11 research outputs found

    Discovery and genotyping of novel sequence insertions in many sequenced individuals

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    Motivation: Despite recent advances in algorithms design to characterize structural variation using high-throughput short read sequencing (HTS) data, characterization of novel sequence insertions longer than the average read length remains a challenging task. This is mainly due to both computational difficulties and the complexities imposed by genomic repeats in generating reliable assemblies to accurately detect both the sequence content and the exact location of such insertions. Additionally, de novo genome assembly algorithms typically require a very high depth of coverage, which may be a limiting factor for most genome studies. Therefore, characterization of novel sequence insertions is not a routine part of most sequencing projects. There are only a handful of algorithms that are specifically developed for novel sequence insertion discovery that can bypass the need for the whole genome de novo assembly. Still, most such algorithms rely on high depth of coverage, and to our knowledge there is only one method (PopIns) that can use multi-sample data to "collectively" obtain a very high coverage dataset to accurately find insertions common in a given population. Result: Here, we present Pamir, a new algorithm to efficiently and accurately discover and genotype novel sequence insertions using either single or multiple genome sequencing datasets. Pamir is able to detect breakpoint locations of the insertions and calculate their zygosity (i.e. heterozygous versus homozygous) by analyzing multiple sequence signatures, matching one-end-anchored sequences to small-scale de novo assemblies of unmapped reads, and conducting strand-aware local assembly. We test the efficacy of Pamir on both simulated and real data, and demonstrate its potential use in accurate and routine identification of novel sequence insertions in genome projects. © 2017 The Author. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved

    SCALCE: Boosting sequence compression algorithms using locally consistent encoding

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    Motivation: The high throughput sequencing (HTS) platforms generate unprecedented amounts of data that introduce challenges for the computational infrastructure. Datamanagement, storage and analysis have become major logistical obstacles for those adopting the new platforms. The requirement for large investment for this purpose almost signalled the end of the Sequence Read Archive hosted at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), which holds most of the sequence data generated world wide. Currently, most HTS data are compressed through general purpose algorithms such as gzip. These algorithms are not designed for compressing data generated by theHTSplatforms; for example, they do not take advantage of the specific nature of genomic sequence data, that is, limited alphabet size and high similarity among reads. Fast and efficient compression algorithms designed specifically forHTS data should be able to address some of the issues in data management, storage and communication. Such algorithms would also help with analysis provided they offer additional capabilities such as random access to any read and indexing for efficient sequence similarity search. Here we present SCALCE, a 'boosting' scheme based on Locally Consistent Parsing technique which reorganizes the reads in a way that results in a higher compression speed and compression rate, independent of the compression algorithm in use and without using a reference genome. Results: Our tests indicate that SCALCE can improve the compression rate achieved through gzip by a factor of 4.19-when the goal is to compress the reads alone. In fact, on SCALCE reordered reads gzip running time can improve by a factor of 15.06 on a standard PC with a single core and 6 GB memory. Interestingly even the running time of SCALCE \+ gzip improves that of gzip alone by a factor of 2.09. When compared with the recently published BEETL, which aims to sort the (inverted) reads in lexicographic order for improving bzip2 SCALCE\+gzip provides up to 2.01 times better compression while improving the running time by a factor of 5.17. SCALCE also provides the option to compress the quality scores as well as the read names in addition to the reads themselves. This is achieved by compressing the quality scores through order-3 Arithmetic Coding (AC) and the read names through gzip through the reordering SCALCE provides on the reads. This way, in comparison with gzip compression of the unordered FASTQ files (including reads, read names and quality scores), SCALCE (together with gzip and arithmetic encoding) can provide up to 3.34 improvement in the compression rate and 1.26 improvement in running time. © The Author 2012. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved

    Improved haplotype inference by exploiting long-range linking and allelic imbalance in RNA-seq datasets

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Haplotype reconstruction of distant genetic variants remains an unsolved problem due to the short-read length of common sequencing data. Here, we introduce HapTree-X, a probabilistic framework that utilizes latent long-range information to reconstruct unspecified haplotypes in diploid and polyploid organisms. It introduces the observation that differential allele-specific expression can link genetic variants from the same physical chromosome, thus even enabling using reads that cover only individual variants. We demonstrate HapTree-X’s feasibility on in-house sequenced Genome in a Bottle RNA-seq and various whole exome, genome, and 10X Genomics datasets. HapTree-X produces more complete phases (up to 25%), even in clinically important genes, and phases more variants than other methods while maintaining similar or higher accuracy and being up to 10× faster than other tools. The advantage of HapTree-X’s ability to use multiple lines of evidence, as well as to phase polyploid genomes in a single integrative framework, substantially grows as the amount of diverse data increases