11 research outputs found

    Call for action: Designing for harmony in creative teams

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    Competitive markets force diverse organizations to intensively manage innovation. Many of them set up multifunctional teams responsible for generating novel and original ideas. Such teams often face higher risk of conflicts and tensions, being an inherent part of creative processes. Impact of this phenomena on creative performance of teams, even though extensively addressed in research, remains unclarified. We approach this issue while providing a novel interpretation framework inspired by the concept of harmony in jazz improvisation. We apply it to observations made with project teams in an organizational setting, and use it to inform design of a supporting collaborative solution. We postulate the need for further work on team harmony and creativity

    Claudicação em cavalos Crioulos atletas Lameness in athletic Criollo horses

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as principais causas de claudicação em cavalos Crioulos em treinamento para a prova do Freio de Ouro e competições de rédeas. Foram avaliados os registros clínicos de 201 cavalos Crioulos, 5,6 2,1 anos de idade, submetidos a exame físico devido à presença de claudicação ou histórico de baixo rendimento atlético entre os anos de 2002 a 2009. A claudicação foi localizada nos membros torácicos e pélvicos em 47,1% (n=105) e 52,9% (n=118), respectivamente. Nos machos, houve uma predominância de claudicação nos membros pélvicos (60,0%) e nas fêmeas nos membros torácicos (57,1%). Nos membros torácicos, 17,1% (18/105) das alterações foram diagnosticadas proximais à articulação metacarpofalangeana, 14,3% (15/105) na articulação metacarpofalangeana e 68,6% (72/105) estavam localizadas distais à articulação metacarpofalangeana. Nos membros pélvicos, 78,8% (93/118) apresentaram a origem da dor na região do tarso, 17,8% (21/118) proximal ao tarso e 3,4% (4/118) distal ao tarso. As articulações interfalangeanas distais e intertarsiana distal/tarsometatarsiana são importantes fontes de dor e inflamação e estiveram mais frequentemente envolvidas em claudicações de membro torácico e pélvico, respectivamente. Os cavalos Crioulos apresentam problemas de claudicação semelhantes aos descritos em outras raças que participam de provas de rodeio.<br>This study aimed to identify the source of lameness in Criollo horses that are competing in the most important discipline for this breed in Southern Brazil and also in reining competitions. Clinical records of adult Criollo horses (n=201), 5.6 2.1 years of age, that underwent lameness examination due to history of poor performance or lameness between 2002/2009 were analyzed. Lameness was diagnosed in the front limbs in 47.1% (n=105) and in the hind limbs 52.9% of the cases (n=118). In males 60.0% of the lameness cases were located in the hind limbs. In females 57.1% of the lameness cases were located in the front limbs. In the front limbs (47.1%, n=105/201), problems proximal to the fetlock were diagnosed in 17.1% (18/105). Fetlock problems were diagnosed in 14.3% (15/105) and lesions located distal to the fetlock level were seen in 68.6% (72/105) of the lameness cases diagnosed in the front limbs. In the hind limbs, problems located proximal to the tarsus were seen in 17.8% (21/118), 78.8% (93/118) in the tarsus and 3.4% (4/118) of the cases were seen distal to the tarsus. The distal interfalangeal joint in the front limbs and the distal tarsal joints in the hind limbs were the two most important sources of lameness. Criollo horses presented similar lameness problems as described in other show horses (reining, cutting and roping). This is the first lameness study done in Criollo horses and it will help to better understand the musculoskeletal diseases affecting this breed

    Stakeholder Theory: The State of the Art

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