1,051 research outputs found

    Keragaman Keyakinan Sebuah Tantangan Dan Harapan Bagi Kerukunan Beragama (Studi Pemikiran Th Sumartana Tentang Keragaman Keyakinan)

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    Intensive conflicts occur when it enters an era of globalization. Sumartana, the Catholic pastor of Jogjakarta, giving the idea that it needs for a new approach of looking at religion in order to prevent the religious conflict. According to Sumartana , all Humans have "nur ilahiā€ the divine light. All human being in the world is created by God. Man is not the demonic creature. Basically, humans are "good", because it has the "divine light". In Christian theology man is referred to "the map or the image of God". Sumartana also suggested that the dialogue is not scheduled "competition of truth". Dialogue does not choose the champions of religion. Dialogue is not a fight for the number one. Religion according Sumartana should have a commitment to humanity. The mission of religion is humanistic, not just converting people to Christianity. So missiology is not heresiologi which is an attempt to condemn other people. Instead the mission is to improve the lives of people and society as a whole. Sumartana proposes a liberative Christology that combines "liberation theology" and "theological dialogue" with the starting point at the "historical Jesus an

    Sistem Informasi Akademik Berbasis Web Pada Universitas Wanita Internasional

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    Each university has different academic requirements It depends on academic poilicies of each University so that International Women University (IWU) that have purpose to be a centre development technology which competitive, dynamic and inovativ .They can't manage information well because not been able to take technology properly .Especially at managing student score, student attendance and e-learning for lecturer and student. Of course it will affect toward information and data for IWU stakeholder.We used prototype method as development method.And structured method as approach method. PHP as programming software and MySQL as database to build this Academic Information System.Academic web-based information system created to handle academic problems at IWU especially at student score, student attendance and e-learning for lecturer and student. And advice for next researcher are repairing at interface design ,added application for managing registration for thesis, and application for managing alumnus at this university

    Upaya Memperkecil Kesenjangan Kompetensi Lulusan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan dengan Tuntutan Dunia Industri

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    Vocational High Schools are concerned with human resources development to cope the requirements of fast developing market. Indonesian education is still not comprehensive as it emphasizes on the hard skills and neglects the soft skills and eventually the graduates find difficulty to compete in the workforce. In preparing competent human resources as expected by the industry, the prioritised programs to be undertaken by the Vocational High Schools are (1) conducting the teaching factory program; (2) collaborative programs with the industry that consist of: field practices, internship (on the job training), industrial visits, recruitments, industrial classes; and (3) stakeholders\u27 guidance related to workforce.Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) sebagai salah satu pemegang peranan penting dalam penyiapan tenaga kerja dituntut untuk selalu dapat mengikuti kebutuhan pasar yang terus berkembang. Sekolah yang ada di Indonesia belum membentuk lulusan yang mempunyai dua keterampilan yaitu hard skillsdan soft skillsdan pada akhirnya lulusannya akan sulit bersaing di dunia kerja.Dalam menyiapkan tenaga kerja yang berkompeten sesuai harapan industri, SMK dapat melaksanakan program-program kegiatan yaitu: (1) program teaching factory; (2) Jalinan kerjasama dengan industri yang berbentuk: pengelolaan prakerin yang baik, magang (on the job training), pengelolaan kunjungan industri, rekruitmen tenaga kerja, penyelenggaraan kelas industri; dan (3) Penyuluhan dan pembinaan dari stake holder terkait dengan ketenagakerjaan

    Pro-Kontra Perdagangan Bebas Asean-China (ACFTA)

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    FTntries and China and such advantages can be enjoyed in the long run. While a counter claim that today's reality in ACFTA implemtation has hurt ASEAN member countries in general and Indonesia in particular. And the fact in the short term should not wait for the solution in the long run. The policy implications that can be drawn by the Indonesian government are the government needs to continue to renegotiate the products and services that are not yet ready, optimize its trade attache in China, to diversify export destinations (not just China alone), and information dissemination on various opportunities, threats, and rules in ACFT

    Do Geographic Factors Predict Emergency Pregnancy Outcomes?

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    Background: Maternal and infant deaths are global public health problem. It was hypothesized that the location and socioeconomic status may contribute to health outcomes. A high and sloping location may be associated with emergency pregnancy outcomes such as bleeding and eclampsia. This study aimed to determine the association between maternal characteristics, geographic factors, and the risk of emergency pregnancy outcomes. Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with a cross-sectional design conducted in Bantul, Yogyakarta. A sample of 612 pregnant mothers consisting of 306 pregnant mothers who lived in the rural area and 306 pregnant mothers who lived in the urban area was selected for this study. The dependent variables were bleeding and eclampsia. The independent variables were age, parity, history of abortion, history of Cesarean section (SC), altitude, and inclination. The data of bleeding and eclampsia were collected from the medical record. The altitude and inclination data were measured by Garmint 3.0 tool. The ordinate points were calculated by the health mapper software program. The other variables were measured by questionnaire. The data were analyzed by logistic regression. Results: The proportion of abortion history in rural area (10.5%) was higher than in urban area (4.9%). The proportion of bleeding in rural area (11.4%) was higher than in urban area (3.6%). The proportion of eclampsia in rural area (6.9%) was higher than in urban area (3.3%). The risk of bleeding increased with age (OR= 1.39; p = 0.001), abortion history (OR= 1.72; p= 0.001), and altitude (OR= 1.14; p= 0.023). The risk of bleeding decreased with parity (OR= 0.21; p= 0.631), SC history (OR= 0.03; p= 0.806), and inclination (OR= 0.66; p= 0.127). The risk of eclampsia increased with age (OR= 2.31; p<0.001), abortion history (OR= 1.55; p= 0.019), SC history (OR= 1.52; p= 0.221), and inclination (OR= 1.01; p= 0.044). Conclusion: The risk of bleeding increases with age, abortion history, and altitude, but decreases with parity and SC history, and inclination. The risk of eclampsia increases with age, abortion history, SC history, and inclination. Keywords: bleeding, eclampsia, altitude, inclination, rural, urba
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