2 research outputs found


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    Chemical compounds belonging to dioxin group are known to be highly toxic environmental pollutant. Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and polychlorinated dibenzofuran are produced during organic materials burning process. Pentachlorophenol, a compound similar to dioxin, is widely used as wood preservative, fungicide, bacteriocide, herbicide, algicide and insecticide. Some white-rot fungi have potential to produce lignin degrading enzyme and degrade dioxin compounds. The diversity of white-rot fungi in Indonesia provides potential source for environmental pollutant-degrading microorganisms. In this study, basidiomycetes were isolated from fruiting body and rotted wood samples which were collected from seven provinces in Indonesia. Three hundred seventy basidiomycete isolates were screened for dioxin degrading activity using dye-decolorization method. The result indicated that sixty isolates had dioxin degrading activity, three of which showed significant activity.Keywords: Ligninolytic, basidiomycetes, biodegradation, dioxin, fungus ABSTRAKSenyawa-senyawa kimia dalam kelompok dioksin telah diketahui sebagai polutan lingkungan yang sangat beracun. Dibenzo-p-dioksin terpoliklorinasi dan dibenzofuran terpoliklorinasi dihasilkan selama proses pembakaran bahan-bahan organik. Pentaklorofenol, suatu senyawa mirip dioksin, banyak digunakan sebagai pengawet kayu, fungisida, bakterisida, herbisida, algisida dan insektisida. Beberapa jamur pelapuk putih memiliki potensi untuk menghasilkan enzim pengurai lignin dan mendegradasi senyawa-senyawa dioksin. Keanekaragaman jamur pelapuk putih di Indonesia yang tinggi merupakan sumber potensial mikroorganisme pengurai polutan lingkungan. Pada kajian ini, basidiomisetes diisolasi dari sampel-sampel tubuh buah dan kayu lapuk yang diambil dari tujuh provinsi di Indonesia. Tiga ratus tujuh puluh isolat basidiomisetes telah diseleksi aktivitasnya sebagai pendegradasi dioksin. Metode dye-decolorization digunakan pada seleksi ini. Hasil seleksi menunjukkan bahwa enam puluh isolat basidiomisetes memiliki aktivitas sebagai pendegradasi dioksin, tiga isolat di antaranya menunjukkan aktivitas tertinggi.Kata kunci: Ligninolisis, basidiomisetes, biodegradasi, dioksin, jamurÂ

    Nornidulin, A New Inhibitor of <i>Plasmodium falciparum</i> Malate: Quinone Oxidoreductase (<i>Pf</i>MQO) from Indonesian <i>Aspergillus</i> sp. BioMCC f.T.8501

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    This study aimed to obtain a microbial active compound as a novel antimalarial drug from Indonesian isolates. Target-based assays were used to screen for antimalarial activity against the parasite mitochondrial, Plasmodium falciparum malate:quinone oxidoreductase (PfMQO) enzyme. In total, 1600 crude extracts, composed from 800 fungi and 800 actinomycetes extracts, were screened against PfMQO, yielding six active extracts as primary hits. After several stages of stability tests, one extract produced by Aspergillus sp. BioMCC f.T.8501 demonstrated stable PfMQO inhibitory activity. Several purification stages, including OCC, TLC, and HPLC, were performed to obtain bioactive compounds from this active extract. All purification steps were followed by an assay against PfMQO. We identified the active compound as nornidulin based on its LC-MS and UV spectrum data. Nornidulin inhibited PfMQO activity at IC50 of 51 µM and P. falciparum 3D7 proliferation in vitro at IC50 of 44.6 µM, however, it had no effect on the growth of several mammalian cells. In conclusion, we isolated nornidulin from Indonesian Aspergillus sp. BioMCC f.T.8501 as a novel inhibitor of PfMQO, which showed inhibitory activity against the proliferation of P. falciparum 3D7 in vitro