4 research outputs found


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    A educação ambiental tem o intuito de desmitificar a imagem negativa acerca dos animais peçonhentos, enfatizando a importância desses animais e também promovendo ações que podem minimizar os riscos dos acidentes e promover a interação socioambiental mais harmônica.  Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho se deu através de oficinas promovidas para o público infantil, com o objetivo de sensibilizá-los quanto a relação ser humano-serpentes. O estudo foi realizado em três escolas do município de Porto Nacional, Tocantins, sendo o público alvo alunos do 5º ano do ensino fundamental. Durante as oficinas foram expostos materiais didáticos e exemplares fixados dos animais peçonhentos, após a explicação os alunos apresentaram um miniteatro com o fornecimento de cenário e fantoches de palito, mas com roteiro próprio. Como forma de avaliação foi elaborado um questionário pós-oficina e seu resultado analisado em conjunto com a contação de histórias do miniteatro. Os resultados mostraram-se satisfatórios, validando assim o método utilizado.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Contação de histórias. Educação socioambiental. Ofidismo.     ABSTRACT Environmental education aims to demystify the negative image about venomous animals, emphasizing the importance of these animals and also promoting actions that can minimize the risks of accidents and promote more harmonious socio-environmental interaction. In this context, the present work took place through workshops promoted for children, with the objective of sensitizing them about the human-snake relationship. The study was carried out in three schools in the municipality of Porto Nacional, Tocantins, with the target audience being students in the 5th year of elementary school. During the workshops, didactic materials and fixed specimens of the venomous animals were exposed, after the explanation the students presented a mini theater with the provision of scenery and stick puppets, but with their own script. As a form of evaluation, a post-workshop questionnaire was elaborated and its result was analyzed together with the storytelling of the mini theater. The results were satisfactory, thus validating the method used.   KEYWORDS: Storytelling. Socio-environmental education. Ofidism.       RESUMEN La educación ambiental tiene como objetivo desmitificar la imagen negativa de los animales venenosos, enfatizando la importancia de estos animales y también promoviendo acciones que puedan minimizar los riesgos de accidentes y promover una interacción socioambiental más armoniosa. En este contexto, el presente trabajo se llevó a cabo a través de talleres promovidos para niños, con el objetivo de sensibilizarlos sobre la relación humano-serpiente. El estudio se llevó a cabo en tres escuelas en el municipio de Porto Nacional, Tocantins, con el público objetivo como estudiantes en el quinto año de la escuela primaria. Durante los talleres, se expusieron materiales didácticos y especímenes fijos de los animales venenosos, después de la explicación, los estudiantes presentaron un mini teatro con la provisión de escenarios y títeres, pero con su propio guión. Como una forma de evaluación, se preparó un cuestionario posterior al taller y su resultado se analizó junto con la narración del mini teatro. Los resultados fueron satisfactorios, validando así el método utilizado.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Cuentacuentos. Educación socioambiental. Ofidismo

    Propagation Methods and Mulching Modulate the Quantum Yield, Ionic Relations, and Production Components of Sour Passion Fruit under Salt Stress

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    In semiarid regions of Brazil, water and/or soil salinity is one of the limiting factors for sour passion fruit production. Low rainfall rates combined with edaphic conditions (high concentrations of soluble salts) intensify deleterious effects on plants. Thus, strategies that minimize the effects of salt stress, e.g., grafting with tolerant species and soil mulching, are extremely important to ensure the expansion of irrigated fruit farming in this region. From this perspective, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of grafting and mulching on the quantum yield, ionic relations, and fruit production of sour passion fruit irrigated with moderately saline water. The experiment was conducted under field conditions in split plots, in a 2 × (2 × 2) factorial arrangement to evaluate the combination of low and moderate salinity water (main plot) with the propagation method (seeds and grafting on P. cincinnata) and without and with plastic mulching (subplots), with four replications and three plants per plot. The ionic relations in passion fruit leaves were increased with the use of rootstocks and plastic mulching under irrigation with moderately saline water. The use of mulching increased the yield of photosystem II in sour passion fruit. The passion fruit plants propagated by seeds had 187.52% more fruits than those grafted onto P. cincinnata. The use of rootstocks with P. cincinnata in sour passion fruit restricted the uptake of Na and Cl but reduced fruit production