297 research outputs found

    Rassenvergelijking Regioras: Kostelijk Brabant 2013

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    Een belangrijke stap om kennis over zaadvermeerdering en veredeling onder telers in stand te houden is bewustzijn van raskenmerken te bevorderen, dat wil zeggen het bewustzijn dat niet alle rassen voor alle teeltsystemen geschikt zijn. Zo geldt dit met name voor biologische abonnemententelers in Brabant die op zandgrond werken. Groenteveredeling richt zich op grootschalige intensieve teelt op vruchtbare (klei) bodems. Deze rassen zijn steeds minder geschikt voor biologische abonnemententelers. De opzet van dit project was om specifiek met deze Noord‐Brabantse telers van drie gewassen een rassenvergelijking op te zetten (veldsla, boerenkool en rode biet), per gewas vijf rassen, en de kwaliteit gezamenlijk te vergelijken

    De zaadteelt van ui (Allium cepa) - Handleiding voor zaadteelt en selectie

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    Deze handleiding is met name bedoeld voor telers die met zaadteelt en/of selectie aan de gang willen gaan onder Nederlandse klimaatomstandigheden. Deze handleiding is gebaseerd op veel praktische ervaring uit het veld, deels ervaring vanuit (oude)vakliteratuur, en deels door interviews met ervaren zaadtelers en selecteurs


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    Acord adoptat pel Gerent Municipal el 31-03-200

    Detection of early warning signals for overruns in IS projects: linguistic analysis of business case language

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    Many Information Systems (IS) projects fail to be completed within budget and on schedule. A contributing factor is the so-called planning fallacy in which people tend to underestimate the resources required to complete a project. In this paper, we propose that signals of the planning fallacy can be detected in a project’s business case. We investigated whether language usage in business cases can serve as an early warning signal for overruns in IS projects. Drawing on two theoretical perspectives–t

    Promoting occupational health through gamification and e-coaching: A 5-month user engagement study

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    Social gamification systems have shown potential for promoting healthy lifestyles, but applying them to occupational settings faces unique design challenges. While occupational settings offer natural communities for social interaction, fairness issues due to heterogeneous personal goals and privacy concerns increase the difficulty of designing engaging games. We explored a two-level game-design, where the first level related to achieving personal goals and the second level was a privacy-protected social competition to maximize goal compliance among colleagues. The solution was strengthened by employing occupational physicians who personalized users’ goals and coached them remotely. The design was evaluated in a 5-month study with 53 employees from a Dutch university. Results suggested that the application helped half of the participants to improve their lifestyles, and most appreciated the role of the physician in goal-setting. However, long-term user engagement was undermined by the scalability-motivated design choice of one-way communication between employees and their physician. Implications for social gamification design in occupational health are discussed
