21 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Efikasi Diri Orang Tua untuk Vaksinasi Covid 19 pada Anak Usia 6-11 di SD Kabupaten Probolinggo

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    Children are the future human capital asset of a country, so the Covid-19 pandemic that affects children must also be a concern, including the need for vaccinations for children. The government officially started vaccinating children aged 6-11 years on December 14 with a target number of around 26.5 million children. However, the success of Covid 19 vaccination in children must refer to the success of adult vaccination. Parents have an important role in children's Covid-19 vaccines, because the decision to vaccinate children lies with the parents. For this reason, parents must have high self-efficacy so that children can get Covid 19 vaccination. For this reason, parents must have high self-efficacy so that children can get Covid 19 vaccination. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that influence parents' self-efficacy for Covid-19 vaccination in children aged 6-11 years. This research method is an analytical observational study with a quantitative approach. This research is a cross sectional study with a sample of 120 respondents. The sampling technique used is purpose sampling. Respondents in this study were parents in SD Probolinggo Regenc. Based on the results of the multiple linear regression test, it shows that there is a simultaneous influence between the independent variables consisting of X1 (individual belief) and X2 (attitude towards behavior) on Y (parental self-efficacy)


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    Self Reported very rarely considered as intervention resolve Pandemic COVID 19 in Indonesia.  A literature study was conducted to serve as a reference for the importance of self-reporting in overcoming this pandemic. This literature study uses an electronic database through national and international journals such as science directx, elsiver, NEJM, Google scholar. Inclusion criteria used by the author is to limit or journal article that appeared in the last two years starting in 2019 until 2021. The keyword used for the search was Self reported COVID 19. The results of the Literature Review of 29 journals (Google Scholar 8 articles, science directx 6 articles, Elsiver 7 articles, NEJM 8 articles) 17 published journals did not match the topic of discussion. There were 11 articles that met the criteria and were selected to be used as case studies. The results of the research as a whole show that self-reported is able to provide an overview of COVID 19 in the community and make it easier to find out people with COVID 19


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    Corona virus disease (covid-19) is an infectious disease. Prevention of covid is by complying with health protocols. Knowledge is one of the factors of non-compliance, knowledge can be increased through education. The research method we use here is literature review using electronic databases through international and national journals such as google scientist, science direct, pro-quest, jstor with the keyword "Strategy In Increasing Public Compliance With Health Protocols During The Covid-19 Pandemic" The inclusion criteria used by the author is to limit the articles or journals published in the last five years starting from 2017 to 2021. This literature review uses 14 articles that meet the criteria. The conclusion in the results of the literature review study above is one method to improve community compliance is to use a combination strategy between offline and online learning using audio-visual and print and through social media can increase knowledge to carry out health protocols


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    Patients suffering from respiratory system disorders often experience excess mucus production, which makes breathing difficult because sputum usually accumulates until it becomes thick and difficult to expel. Chest physiotherapy can be applied to remove sputum for a more effective airway. The purpose of this study of literature review is to evaluate the effect of chest physiotherapy on pneumonia patients. Database searches included ScienceDirect, Pubmed, Google Scholar with keywords chest physiotherapy and pneumonia. The criteria for selected articles are 2017-2021, with full text and in English and Indonesian. This study of literature used 18 articles that met the inclusion criteria. Chest physiotherapy can facilitate sputum production, improve respiratory rate and provide an airway. This technique can be applied to increase the effectiveness of the airway


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    The Covid-19 infection spreads very quickly throughout the world so it is necessary to prevent the spread of Covid-19 by implementing Clean and Healthy Living (PHBS) behaviors such as washing hands using soap or hand sanitizer, wearing masks when doing activities outside the home and applying coughing and sneezing etiquette. Through PHBS, it is hoped that the community can maintain, maintain and improve their health. The purpose of this literature study is to find out the effectiveness of implementing Clean and Healthy Lifestyles both in the community and health service agencies in preventing the transmission of Covid-19. Database searches include Google Scholar, Google Scholar, Garuda Portal, and Science Direct with the keywords PHBS, COVID-19, Clean and healthy lifestyle. The criteria for selected articles are 2017-2021, with full text and in English and Indonesian. This literature study used 16 articles that met the inclusion criteria. The application of Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) can be applied to increase awareness of individual health in an effort to prevent the transmission of Covid-19

    Efektivitas Dan Keamanan Vaksin Covid-19 : Studi Refrensi

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    Various strategies and development of the Covid-19 vaccine have been carried out for the control of the Covid-19 pandemic. Various vaccines have undergone clinical trials with promising results in various countries. The effectiveness and safety and short- and long-term side effects of vaccines are a major concern in clinical trials in these strategies and developments. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out the effectiveness and safety of the Covid-19 vaccine so that it can inform and increase public confidence in the Covid-19 vaccine through a reference study approach. Method: The research method we use here is a reference study using electronic databases through journals from international and national. Google Scholar, science direx, elsiver, Pubmed are used as the main Journal database for this reference study. Results: From the results of reference studies found that all vaccines in clinical trials have promising effectiveness and safety. The Pfizer-BiONTech vaccine is a vaccine that has a good level of effectiveness and safety with a value of 94.6% and does not cause serious side effects. Double-dose vaccination further improves the immune response in younger and older adults. Conclusion: The Covid-19 vaccine in clinical trials all demonstrates promising immunogenicity with varying levels of protective effectiveness and an acceptable safety profile

    PKM Pendampingan Pasien Terkonfirmasi Positif Covid-19 dalam Manajemen Diri Pasca Karantina di Rumah Karantina SMP Negeri 1 Pajarakan Probolinggo

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    Covid varian delta kini masuk ke Negara Indonesia, tentunya kondisi ini membuat pemerintah harus mencari cara untuk menekan angka peningkatan jumlah kasus covid-19 varian delta dikarenakan terbatasnya tenaga kesehatan dan ruang isolasi dirumah sakit. Salah satu langkah yang dilakukan pemerintah kabupaten probolinggo agar tidak terjadinya overload pasien covid-19 di rumah sakit yaitu didirikan rumah karantina yang terletak dibeberapa tempat dikabupaten probolinggo yang dipantau oleh relawan. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah agar pasien terkonfirmasi positif Covid-19 dapat melakukan manajemen diri pasca karantina. Tahap awal yang dilakukan adalah mengidentifikasi dan mengobservasi lingkungan di rumah karantina dan melakukan komunikasi dengan pihak dari Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Probolinggo. Pada tahap kedua kami melakukan pendampingan pasien terkonfirmasi positif Covid-19 di rumah karantina dalam persiapan pasca karantina dengan  tentang pedoman manajemen diri menurut WHO yang terdiri dari: Cara Mengatasi Sesak Nafas, Berolahraga, dan Mengajarkan Pentingnya Pemeriksaan Diri Saat ada Keluhan. Tahap evaluasi dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi adanya feed-back setelah dilakukan sosialisasi mengenai pedoman manajemen diri dari WHO pasca karantina dengan menanyakan kembali materi yang telah disampaikan kepada pasien dan dengan hasil mayoritas pasien mengerti terhadap apa yang telah dijelaskan. Dalam pencegahan dan penanganan kasus Covid-19 di Kabupaten Probolinggo pemerintah masih membutuhkan bantuan relawan Covid-19 untuk membantu memantau keadaan pasien Covid-19 di rumah karantina yang terletak dibeberapa tempat di Kabupaten Probolinggo

    PKM Keterlibatan Dosen dan Mahasiswa Profesi Ners sebagai Tim Kesehatan Pos Penyekatan PPKM Darurat se Jawa- Bali di Kabupaten Probolinggo

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    Covid-19 dengan varian delta masuk ke Indonesia membuat angka kesakitan dan kematian naik begitu signifikan, sehingga Pemerintah mengambil kebijakan PPKM Darurat se Jawa-Bali. Seiring dengan keadaan tersebut daerah Kabupaten Probolinggo melakukan hal yang sama dengan penyekatan pintu masuk ke wilayah Probolinggo. Permasalahannya kekurangan petugas kesehatan, sehingga kebutuhan tenaga kesehatan di pos penyekatan dimanfaatkan oleh mahasiswa Profesi Ners Universitas Nurul Jadid untuk menjadi relawan tenaga kesehatan di pos penyekatan PPKM Darurat. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu untuk mensukseskan program PPKM  Darurat di wilayah Kabupaten Probolinggo. Tahap  pertama  yang  kami  lakukan  adalah tahap identifikasi yaitu pengamatan lapangan  dan melakukan  komunikasi dengan Puskesmas Sumberasih Kabupaten Probolinggo untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran tentang SOP melakukan swab antigen dengan baik, Tahap kedua yang kami lakukan adalah tahap implementasi yaitu pelaksanaan swab antigen yang dilaksanakan di pos penyekatan PPKM Darurat, Tahap ketiga yang kami lakukan adalah mengevaluasi dari proses implementasi bahwasanya mahasiswa mampu membantu mensukseskan program PPKM Darurat. Sebagaimana  rancangan yang  telah  kami  rangkai  dalam  langkah membantu tim satuan tugas covid-19 Kabupaten Probolinggo, mahasiswa membantu program keberhasilan PPKM Darurat dengan menjadi relawan dari akademik sebagai tenaga kesehatan di pos penyekatan PPKM Darurat untuk melakukan pemeriksaan swab antigen. Pendampingan mahasiswa Profesi Ners sebagai relawan pos penyekatan PPKM darurat merupakan program PKM yang diwujudkan sebagai suatu pengabdian kepada masyarakat maka pembimbing akademik mendelegasikan serta mendampingi mahasiswa untuk turut membantu Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Probolinggo. Dari beberapa pemaparan diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam  pelaksanaan pendampingan mahasiswa sebagai relawan pos penyekatan PPKM Darurat di exit tol Probolinggo Barat, mahasiswa dapat memahami dan melakukan swab antigen dengan baik serta mahasiswa dapat mencapai kompetensi yang seharusnya tercapai di lahan praktek klinik di RSUD Sidoarjo


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    COVID-19 vaccine is the last weapon to reduce morbidity and prevent of death. However, in Indonesia there are many obstacles, the level of knowledge and self-efficacy is very important to note. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between the level of knowledge and self-efficacy in Covid-19 vaccination. A correlational study with a cross sectional approach was conducted on the student population of the Faculty of Health, Nurul Jadid University, there were 110 students who participated in this study. The independent variable is Knowledge Level while the dependent variable is Self Efficacy. The instrument in this study used a questionnaire. The results of data analysis with Spearman's rho, obtained a value of r = 0.756 and a value of p = 0.000. Based on the results of the statistical test, it was found that there was a very strong and positive patterned relationship between the level of knowledge and self-efficacy. The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant relationship between the level of knowledge and self-efficacy