38 research outputs found

    Urinary Eosinophil Protein X in Children with Atopic Asthma

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between urinary eosinophil protein X (uEPX) and asthma symptoms, lung function, and other markers of eosinophilic airway inflammation in asthmatic school children. Methods. A cross-sectional study was performed in 180 steroid dependent atopic children with stable moderately severe asthma, who were stable on 200 or 500μg of fluticasone per day. uEPX was measured in a single sample of urine and was normalized for creatinine concentration (uEPX/c). Symptom scores were kept on a diary card. FEV1 and PD20 methacholine were measured. Sputum induction was performed in 49 and FENO levels measured in 24 children. Results. We found an inverse correlation between uEPX/c and FEV1 (r = −.20, P = .01) and a borderline significant correlation between uEPX/c and PD20 methacholine (r = −.15, P = .06). Symptom score, %eosinophils and ECP in induced sputum and FENO levels did not correlate with uEPX/c. Conclusion. uEPX/c levels did not correlate with established markers of asthma severity and eosinophilic airway inflammation in atopic asthmatic children

    Pharmacokinetics and safety of tobramycin nebulization with the I-neb and PARI-LC Plus in children with cystic fibrosis: A randomized, crossover study

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    Aims: We aimed to compare the pharmacokinetics (PK) and safety profile of tobramycin inhalation solution (TIS) using the I-neb device to the standard PARI-LC Plus nebulizer in children with cystic fibrosis. Methods: A randomized, open-label, crossover study was performed. In 2 separate study visits, blood samples from 22 children were collected following TIS nebulization with I-neb (75 mg) and PARI-LC Plus (300 mg). Study visits were separated by 1 month, in which 1 of the study nebulizers was used twice daily. Tobramycin PK for both nebulizers was established using measured tobramycin concentrations and Bayesian PK modelling software. Hearing and renal function tests were performed to test for aminoglycoside associated toxicity. In addition to standard estimated glomerular filtration rate values, biomarkers for tubular injury (KIM-1 and NAG) were measured. Patient and nebulizer satisfaction were assessed. Results: Inhalations were well tolerated and serum trough concentrations below the predefined toxic limit were reached with no significant differences in PK parameters between nebulizers. Results of audiometry and estimated glomerular filtration rate revealed no abnormalities. However, increased urinary NAG/creatinine ratios at visit 2 for both nebulizers suggest TIS-induced subclinical tubular kidney injury. Nebulization time was 50% shorter and patient satisfaction was significantly higher with the I-neb. Conclusions: Nebulization of 75 mg TIS with the I-neb in children with cystic fibrosis resulted in comparable systemic exposure to 300 mg TIS with the PARI-LC Plus and was well tolerated and preferred over the PARI-LC Plus. Long-term safety of TIS nebulization should be monitored clinically, especially regarding the effects on tubular kidney injury

    Will symptom-based therapy be effective for treating asthma in children?

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