6 research outputs found

    Physiological and subjective experience data

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    This dataset contains two files. The first contains physiological measurements of each experimental session and on three points in time during a session. Specifically, heart rate and blood pressure were measured 1) before ingestion of the first pill, 2) ~4hrs after ingestion of the first pill (right before onset of 1st behavioral task), and 3) ~7hrs after ingestion of the first pill (at the end of the experimental session). The other file contains data from the Visual Analogue Scale, in which several subjective states are recorded. This questionaire was filled in at the same time as the physiological measurements (thus 3 times per experimental session.</p

    Raw EEG data

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    This folder contains all the raw EEG data. Filenames have the following structure: {subjectID}_{session}_attend.raw.fif.  For example for the first, subject and session the filename is: 01_0_attend.raw.fif </p

    Behavioral data

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    This dataset contains the raw behavioral data of the spatial attention task. The zip-file containts .csv files for each participant and experimental session. Each file shows parameters (columns) for each trial (rows), including direction of the cue ('cue'), location of the target stimulus ('location'), orientation of the target stimulus ('orientation').</p

    Pupil data

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    This dataset contains the pupil data that was used to establish effects of atomoxetine and donepezil on pupil size prior to the onset of the first behavioral experiment (when levels of both atomoxetine and donepezil were assumed to peak in blood levels). Note that task order was counter-balanced between participants. The first task of each participant is named in the .edf file containing the pupil data. From the start of the recording participants saw an instruction text for 5s, followed by three periods (15s each) in which the monitor background was first dark (RGB=(0,0,0)), then bright (RGB=(0,0,0)), and then dark again (RGB=(0,0,0)). One can use these timings to extract raw pupil data during these time-windows to extract minimal and maximal pupil size during each drug condition.</p