjusted for birth weight, carcasses of AL piglets showed higher percentages of dry matter (P < 0.05) and crude protein (P < 0.01) and tended to have higher lipid content (P = 0.091) than carcasses of LL piglets. Relative to body weight, the AL piglets had heavier livers (P < 0.05) than LL piglets but glycogen content was similar in both genotypes. Longissimus dorsi muscle of AL piglets contained more protein (P < 0.01), but glycogen, DNA and RNA contents were similar in both genotypes. The blood from the AL piglets had higher levels of glucose (P < 0.01), albumin (when adjusted for birth weight) (P<0.05) and IGF-1 (P < 0.05) than blood from the LL piglets. On the bases of body composition and studied blood parameters, AL piglets seem to be more mature at birth than LL piglets despite a shorter gestation lenght

    Noise Management at Work

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    Every single day millions of European workers are exposed to noise at work. One in five of European’s workers have to raise his voice to be heard for at least half of the time that there are at work and 7% suffer from work-related hearing impairment. In Europe noise-induced hearing loss is the most common reported occupational disease. This paper deals with issues related with noise management at work, especially regarding the compliance with the new noise European Directive, (2003/10/EC).noise; working conditions

    Fisheries Safety Management

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    Fisheries is one of the most dangerous professions in the world. Fatal accidents and injuries in the fisheries are characterized as well as particular circumstances that may cause or aggravate the risk of accidents. Aspects of safety management of fishing vessels are covered in this paper: areas of concern when doing a risk assessment in fishing vessels, fundamental elements on a safety management system for the fisheries and the need for international and national level instruments as well as legal and compulsory measures.fisheries; working conditions; safety management

    Livestock production in the “montado”: pigs

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    A produção pecuária no montado alentejano é muito importante, ao nível da exploração e à escala regional. Baseia-se no sistema silvo-pastoril, com aproveitamento directo dos recursos alimentares naturais por raças autóctones. O porco alentejano é considerado o rei dos montados alentejanos, destaca-se no aproveitamento pecuário desta floresta de uso múltiplo. Na primeira metade do século passado a raça alentejana representava cerca de 50% do armentio suíno português. A intensificação dos sistemas de produção, agrícolas e pecuários, contribuiu para um decréscimo acentuado, da suinicultura extensiva tradicional. Em 1986 a população de suínos autóctones no Alentejo tinha decaído para cerca de 2% do total nacional. As raças locais, seja de porcos ou ruminantes tem conhecido recentemente uma notoriedade nova, quando se aliam os produtos delas derivados ao território, numa perspectiva de fileira. A evolução da PAC e a consciencialização para os problemas ambientais contribuíram para reenquadrar os sistemas silvopastoris e, particularmente, a montanheira numa óptica produtiva sustentável. A montanheira tradicional consiste na engorda de porcos, com idades de 14 a 18 meses, em regime de pastoreio durante o Outono e Inverno, nos sob-cobertos dos montados de azinho e sobro. A engorda tardia, fortemente amilácea, produz carcaças pesadas de 120 kg a 140 kg com grande adiposidade. Porém, com a desejável infiltração de gordura intermuscular. O maneio adequado, à optimização das características da carcaça e à aptidão tecnológica da carne e gordura nos sistemas silvo-pastoris, implica conhecer objectivamente: os recursos naturais, a fisiologia particular das raças locais, as características físicas químicas e sensoriais requeridas pelos produtos tradicionais e pela carne fresca